Source code for viscid.calculator.minvar_tools

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Minimum Variance Analysis and boundary normal crd tools"""

from __future__ import print_function, division

import numpy as np
import viscid

__all__ = ["minvar", "minvar_series", "minvar_around",
           "find_minvar_lmn", "find_minvar_lmn_around"]

[docs]def minvar(B, p1, p2, n=40): """Find minimum variance eigenvectors of `B` between `p1` and `p2` Do minimum variance analysis (MVA) of vector field `B` between two points, i.e., `p1` and `p2` are like two spacecraft locations on either side of the boundary for the MVA. Args: B (:py:class:`viscid.field.VectorField`): Vector field for MVA p1 (sequence): xyz point on one side of the boundary p2 (sequence): xyz point on the other side of the boundary n (int): number of points to sample B for the MVA Returns: (evals, evecs) All are ordered toward increasing eigenvalue magnitude. `evecs` is a 2d array where the vectors are columns (2nd axis), i.e., the min variance eigenvector is evecs[0, :] """ p1 = np.array(p1).reshape((3,)) p2 = np.array(p2).reshape((3,)) line = viscid.Line(p1, p2, n) b = viscid.interp_trilin(B, line) return minvar_series(
[docs]def minvar_series(arr, warn_finite=True): """Find minimum variance eigenvectors of vector series Args: arr (ndarray): vector time series with shape (nsamples, 3) Returns: (evals, evecs) All are ordered toward increasing eigenvalue magnitude. `evecs` is a 2d array where the vectors are columns (2nd axis), i.e., the min variance eigenvector is evecs[0, :] """ mask = np.all(np.isfinite(arr), axis=1, keepdims=False) if np.sum(mask) < 3: if warn_finite: viscid.logger.warning("Minvar says you need > 3 finite samples") return [np.full([3], np.nan, dtype=arr.dtype), np.full([3, 3], np.nan, dtype=arr.dtype)] arr = arr[mask] m = np.zeros((3, 3)) for i in range(3): for j in range(i+1): bibj = np.mean(arr[:, i] * arr[:, j]) m[i, j] = bibj - (np.mean(arr[:, i]) * np.mean(arr[:, j])) m[j, i] = bibj - (np.mean(arr[:, i]) * np.mean(arr[:, j])) evals, evecs = np.linalg.eig(m) eval_mags = np.abs(evals) sorted_inds = np.argsort(eval_mags) evec_min = evecs[:, sorted_inds[0]].flatten() evec_int = evecs[:, sorted_inds[1]].flatten() evec_max = evecs[:, sorted_inds[2]].flatten() eval_min = eval_mags[sorted_inds[0]] eval_int = eval_mags[sorted_inds[1]] warn_thresh = 0.05 if (eval_int - eval_min) / eval_min < warn_thresh: viscid.logger.warning("Minvar says minimum and intermediate eigenvalues " "are too close together: {0:g} - {1:g} < {2:g}%" "".format(eval_int, eval_min, warn_thresh)) return evals[sorted_inds], np.array([evec_min, evec_int, evec_max]).T
[docs]def minvar_around(B, p0, l=1.0, path_dir=(1, 0, 0), n=40): """Find minimum variance eigenvectors of `B` around point `p0` Do minimum variance analysis (MVA) of vector field `B` a distance `l`/2 around point `p0` in the direction of `path_dir`, i.e., `path_dir` is like the spacecraft travel direction. Args: B (:py:class:`viscid.field.VectorField`): Vector field for MVA p0 (sequence): xyz center point, within -l/2 and +l/2 of the boundary in the path_dir directon l (float): distance on either side of center point path_dir (tuple): spacecraft travel direction n (int): number of points to sample B for the MVA Returns: (evals, evecs) All are ordered toward increasing eigenvalue magnitude. `evecs` is a 2d array where the vectors are columns (2nd axis), i.e., the min variance eigenvector is evecs[0, :] See Also: :py:func:`minvar` """ p0 = np.array(p0).reshape((3,)) path_dir = np.array(path_dir).reshape((3,)) path_dir = path_dir / np.linalg.norm(path_dir) p1 = p0 - 0.5 * l * path_dir p2 = p0 + 0.5 * l * path_dir return minvar(B, p1, p2, n=n)
def _minvar_lmn_directions(evec_min, evec_max, l_basis=(0, 0, 1)): """Find rotation matrix for going to boundary normal (lmn) crds Args: evec_min (sequence): minvar minimum eigenvector evec_max (sequence): minvar maximum eigenvector l_basis (sequence): vector used to define the l-direction, i.e., the l direction will be `l_basis` projected perpendicular to the boundary normal directon. If None, then `l_basis` will be set to `evec_max`. Returns: ndarray: 3x3 array of l,m,n basis column (2nd axis) vectors Note: If l_basis is parallel to the normal direction, evec_max will be used """ evec_min = np.array(evec_min).reshape((3,)) evec_min = evec_min / np.linalg.norm(evec_min) n_dir = evec_min try: l_basis = np.array(l_basis).reshape((3,)) if np.allclose(n_dir, l_basis / np.linalg.norm(l_basis)): viscid.logger.warning("LMN says l_basis is parallel to normal, using " "MVAs max eigenvector direction") raise ValueError except ValueError: l_basis = np.array(evec_max).reshape((3,)) l_dir = l_basis -, n_dir) * n_dir l_dir = l_dir / np.linalg.norm(l_dir) m_dir = np.cross(n_dir, l_dir) return np.array([l_dir, m_dir, n_dir]).T
[docs]def find_minvar_lmn(B, p1, p2, n=40, l_basis=(0, 0, 1)): """Find rotation matrix for going to boundary normal (lmn) crds Args: B (:py:class:`viscid.field.VectorField`): Vector field for MVA p1 (sequence): xyz point on one side of the boundary p2 (sequence): xyz point on the other side of the boundary n (int): number of points to sample B for the MVA l_basis (sequence): vector used to define the l-direction, i.e., the l direction will be `l_basis` projected perpendicular to the boundary normal directon. If None, then `l_basis` will be set to `evec_max`. Returns: ndarray: 3x3 array of l,m,n basis column (2nd axis) vectors """ _, evecs = minvar(B, p1, p2, n=n) return _minvar_lmn_directions(evecs[:, 0], evecs[:, 2], l_basis=l_basis)
[docs]def find_minvar_lmn_around(B, p0, l=1.0, path_dir=(1, 0, 0), n=40, l_basis=(0, 0, 1)): """Find rotation matrix for going to boundary normal (lmn) crds Finds boundary normal from minimum variance analysis (MVA) of vector field `B` a distance `l`/2 around point `p0` in the direction of `path_dir`, i.e., `path_dir` is like the spacecraft travel direction. Args: B (:py:class:`viscid.field.VectorField`): Vector field for MVA p0 (sequence): xyz center point, within -l/2 and +l/2 of the boundary in the path_dir directon l (float): distance on either side of center point path_dir (tuple): spacecraft travel direction n (int): number of points to sample B for the MVA l_basis (sequence): vector used to define the l-direction, i.e., the l direction will be `l_basis` projected perpendicular to the boundary normal directon. If None, then `l_basis` will be set to `evec_max`. Returns: ndarray: 3x3 array of l,m,n basis column (2nd axis) vectors See Also: :py:func:`find_nlm` """ _, evecs = minvar_around(B, p0, l=l, path_dir=path_dir, n=n) return _minvar_lmn_directions(evecs[:, 0], evecs[:, 2], l_basis=l_basis)
def _main(): x = np.linspace(-1, 1, 128) y = z = np.linspace(-0.25, 0.25, 8) B = viscid.zeros((x, y, z), nr_comps=3, layout='interlaced', name="B") X, Y, Z = B.get_crds("xyz", shaped=True) # pylint: disable=unused-variable xl, yl, zl = B.xl # pylint: disable=unused-variable xh, yh, zh = B.xh # pylint: disable=unused-variable xm, ym, zm = 0.5 * (B.xl + B.xh) # pylint: disable=unused-variable B['x'] = 0.0 # np.sin(1.0 * np.pi * X / (xh - xl) + 0.5 * np.pi) B['y'] = np.sin(1.0 * np.pi * X / (xh - xl) + 0.5 * np.pi) B['z'] = np.sin(1.0 * np.pi * X / (xh - xl) - 1.0 * np.pi) B += 0.33 * np.random.random_sample(B.shape) # R = viscid.a2b_rotm((1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 1)) # B[...] = np.einsum("ij,lmnj->lmni", R, B) lmn = find_minvar_lmn(B, (xl, ym, zm), (xh, ym, zm), l_basis=None) # lmn = find_minvar_lmn(B, (xl, ym, zm), (xh, ym, zm), l_basis=(0, 0, 1)) print("LMN matrix:\n", lmn, sep='') ########## from viscid.plot import vpyplot as vlt from matplotlib import pyplot as plt p0 = np.array((xm, ym, zm)).reshape((3,)) pl = p0 + 0.25 * lmn[:, 0] pm = p0 + 0.25 * lmn[:, 1] pn = p0 + 0.25 * lmn[:, 2] print("p0", p0) print("pl", pl) print("pm", pm) print("pn", pn) vlt.subplot(211) vlt.plot2d_quiver(B['z=0j']) plt.plot([p0[0], pl[0]], [p0[1], pl[1]], color='r', ls='-') plt.plot([p0[0], pm[0]], [p0[1], pm[1]], color='c', ls='-') plt.plot([p0[0], pn[0]], [p0[1], pn[1]], color='b', ls='-') plt.ylabel("Y") vlt.subplot(212) vlt.plot2d_quiver(B['y=0j']) plt.plot([p0[0], pl[0]], [p0[2], pl[2]], color='r', ls='-') plt.plot([p0[0], pm[0]], [p0[2], pm[2]], color='c', ls='-') plt.plot([p0[0], pn[0]], [p0[2], pn[2]], color='b', ls='-') plt.xlabel("X") plt.ylabel("Z") ########## return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": import sys # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position,wrong-import-order sys.exit(_main()) ## ## EOF ##