# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
"""Fields are the basis of Viscid's data abstration
Fields belong in grids, or by themselves as a result of a calculation.
They can belong to a :class:`Grid` as the result of a file load, or
by themselves as the result of a calculation. This module has some
convenience functions for creating fields similar to `Numpy`.
from __future__ import print_function
from itertools import count, islice
from inspect import isclass
import re
import numpy as np
import viscid
from viscid import logger
from viscid.compat import string_types, izip_longest
from viscid import coordinate
from viscid.cython import interp_trilin
from viscid import sliceutil
from viscid import tree
from viscid.vutil import subclass_spider
LAYOUT_DEFAULT = "none" # do not translate
LAYOUT_INTERLACED = "interlaced"
LAYOUT_FLAT = "flat"
LAYOUT_SCALAR = "scalar"
LAYOUT_OTHER = "other"
__all__ = ['arrays2field', 'dat2field', 'full', 'empty', 'zeros', 'ones',
'full_like', 'empty_like', 'zeros_like', 'ones_like',
'mfield', 'mfield_cell', 'mfield_node',
'scalar_fields_to_vector', 'wrap_field']
[docs]def arrays2field(crd_arrs, dat_arr, name="NoName", center=None,
crd_type=None, crd_names="xyzuvw"):
"""Turn arrays into fields so they can be used in viscid.plot, etc.
This is a convenience function that takes care of making coordnates
and the like. If the default behavior doesn't work for you, you'll
need to make your own coordnates and call
crd_arrs (list of ndarrays): xyz list of ndarrays that
describe the node centered coordnates of the field
dat_arr (ndarray): data with len(crd_arrs) or len(crd_arrs) + 1
name (str): some name
center (str, None): If not None, translate field to this
centering (node or cell)
crds = coordinate.arrays2crds(crd_arrs, crd_type=crd_type, crd_names=crd_names)
# discover what kind of data was given
crds_shape_nc = list(crds.shape_nc)
crds_shape_cc = list(crds.shape_cc)
dat_arr_shape = list(dat_arr.shape)
if len(dat_arr.shape) == len(crds.shape_nc):
discovered_type = "scalar"
discovered_layout = LAYOUT_FLAT
if crds_shape_nc == dat_arr_shape:
discovered_center = "node"
elif crds_shape_cc == dat_arr_shape:
discovered_center = "cell"
raise ValueError("Can't detect centering for scalar dat_arr")
elif len(dat_arr.shape) == len(crds.shape_nc) + 1:
discovered_type = "vector"
if crds_shape_nc == dat_arr_shape[:-1]:
discovered_layout = LAYOUT_INTERLACED
discovered_center = "node"
elif crds_shape_cc == dat_arr_shape[:-1]:
discovered_layout = LAYOUT_INTERLACED
discovered_center = "cell"
elif crds_shape_nc == dat_arr_shape[1:]:
discovered_layout = LAYOUT_FLAT
discovered_center = "node"
elif crds_shape_cc == dat_arr_shape[1:]:
discovered_layout = LAYOUT_FLAT
discovered_center = "cell"
raise ValueError("Can't detect centering for vector dat_arr")
raise ValueError("crds and data have incompatable dimensions: {0} {1}"
"".format(dat_arr.shape, crds.shape_nc))
fld = wrap_field(dat_arr, crds, name=name, fldtype=discovered_type,
center=discovered_center, layout=discovered_layout)
fld = fld.as_centered(center)
return fld
[docs]def dat2field(dat_arr, name="NoName", fldtype="scalar", center=None,
"""Makes np.arange coordnate arrays and calls arrays2field
dat_arr (ndarray): data
name (str): name of field
fldtype (str, optional): 'scalar' / 'vector'
center (str, None): If not None, translate field to this
centering (node or cell)
layout (TYPE, optional): Description
sshape = []
if fldtype.lower() == "scalar":
sshape = dat_arr.shape
elif fldtype.lower() == "vector":
if layout == LAYOUT_FLAT:
sshape = dat_arr.shape[1:]
elif layout == LAYOUT_INTERLACED:
sshape = dat_arr.shape[:-1]
raise ValueError("Unknown layout: {0}".format(layout))
raise ValueError("Unknown type: {0}".format(fldtype))
crd_arrs = [np.arange(s).astype(dat_arr.dtype) for s in sshape]
return arrays2field(crd_arrs, dat_arr, name=name, center=center)
[docs]def full(crds, fill_value, dtype="f8", name="NoName", center="cell",
layout=LAYOUT_FLAT, nr_comps=0, crd_type=None, crd_names="xyzuvw",
"""Analogous to `numpy.full`
crds (Coordinates, list, or tuple): Can be a coordinates
object. Can also be a list of ndarrays describing
coordinate arrays. Or, if it's just a list or tuple of
integers, those integers are taken to be the nz,ny,nx shape
and the coordinates will be fill with :py:func:`np.arange`.
fill_value (number, None): Initial value of array. None
indicates uninitialized (i.e., `numpy.empty`)
dtype (optional): some way to describe numpy dtype of data
name (str): a way to refer to the field programatically
center (str, optional): cell or node, there really isn't
support for edge / face yet
layout (str, optional): how data is stored, is in "flat" or
"interlaced" (interlaced == AOS)
nr_comps (int, optional): for vector fields, nr of components
**kwargs: passed through to Field constructor
if not isinstance(crds, coordinate.Coordinates):
# if crds is a list/tuple of integers, then make coordinate
# arrays using arange
if not isinstance(crds, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
crds = list(crds)
except TypeError:
crds = [crds]
if all([isinstance(c, int) for c in crds]):
crds = [np.arange(c).astype(dtype) for c in crds]
# now assume that crds is a list of coordinate arrays that arrays2crds
# can understand
crds = coordinate.arrays2crds(crds, crd_type=crd_type, crd_names=crd_names)
if center.lower() == "cell":
sshape = crds.shape_cc
elif center.lower() == "node":
sshape = crds.shape_nc
sshape = crds.shape_nc
if nr_comps == 0:
fldtype = "scalar"
shape = sshape
fldtype = "vector"
if layout.lower() == LAYOUT_INTERLACED:
shape = list(sshape) + [nr_comps]
shape = [nr_comps] + list(sshape)
if fill_value is None:
dat = np.empty(shape, dtype=dtype)
if hasattr(np, "full"):
dat = np.full(shape, fill_value, dtype=dtype)
elif hasattr(np, "filled"):
dat = np.filled(shape, fill_value, dtype=dtype)
raise RuntimeError("Please update Numpy; your version has neither "
"`numpy.full` nor `numpy.filled`")
return wrap_field(dat, crds, name=name, fldtype=fldtype, center=center,
[docs]def empty(crds, dtype="f8", name="NoName", center="cell", layout=LAYOUT_FLAT,
nr_comps=0, **kwargs):
"""Analogous to `numpy.empty`
new uninitialized :class:`Field`
See Also: :meth:`full`
return full(crds, None, dtype=dtype, name=name, center=center,
layout=layout, nr_comps=nr_comps, **kwargs)
[docs]def zeros(crds, dtype="f8", name="NoName", center="cell", layout=LAYOUT_FLAT,
nr_comps=0, **kwargs):
"""Analogous to `numpy.zeros`
new :class:`Field` initialized to 0
See Also: :meth:`full`
return full(crds, 0.0, dtype=dtype, name=name, center=center,
layout=layout, nr_comps=nr_comps, **kwargs)
[docs]def ones(crds, dtype="f8", name="NoName", center="cell", layout=LAYOUT_FLAT,
nr_comps=0, **kwargs):
"""Analogous to `numpy.ones`
new :class:`Field` initialized to 1
See Also: :meth:`full`
return full(crds, 1.0, dtype=dtype, name=name, center=center,
layout=layout, nr_comps=nr_comps, **kwargs)
[docs]def full_like(fld, fill_value, name="NoName", **kwargs):
"""Analogous to `numpy.full_like`
Makes a new :class:`Field` initialized to fill_value. Copies as
much meta data as it can from `fld`.
fld: field to get coordinates / metadata from
fill_value (number, None): initial value, or None to leave
data uninitialized
name: name for this field
**kwargs: passed through to :class:`Field` constructor
new :class:`Field`
if fill_value is None:
dat = np.empty(fld.shape, dtype=fld.dtype)
if hasattr(np, "full"):
dat = np.full(fld.shape, fill_value, dtype=fld.dtype)
elif hasattr(np, "filled"):
dat = np.filled(fld.shape, fill_value, dtype=fld.dtype)
raise RuntimeError("Please update Numpy; your version has neither "
"`numpy.full` nor `numpy.filled`")
c = kwargs.pop("center", fld.center)
t = kwargs.pop("time", fld.time)
return wrap_field(dat, fld.crds, name=name, fldtype=fld.fldtype, center=c,
time=t, parents=[fld], **kwargs)
[docs]def empty_like(fld, **kwargs):
"""Analogous to `numpy.empty_like`
new uninitialized :class:`Field`
See Also: :meth:`full_like`
return full_like(fld, None, **kwargs)
[docs]def zeros_like(fld, **kwargs):
"""Analogous to `numpy.zeros_like`
new :class:`Field` filled with zeros
See Also: :meth:`full_like`
return full_like(fld, 0.0, **kwargs)
[docs]def ones_like(fld, **kwargs):
"""Analogous to `numpy.ones_like`
new :class:`Field` filled with ones
See Also: :meth:`full_like`
return full_like(fld, 1.0, **kwargs)
class _mfield_factory(object):
"""This mimics Numpy's mgrid and ogrid functionality"""
def __init__(self, center='node', dtype=np.float64):
self.center = center
self.dtype = dtype
def __getitem__(self, slc):
crd_arrs = [arr.reshape(-1) for arr in np.ogrid[slc]]
return zeros(crd_arrs, center=self.center, dtype=self.dtype)
mfield_cell = _mfield_factory(center='cell', dtype=np.float64)
mfield_node = _mfield_factory(center='node', dtype=np.float64)
mfield = mfield_node
[docs]def scalar_fields_to_vector(fldlist, name="NoName", **kwargs):
"""Convert scalar fields to a vector field
name (str): name for the vector field
fldlist: list of :class:`ScalarField`
**kwargs: passed to :class:`VectorField` constructor
A new :class:`VectorField`.
if not name:
name = fldlist[0].name
center = fldlist[0].center
crds = fldlist[0]._src_crds
time = fldlist[0].time
# shape = fldlist[0].data.shape
_crds = type(crds)(crds.get_clist())
# component fields will already be transposed when filling caches, so
# the source will already be xyz
if "zyx_native" not in kwargs:
kwargs["zyx_native"] = False
logger.warning("did you really want to do another transpose?")
vfield = VectorField(name, _crds, fldlist, center=center, time=time,
meta=fldlist[0].meta, parents=[fldlist[0]],
return vfield
def field_type(fldtype):
"""Lookup a Field type
The magic lookup happens when fldtype is a string, if fldtype is a class
then just return the class for convenience.
fldtype: python class object or string describing a field type in
some way
a :class:`Field` subclass
if isclass(fldtype) and issubclass(fldtype, Field):
return fldtype
for cls in subclass_spider(Field):
if cls.istype(fldtype):
return cls
logger.error("Field type {0} not understood".format(fldtype))
return None
[docs]def wrap_field(data, crds, name="NoName", fldtype="scalar", center='node',
"""Convenience script for wrapping ndarrays
data: Some data container, most likely a ``numpy.ndarray``
crds (Coordinates): coordinates that describe the shape / grid
of the field
fldtype (str): 'scalar' / 'Vector'
name (str): a way to refer to the field programatically
**kwargs: passed through to :class:`Field` constructor
A :class:`Field` instance.
# try to auto-detect vector fields
if (center.strip().lower() == 'node' and
data.size % np.prod(crds.shape_nc) == 0 and
data.size // np.prod(crds.shape_nc) > 1):
fldtype = "vector"
elif (center.strip().lower() == 'cell' and
data.size % np.prod(crds.shape_cc) == 0 and
data.size // np.prod(crds.shape_cc) > 1):
fldtype = "vector"
except AttributeError:
cls = field_type(fldtype)
if cls is not None:
return cls(name, crds, data, center=center, **kwargs)
raise NotImplementedError("can not decipher field")
def rewrap_field(fld):
# zyx_native is false b/c we're using fld.data
ret = type(fld)(fld.name, fld.crds, fld.data, center=fld.center,
forget_source=True, _copy=True, zyx_native=False,
return ret
class _FldSlcProxy(object):
parent = None
def __init__(self, parent, do_floatify=True):
self.parent = parent
self.do_floatify = do_floatify
def _floatify(self, item):
if isinstance(item, string_types):
item = item.strip().lower()
dt_re = r"(\s*{0}\s*)".format(viscid.sliceutil.RE_DTIME_SLC_GROUP)
datetimes = re.findall(dt_re, item)
item = re.sub(dt_re, '__DATETIME__', item)
item = re.sub(r'([\d\.e]+(?![\d\.FfJj]))', r'\1j', item)
item_split = item.split('__DATETIME__')
item = [None] * (len(item_split) + len(datetimes))
item[0::2] = item_split
item[1::2] = datetimes
item = ''.join(item)
if item in (Ellipsis, '...'):
item = Ellipsis
elif item in (np.newaxis, ):
item = np.newaxis
elif item in (None, 'none'):
item = None
elif isinstance(item, (np.ndarray,)):
if self.do_floatify:
item = 1j * item
elif isinstance(item, string_types):
elif isinstance(item, (list,)):
for i, _ in enumerate(item):
# try:
if self.do_floatify:
item[i] = 1j * float(item[i])
# except (ValueError, TypeError):
# pass
if self.do_floatify:
item = 1j * float(item)
return item
def _xform(self, item):
if not isinstance(item, tuple):
item = (item, )
sel = []
for it in item:
if isinstance(it, slice):
start = self._floatify(it.start)
stop = self._floatify(it.stop)
step = it.step
sel.append(slice(start, stop, step))
if self.parent.nr_comps and len(sel) >= self.parent.nr_comp:
sel.insert(self.parent.nr_comp, slice(None))
return tuple(sel)
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.parent.__getitem__(self._xform(item))
def __setitem__(self, item, val):
return self.parent.__setitem__(self._xform(item), val)
class Field(tree.Leaf):
_TYPE = "none"
_CENTERING = ['node', 'cell', 'grid', 'face', 'edge']
# set on __init__
# NOTE: _src_data is allowed by be a list to support creating vectors from
# some scalar fields without necessarilly loading the data
_center = "none" # String in CENTERING
_src_data = None # numpy-like object (h5py too), or list of these objects
_src_crds = None # Coordinate object
_crds = None # Coordinate object
# dict, this stuff will be copied by self.wrap
meta = None #
# dict, used for stuff that won't be blindly copied by self.wrap
deep_meta = None
pretty_name = None # String
post_reshape_transform_func = None
transform_func_kwargs = None
defer_wrapping = False
# _parent_field is a hacky way to keep a 'parent' field in sync when data
# is loaded... this is used for converting cell centered data ->
# node centered and back... this only works because _fill_cache
# ONLY sets self._cache... if other meta data were set by
# _fill_cache, that would need to propogate upstream too
_parent_field = None
# these get reset when data is set
_layout = None
_nr_comps = None
_nr_comp = None
_dtype = None
# set when data is retrieved
_cache = None # this will always be a numpy array
_cached_xyz_src_view = None
def __init__(self, name, crds, data, center="Node", time=0.0, meta=None,
deep_meta=None, forget_source=False, pretty_name=None,
info=None, parents=None, _parent_field=None,
parents: Dataset, Grid, Field, or list of any of
those. These parents are the sources for find_info, and
and monkey-pached methods.
_parent_field (Field): special parent where data can be taken
for lazy loading. This field is added to parents
Other Parameters:
kwargs with a leading underscore (like _copy) are added to
the deep_meta dict without the leading _. Everything else
is added to the meta dict
# if name == "b":
# print("initing b")
# import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
super(Field, self).__init__(name, time, info, parents)
self.center = center
self._src_crds = crds
self.data = data
self.comp_names = ''
if pretty_name is None:
self.pretty_name = self.name
self.pretty_name = pretty_name
# # i think this is a mistake
# if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)) and isinstance(data[0], Field):
# if post_reshape_transform_func is None:
# post_reshape_transform_func = data[0].post_reshape_transform_func
# if transform_func_kwargs is None:
# transform_func_kwargs = data[0].transform_func_kwargs
if post_reshape_transform_func is not None:
self.post_reshape_transform_func = post_reshape_transform_func
if transform_func_kwargs:
self.transform_func_kwargs = transform_func_kwargs
self.transform_func_kwargs = {}
self.meta = {} if meta is None else meta.copy()
self.deep_meta = {} if deep_meta is None else deep_meta.copy()
for k, v in kwargs.items():
if k.startswith("_"):
self.deep_meta[k[1:]] = v
self.meta[k] = v
if "force_layout" not in self.deep_meta:
if "force_layout" in self.meta:
logger.warning("deprecated force_layout syntax: kwarg should "
"be given as _force_layout")
self.deep_meta["force_layout"] = self.meta["force_layout"]
self.deep_meta["force_layout"] = LAYOUT_DEFAULT
self.deep_meta["force_layout"] = self.deep_meta["force_layout"].lower()
if "copy" not in self.deep_meta:
self.deep_meta["copy"] = False
self._parent_field = _parent_field
if _parent_field is not None:
self.parents.insert(0, _parent_field)
if forget_source:
def fldtype(self):
return self._TYPE
def center(self):
return self._center
def center(self, new_center):
new_center = new_center.lower()
assert new_center in self._CENTERING
self._center = new_center
def layout(self):
""" get the layout type, 'interlaced' (AOS) | 'flat (SOA)'. This at most
calls _detect_layout(_src_data) which tries to be lazy """
if self._layout is None:
if self.deep_meta["force_layout"] != LAYOUT_DEFAULT:
self._layout = self.deep_meta["force_layout"]
self._layout = self._detect_layout(self._src_data)
return self._layout
def layout(self, new_layout):
""" UNTESTED, clear cache if layout changes """
new_layout = new_layout.lower()
if self.is_loaded:
current_layout = self.layout
if new_layout != current_layout:
self.deep_meta["force_layout"] = new_layout
self._layout = None
def nr_dims(self):
""" returns number of dims, this should be the number of dims of
the underlying data, but is assumed a priori so no data load is
done here """
return self.nr_sdims + 1
def ndim(self):
return self.nr_dims
def nr_sdims(self):
""" number of spatial dims, same as crds.nr_dims, does not
explicitly load the data """
return self._src_crds.nr_dims
def nr_comps(self):
""" how many components are there? Only inspects _src_data """
# this gets # of comps from src_data, so layout is given as layout
# of src_data since it might not be loaded yet
if self._nr_comps is None:
layout = self._detect_layout(self._src_data)
if isinstance(self._src_data, (list, tuple)):
# this is an awkward way to get the data in here...
self._nr_comps = self._src_data[0].shape[-1]
self._nr_comps = self._src_data.shape[-1]
elif layout == LAYOUT_FLAT:
# length of 1st dim... this works for ndarrays && lists
self._nr_comps = len(self._src_data)
elif layout == LAYOUT_SCALAR:
self._nr_comps = 1
raise RuntimeError("Could not detect data layout; "
"can't give nr_comps")
# return self._src_data.shape[-1]
return self._nr_comps
def nr_comp(self):
""" dimension of the components of the vector, loads the data if
self.layout does """
if self._nr_comp is None:
layout = self.layout
if layout == LAYOUT_FLAT:
self._nr_comp = 0
elif layout == LAYOUT_INTERLACED:
self._nr_comp = self._src_crds.nr_dims
elif layout == LAYOUT_SCALAR:
# use same as interlaced for slicing convenience, note
# this is only for a one component vector, for scalars
# nr_comp is None
self._nr_comp = self._src_crds.nr_dims
raise RuntimeError("Could not detect data layout; "
"can't give nr_comp")
return self._nr_comp
def shape(self):
""" returns the shape of the underlying data, does not explicitly load
the data """
s = list(self.sshape)
s.insert(self.nr_comp, self.nr_comps)
except TypeError:
return tuple(s)
def native_shape(self):
""" returns the shape of the underlying data, does not explicitly load
the data """
s = list(self.native_sshape)
s.insert(self.nr_comp, self.nr_comps)
except TypeError:
return tuple(s)
def sshape(self):
""" shape of spatial dimensions, does not include comps, and is not
the same shape as underlying array, does not load the data """
# it is enforced that the cached data has a shape that agrees with
# the coords by _reshape_ndarray_to_crds... actually, that method
# requires this method to depend on the crd shape
if self.iscentered("node"):
return tuple(self._src_crds.shape_nc)
elif self.iscentered("cell"):
return tuple(self._src_crds.shape_cc)
# logger.warning("edge/face vectors not implemented, assuming "
# "cell shape")
return tuple(self._src_crds.shape_cc)
def native_sshape(self):
sshape = self.sshape
if self.meta.get("zyx_native", False):
sshape = sshape[::-1]
return tuple(sshape)
def size(self):
""" how many values are in underlying data """
return np.product(self.shape)
def ssize(self):
""" how many values make up one component of the underlying data """
return np.product(self.sshape)
def dtype(self):
# print(type(self._src_data))
# dtype.name is for pruning endianness out of dtype
if self._dtype is None:
if isinstance(self._src_data, (list, tuple)):
dt = self._src_data[0].dtype
dt = self._src_data.dtype
if isinstance(dt, np.dtype):
self._dtype = np.dtype(dt.name)
self._dtype = np.dtype(dt)
return self._dtype
def crds(self):
if self._crds is None:
self._crds = self._src_crds.apply_reflections()
return self._crds
def crds(self, val):
self._crds = None
self._src_crds = val
def data(self):
""" if you want to fill the cache, this will do it, note that
to empty the cache later you can always use clear_cache """
if self._cache is None:
return self._cache
def data(self, dat):
# clean up
self._layout = None
self._nr_comp = None
self._nr_comps = None
self._dtype = None
self._src_data = dat
if self.meta and self.meta.get('zyx_native', False):
self.meta['zyx_native'] = False
# self._translate_src_data() # um, what's this for? looks dangerous
# do some sort of lazy pre-setup _src_data inspection?
def flat_data(self):
return self.data.reshape(-1)
def patches(self):
return [self]
def nr_patches(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use
return 1
def xl(self):
return self.crds.xl_nc
def xh(self):
return self.crds.xh_nc
def get_slice_extent(self, selection):
extent = self.patches[0]._src_crds.get_slice_extent(selection)
for i in range(3):
if np.isnan(extent[0, i]):
extent[0, i] = self.xl[i]
if np.isnan(extent[1, i]):
extent[1, i] = self.xh[i]
return extent
def is_loaded(self):
return self._cache is not None
def clear_cache(self):
""" does not guarentee that the memory will be freed """
self._cache = None
self._cached_xyz_src_view = None
if self._parent_field is not None:
self._parent_field._cache = self._cache
self._parent_field._cached_xyz_src_view = self._cached_xyz_src_view
def _fill_cache(self):
""" actually load data into the cache """
self._cache = self._src_data_to_ndarray()
if self._parent_field is not None:
self._parent_field._cache = self._cache
# self._parent_field._cached_xyz_src_view = self._cached_xyz_src_view
def resolve(self):
"""Resolve all pending actions on a field like translations etc"""
if self._cache is None:
return self
# um, what was this for? looks dangerous
# def _translate_src_data(self):
# pass
# @staticmethod
# def _zyx_transpose(dat):
# if isinstance(dat, Field):
# pass
# else:
# return dat.T
def _xyz_src_data(self):
"""Return a view of _src_data that is xyz ordered
Note that this will always cause the cache to be filled
if self._cached_xyz_src_view is None:
if self.meta.get("zyx_native", False):
if isinstance(self._src_data, (list, tuple)):
# lst = [np.array(d).T for d in self._src_data]
# self._cached_xyz_src_view = lst
lst = []
for d in self._src_data:
# Slight memory hack: clear cache on src data, there
# probably exists a better way to be more lazy
if hasattr(d, "clear_cache"):
self._cached_xyz_src_view = lst
# spatial_transpose = list(range(len(self.shape)))
spatial_transpose = list(range(len(self._src_data.shape)))
if self.nr_comps > 0:
nr_comp = self.nr_comp
spatial_transpose = spatial_transpose[::-1]
spatial_transpose.insert(nr_comp, nr_comp)
spatial_transpose = spatial_transpose[::-1]
# transposed view
Tview = np.transpose(self._src_data.__array__(),
self._cached_xyz_src_view = np.array(Tview)
self._cached_xyz_src_view = self._src_data
return self._cached_xyz_src_view
def _src_data_to_ndarray(self):
""" prep the src data into something usable and enforce a layout """
# some magic may need to happen here to accept more than np/h5 data
# override if a type does something fancy (eg, interlacing)
# and dat.flags["OWNDATA"] # might i want this?
src_data_layout = self._detect_layout(self._src_data)
force_layout = self.deep_meta["force_layout"]
# we will preserve layout or we already have the correct layout,
# do no translation
if force_layout == LAYOUT_DEFAULT or \
force_layout == src_data_layout:
return self._dat_to_ndarray(self._xyz_src_data)
# if layout is found to be other, i cant do anything with that
elif src_data_layout == LAYOUT_OTHER:
logger.warning("Cannot auto-detect layout; not translating; "
"performance may suffer")
return self._dat_to_ndarray(self._xyz_src_data)
# ok, we demand FLAT arrays, make it so
elif force_layout == LAYOUT_FLAT:
if src_data_layout != LAYOUT_INTERLACED:
raise RuntimeError("I should not be here")
nr_comps = self.nr_comps
data_dest = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=self.dtype)
for i in range(nr_comps):
# NOTE: I wonder if this is the fastest way to reorder
data_dest[i, ...] = self._xyz_src_data[..., i]
# NOTE: no special case for lists, they are not
# interpreted this way
return self._dat_to_ndarray(data_dest)
# ok, we demand INTERLACED arrays, make it so
elif force_layout == LAYOUT_INTERLACED:
if src_data_layout != LAYOUT_FLAT:
raise RuntimeError("I should not be here")
nr_comps = self.nr_comps
dtype = self.dtype
data_dest = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=dtype)
for i in range(nr_comps):
data_dest[..., i] = self._xyz_src_data[i]
self._layout = LAYOUT_INTERLACED
return self._dat_to_ndarray(data_dest)
# catch the remaining cases
elif self.deep_meta["force_layout"] == LAYOUT_OTHER:
raise ValueError("How should I know how to force other layout?")
raise ValueError("Bad argument for layout forcing")
raise RuntimeError("I should not be here")
def _dat_to_ndarray(self, dat):
""" This should be the last thing called for all data that gets put
into the cache. It makes dimensions jive correctly. This will translate
non-ndarray data structures to a flat ndarray. Also, this function
makes damn sure that the dimensionality of the coords matches the
dimensionality of the array, which is to say, if the array is only 2d,
but the coords have a 3rd dimension with length 1, reshape the array
to include that extra dimension.
# dtype.name is for pruning endianness out of dtype
if isinstance(dat, np.ndarray):
arrfunc = np.array
if isinstance(dat, np.ma.core.MaskedArray):
arrfunc = np.ma.array
arr = arrfunc(dat, dtype=dat.dtype.name, copy=self.deep_meta["copy"])
elif isinstance(dat, (list, tuple)):
dt = dat[0].dtype.name
# tmp = [np.array(d, dtype=dt, copy=self.deep_meta["copy"]) for d in dat]
tmp = []
for d in dat:
tmp.append(np.array(d, dtype=dt, copy=self.deep_meta["copy"]))
# Slight memory hack: clear cache on src data, there
# probably exists a better way to be more lazy
if hasattr(d, "clear_cache"):
_shape = tmp[0].shape
arr = np.empty([len(tmp)] + list(_shape), dtype=dt)
for i, t in enumerate(tmp):
arr[i] = t
# elif isinstance(dat, Field):
# arr = dat.data # not the way
arr = np.array(dat, dtype=dat.dtype.name, copy=self.deep_meta["copy"])
arr = self._reshape_ndarray_to_crds(arr)
nr_comp = self.nr_comp
nr_comps = self.nr_comps
except TypeError:
nr_comp = None
nr_comps = None
# FIXME, there should be a flag for whether or not this should
# make a copy of the array if it's not contiguous in memory
arr = self._src_crds.reflect_fld_arr(arr, self.iscentered("Cell"),
nr_comp, nr_comps)
if self.post_reshape_transform_func is not None:
arr = self.post_reshape_transform_func(self, self._src_crds, arr,
return arr
def _reshape_ndarray_to_crds(self, arr):
""" enforce same dimensionality as coords here!
self.shape better still be using the crds shape corrected for
node / cell centering
if list(arr.shape) == self.shape:
return arr
ret = arr.reshape(self.shape)
return ret
def _detect_layout(self, dat, native=True):
""" returns LAYOUT_XXX, this just looks at len(dat) or dat.shape
dat should be in 'native layout', meaning zyx is _src_data is
zyx, or xyz if _src_data is xyz
# if native, then compare dat's shape against the native shape
if native:
sshape = list(self.native_sshape)
sshape = list(self.sshape)
# if i receive a list, then i suppose i have a list of
# arrays, one for each component... this is a flat layout
if isinstance(dat, (list, tuple)):
# Make sure the list makes sense... this strictly speaking
# doesn't need to happen, but it's a bad habbit to allow
# shapes through that I don't explicitly plan for, since
# this is just the door to the rabbit hole
# BUT, this has the side effect that one can't create vector
# fields with vx = Xcc, one has to use
# vx = Xcc + 0 * Ycc + 0 * Zcc, which is rather cumbersome
# for d in dat:
# assert(list(d.shape) == list(sshape))
dat_shape = list(dat.shape)
if dat_shape == sshape:
# if the crds shape has more values than the dat.shape
# then try trimming the directions that have 1 element
# this can happen when crds are 3d, but field is only 2d
## I'm not sure why this needs to happen... but tests fail
## without it
while len(sshape) > len(dat_shape) - 1:
except ValueError:
# check which dims match the shape of the crds
# or if they match when disregarding length 1 axes.
# This 2nd part happens when calling atleast_3d() on
# a field that isn't already in memory
dat_shape2 = [si for si in dat_shape if si > 1]
sshape2 = [si for si in dat_shape if si > 1]
if dat_shape == sshape:
elif dat_shape[1:] == sshape:
layout = LAYOUT_FLAT
elif dat_shape[:-1] == sshape or dat_shape2[:-1] == sshape2:
elif dat_shape[0] == np.prod(sshape):
elif dat_shape[-1] == np.prod(sshape):
layout = LAYOUT_FLAT
# the following are layouts that happen after a call to atleast_3d()
elif dat_shape2 == sshape2:
elif dat_shape2[1:] == sshape2:
layout = LAYOUT_FLAT
elif dat_shape2[:-1] == sshape2:
# if this happens, don't ignore it even if it happens to work
# print("??", self, self.native_shape, self.shape, )
# import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
logger.error("could not detect layout for '{0}': shape = {1} "
"target shape = {2}"
"".format(self.name, dat_shape, sshape))
return layout
def _prepare_slice(self, selection):
""" if selection has a slice for component dimension, set it aside """
sel_list = sliceutil.raw_sel2sel_list(selection)
sel_list, comp_slc = sliceutil.prune_comp_sel(sel_list, self.comp_names)
if self.layout == LAYOUT_SCALAR:
assert comp_slc == slice(None)
return sel_list, comp_slc
def _finalize_slice(self, slices, crdlst, reduced, crd_type, comp_slc):
# if self.name == "b":
# import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
all_none = sliceutil.all_slices_none(slices)
no_sslices = slices is None or all_none
no_compslice = comp_slc is None or sliceutil.all_slices_none([comp_slc])
# no slice necessary, just pass the field through
if no_sslices and no_compslice:
return self
# if we're doing a component slice, and the underlying
# data is a list/tuple of Field objects, we don't need
# to do any more work
src_is_fld_list = (isinstance(self._src_data, (list, tuple)) and
all([isinstance(f, Field) for f in self._src_data]))
if self._cache is None and no_sslices and src_is_fld_list:
if self.post_reshape_transform_func is not None:
raise NotImplementedError()
return self._src_data[comp_slc]
# IMPORTANT NOTE: from this point on, crds of the result will be
# "transformed", and the data will be xyz ordered. This is the end
# of the line for lazily keeping track of zyx native arrays b/c
# the slice will have to load the data
# coord transforms are not copied on purpose
cunits = self._src_crds.get_units((c[0] for c in crdlst), allow_invalid=1)
crds = coordinate.wrap_crds(crd_type, crdlst, units=cunits,
full_arrays=True, quiet_init=True,
# be intelligent here, if we haven't loaded the data and
# the source is an h5py-like source, we don't have to read
# the whole field; h5py will deal with the hyperslicing for us
slced_dat = None
hypersliceable = getattr(self._src_data, "_hypersliceable", False)
single_comp_slc = hasattr(comp_slc, "__index__")
cc = (self.iscentered("Cell") or self.iscentered("Face") or
zyx_native = self.meta.get("zyx_native", False)
# if zyx_native:
# native_slices = slices[::-1]
# else:
# native_slices = slices
if self._cache is None and src_is_fld_list:
if single_comp_slc:
# this may not work as advertised since slices may
# not be complete?
# using xyz slices because it's calling Field.__getitem__
slced_dat = self._src_data[comp_slc][tuple(slices)]
comps = self._src_data[comp_slc]
# using xyz slices because it's calling Field.__getitem__
slced_dat = [c[tuple(slices)] for c in comps]
elif self._cache is None and hypersliceable:
# we have to flip the slice, meaning: if the array looks like
# ind : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
# x : -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
# -x[::-1]: -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
# if the slice is [-0.5:1.0], the crds figured out the slice
# indices after doing -x[::-1], so the slice will be [3:7],
# but in _src_dat, that data lives at indices [0:3]
# so what we want is _src_data[::-1][3:6], but a more efficient
# way to do this for large data sets is _src_data[0:3][::-1]
# We will always read _src_data forward, then flip it since
# h5py won't do a slice of [3:0:-1]
# using xyz slices b/c that's the order of the crds
first_slc, second_slc = self._src_crds.reflect_slices(slices,
cc, False)
if zyx_native:
native_first_slc = first_slc[::-1]
native_second_slc = second_slc[::-1]
native_first_slc = first_slc
native_second_slc = second_slc
# now put component slice back in
if self.nr_comp == 0:
nr_comp = 0
nr_comp = len(first_slc)
first_slc.insert(nr_comp, comp_slc)
native_first_slc.insert(nr_comp, comp_slc)
if not single_comp_slc:
second_slc.insert(nr_comp, slice(None))
native_second_slc.insert(nr_comp, slice(None))
except TypeError:
nr_comp = None
# this is a bad hack for the fact that fields and the slices
# have 3 spatial dimensions, but the src_data may have fewer
_first, _second = native_first_slc, native_second_slc
if len(self._src_data.shape) != len(_first):
_first, _second = [], []
j = 0 # trailing index
it = izip_longest(count(), native_first_slc, native_second_slc,
for i, a, b in islice(it, None, len(first_slc)):
if self._src_data.shape[j] == self.native_shape[i]:
j += 1
# ok, now cull out from the second slice
_second = [s for s in _second if s is not None]
# only hyperslice _src_data if our slice has the right shape
if len(self._src_data.shape) == len(_first):
# do the hyper-slice
# these sliced have to be native b/c they're slicing the
# _src_data directly which means the data could be stored
# zyx in a lazy hdf5 file
slced_dat = self._src_data[tuple(_first)][tuple(_second)]
if zyx_native:
if comp_slc is not None and self.nr_comps and not single_comp_slc:
_n = len(slced_dat.shape)
if self.nr_comp == 0:
_t_axes = [0] + list(range(1, _n))[::-1]
# this is slightly fragile if they layout isn't
# strictly interlaced, but that would be rather
# pathalogical
_t_axes = list(range(_n - 1))[::-1] + [_n - 1]
slced_dat = np.array(np.transpose(slced_dat, _t_axes))
slced_dat = np.array(slced_dat.T)
# post-reshape-transform
if self.post_reshape_transform_func is not None:
if cc:
target_shape = crds.shape_cc
target_shape = crds.shape_nc
if nr_comp is not None:
target_shape.insert(nr_comp, -1)
slced_dat = self.post_reshape_transform_func(
self, crds, slced_dat.reshape(target_shape),
comp_slc=comp_slc, **self.transform_func_kwargs)
# fallback: either not hypersliceable, or the shapes didn't match up
if slced_dat is None:
if self.nr_comp == 0:
nr_comp = 0
nr_comp = len(slices)
slices.insert(nr_comp, comp_slc)
except TypeError:
nr_comp = None
# use xyz slices cause self.data is guarenteed to be xyz
slced_dat = self.data[tuple(slices)]
if len(reduced) == len(slices) or getattr(slced_dat, 'size', 0) == 1:
# if we sliced the hell out of the array, just
# return the value that's left, ndarrays have the same behavior
ret = slced_dat.item()
ctx = dict(crds=crds, zyx_native=False)
fldtype = None
# if we sliced a vector down to one component
if self.nr_comps:
if single_comp_slc:
comp_name = self.comp_names[comp_slc]
ctx['name'] = self.name + comp_name
ctx['pretty_name'] = (self.pretty_name +
fldtype = "Scalar"
ret = self.wrap(slced_dat, ctx, fldtype=fldtype)
# if there are reduced dims, put them into the deep_meta dict
if len(reduced) > 0:
ret.meta["reduced"] = reduced
return ret
def forget_source(self):
self._src_data = self.data
self._cached_xyz_src_view = self.data
def slice(self, selection):
""" Slice the field using a string like "y=3:6:2,z=0" or a standard
list of slice objects like one would give to numpy. In a string, i
means by index, and bare numbers mean by the index closest to that
value; see Coordinate.make_slice docs for an example. The semantics
for keeping / droping dimensions are the same as for numpy arrays.
This means selections that leave one crd in a given dimension reduce
that dimension out. For other behavior see
slice_reduce and slice_keep
cc = self.iscentered("Cell") or self.iscentered("Face") or self.iscentered("Edge")
sel_list, comp_slc = self._prepare_slice(selection)
crd_slice_info = self._src_crds.make_slice(tuple(sel_list), cc=cc)
slices, crdlst, reduced, crd_type = crd_slice_info
return self._finalize_slice(slices, crdlst, reduced, crd_type, comp_slc)
def slice_and_reduce(self, selection):
""" Slice the field, then go through all dims and look for dimensions
with only one coordinate. Reduce those dimensions out of the new
field """
cc = self.iscentered("Cell") or self.iscentered("Face") or self.iscentered("Edge")
sel_list, comp_slc = self._prepare_slice(selection)
crd_slice_info = self._src_crds.make_slice_reduce(tuple(sel_list), cc=cc)
slices, crdlst, reduced, crd_type = crd_slice_info
return self._finalize_slice(slices, crdlst, reduced, crd_type, comp_slc)
def slice_and_keep(self, selection):
""" Slice the field, then go through dimensions that would be reduced
by a normal numpy slice (like saying 'z=0') and keep those dimensions
in the new field """
cc = self.iscentered("Cell") or self.iscentered("Face") or self.iscentered("Edge")
sel_list, comp_slc = self._prepare_slice(selection)
crd_slice_info = self._src_crds.make_slice_keep(tuple(sel_list), cc=cc)
slices, crdlst, reduced, crd_type = crd_slice_info
# print("??", type(self._src_crds), crdlst)
return self._finalize_slice(slices, crdlst, reduced, crd_type, comp_slc)
slice_reduce = slice_and_reduce
slice_keep = slice_and_keep
def loc(self):
"""Easily slice by value (flaot), like in pandas
>>> subset1 = field["13j", "14j":]
>>> subset2 = field.loc[13, 14.0:]
>>> # subset1 and subset2 should be identical
return _FldSlcProxy(self, do_floatify=True)
def iloc(self):
"""Easily slice by value (flaot), like in pandas
>>> subset1 = field["13j", "14j":]
>>> subset2 = field.loc[13, 14.0:]
>>> # subset1 and subset2 should be identical
return _FldSlcProxy(self, do_floatify=False)
def interpolated_slice(self, selection):
seeds = self.crds.slice_interp(selection, cc=self.iscentered('cell'))
seed_pts = seeds.get_points(center=self.center)
fld_dat = interp_trilin(self, seed_pts, wrap=False)
new_fld = self.wrap(fld_dat, context=dict(crds=seeds))
new_fld = new_fld.slice_reduce("")
return new_fld
def set_slice(self, selection, value):
"""Used for fld.__setitem__
This is only lightly tested
cc = (self.iscentered("Cell") or self.iscentered("Face") or
sel_list, comp_slc = self._prepare_slice(selection)
slices, _ = self._src_crds.make_slice(tuple(sel_list), cc=cc)[:2]
nr_comp = self.nr_comp
nr_comp += slices[:nr_comp].count(np.newaxis)
slices.insert(nr_comp, comp_slc)
except TypeError:
self.data[tuple(slices)] = value
return None
def istype(cls, type_str): # noqa
return cls._TYPE == type_str.lower()
def iscentered(self, center_str):
return self.center == center_str.lower()
def to_seeds(self):
return viscid.to_seeds(self.get_points())
def nr_points(self):
return self.get_nr_points()
def get_nr_points(self, center=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
if center is None:
center = self.center
return self._src_crds.get_nr_points(center=center)
def points(self, center=None, **kwargs):
return self.get_points(center=center, **kwargs)
def get_points(self, center=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
if center is None:
center = self.center
return self._src_crds.get_points(center=center)
def as_mesh(self, center=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
if center is None:
center = self.center
return self._src_crds.as_mesh(center=center)
def iter_points(self, center=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=W0613
if center is None:
center = self.center
return self._src_crds.iter_points(center=center)
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, value, traceback):
"""clear cached data"""
return None
def __iter__(self):
""" iterate though all values in the data, raveled """
for val in self.data.ravel():
yield val
## Utility methods to get at crds
# these are the same as something like self._src_crds['xnc']
# or self._src_crds.get_crd()
def get_crd(self, axis, shaped=False):
""" return crd along axis with same centering as field
axis can be crd name as string, or index, as in x==2, y==1, z==2 """
# FIXME: work out how get_crd should act on face/edge fields since
# in this case there are 3 possibilities
center = 'cell' if self.center in ('face', 'edge') else self.center
return self._src_crds.get_crd(axis, center=center, shaped=shaped)
def get_crd_nc(self, axis, shaped=False):
""" returns a flat ndarray of coordinates along a given axis
axis can be crd name as string, or index, as in x==2, y==1, z==2 """
return self._src_crds.get_nc(axis, shaped=shaped)
def get_crd_cc(self, axis, shaped=False):
""" returns a flat ndarray of coordinates along a given axis
axis can be crd name as string, or index, as in x==2, y==1, z==2 """
return self._src_crds.get_cc(axis, shaped=shaped)
def get_crd_ec(self, axis, shaped=False):
""" returns a flat ndarray of coordinates along a given axis
axis can be crd name as string, or index, as in x==2, y==1, z==2 """
return self._src_crds.get_ec(axis, shaped=shaped)
def get_crd_fc(self, axis, shaped=False):
""" returns a flat ndarray of coordinates along a given axis
axis can be crd name as string, or index, as in x==2, y==1, z==2 """
return self._src_crds.get_fc(axis, shaped=shaped)
## these return all crd dimensions
# these are the same as something like self._src_crds.get_crds()
def get_crds_vector(self, axes=None, shaped=False):
""" returns all face centered coords as a list of ndarrays, flat if
shaped==False, or shaped if shaped==True """
center = self.center.lower()
if center == 'face':
return self.get_crds_fc(axes=axes, shaped=shaped)
elif center == 'edge':
return self.get_crds_ec(axes=axes, shaped=shaped)
if center == 'cell':
c = self._src_crds.get_crds_cc(axes=axes, shaped=shaped)
elif center == 'node':
c = self._src_crds.get_crds_nc(axes=axes, shaped=shaped)
raise RuntimeError()
c = [[ci] * 3 for ci in c]
return c
def get_crds(self, axes=None, shaped=False):
""" return all crds as list of ndarrays with same centering as field """
# FIXME: work out how get_crds should act on face/edge fields since
# in this case there are 3 possibilities
center = 'cell' if self.center in ('face', 'edge') else self.center
return self._src_crds.get_crds(axes=axes, center=center, shaped=shaped)
def get_crds_nc(self, axes=None, shaped=False):
""" returns all node centered coords as a list of ndarrays, flat if
shaped==False, or shaped if shaped==True """
return self._src_crds.get_crds_nc(axes=axes, shaped=shaped)
def get_crds_cc(self, axes=None, shaped=False):
""" returns all cell centered coords as a list of ndarrays, flat if
shaped==False, or shaped if shaped==True """
return self._src_crds.get_crds_cc(axes=axes, shaped=shaped)
def get_crds_fc(self, axes=None, shaped=False):
""" returns all face centered coords as a list of ndarrays, flat if
shaped==False, or shaped if shaped==True """
return self._src_crds.get_crds_fc(axes=axes, shaped=shaped)
def get_crds_ec(self, axes=None, shaped=False):
""" returns all edge centered coords as a list of ndarrays, flat if
shaped==False, or shaped if shaped==True """
return self._src_crds.get_crds_ec(axes=axes, shaped=shaped)
def get_clist(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""I'm not sure anybody should use this since a clist is kind
of an internal thing used for creating new coordinate instances"""
return self._src_crds.get_clist(*args, **kwargs)
def is_spherical(self):
return self._src_crds.is_spherical()
def meshgrid(self, axes=None, prune=False):
crds = list(self.get_crds(axes=axes, shaped=True))
if prune:
poplist = []
for i, nxi in reversed(list(enumerate(self.shape))):
if nxi <= 1:
for pi in poplist:
for i in range(len(crds)):
slc = [slice(None)] * len(crds[i].shape)
slc[pi] = 0
crds[i] = crds[i][tuple(slc)]
return np.broadcast_arrays(*crds)
def meshgrid_flat(self, axes=None, prune=False):
arrs = self.meshgrid(axes=axes, prune=prune)
return [a.reshape(-1) for a in arrs]
def shell_copy(self, force=False, crds=None, **kwargs):
"""Get a field just like this one with a new cache
So, fields that belong to files are kept around for the
lifetime of the file bucket, which is probably the lifetime
of the main script. That means you have to explicitly clear the
cache (important if reading a timeseries of fields > 1GB).
This function will return a new field instance with
references to all the same internals as self, except for the
cache. Effectively, this turns the parent field into a
lightweight "field shell", from which a memory intensive field
can be made on the fly.
force(bool): without force, only make a new field if the
cache is not already loaded. If set to True, a field's
data could be in ram twice since _cache will be filled
for the new field when needed. This is probably not what
you want.
kwargs: additional keyword arguments to give to the Field
a field as described above (could be self)
if crds is None and self._cache is not None and not force:
return self
if crds is None:
crds = self._src_crds
# Note: this is fragile if a subclass takes additional parameters
# in an overridden __init__; in that case, the developer MUST
# override shell_copy and pass the extra kwargs in to here.
# note, zyx_native of the child should be the same as self since we're
# passing src_data here
f = type(self)(self.name, crds, self._src_data, center=self.center,
time=self.time, meta=self.meta, deep_meta=self.deep_meta,
return f
## convert centering
# Note: these are kind of specific to cartesian connected grids
def as_centered(self, center, default_width=1e-5):
if not center or self.iscentered(center):
fld = self
elif center.lower() == "cell":
fld = self.as_cell_centered(default_width=default_width)
elif center.lower() == "node":
fld = self.as_node_centered()
raise NotImplementedError("can only give field as cell or node")
return fld
def as_cell_centered(self, default_width=1e-5):
"""Convert field to cell centered field without discarding
any data; this goes through hacky pains to make sure the data
is the same as self (including the state of cachedness)"""
if self.iscentered('cell'):
return self
elif self.iscentered('node'):
# construct new crds
new_crds = self._src_crds.nc2cc(default_width=default_width)
# this is similar to a shell copy, but it's intimately
# linked to self as a parent
f = type(self)(self.name, new_crds, None, center="cell",
time=self.time, meta=self.meta,
deep_meta=self.deep_meta, forget_source=False,
# FIME: this is such a hack to try our hardest to keep the
# reference to the data the same
f._src_data = self._src_data
f._cache = self._cache
return f
elif not self.nr_comps:
viscid.logger.warning("Converting ECFC scalar to cell center has no "
"effect on data. Only coordinates have changed. "
"The result will appear staggered strangely.")
return self.wrap_field(self.data, name=self.name, center='cell')
elif self.iscentered('face'):
return viscid.fc2cc(self)
elif self.iscentered('edge'):
return viscid.ec2cc(self)
raise NotImplementedError("can't yet move {0} to cell "
def as_node_centered(self):
"""Convert field to node centered field without discarding
any data; this goes through hacky pains to make sure the data
is the same as self (including the state of cachedness)"""
if self.iscentered('node'):
return self
elif self.iscentered('cell'):
# construct new crds
# axes = self._src_crds.axes
# crds_cc = self.get_crds_cc()
new_clist = self._src_crds.get_clist(center="cell")
new_crds = type(self._src_crds)(new_clist)
# this is similar to a shell copy, but it's intimately
# linked to self as a parent
f = type(self)(self.name, new_crds, None, center="node",
time=self.time, meta=self.meta,
deep_meta=self.deep_meta, forget_source=False,
# FIXME: this is such a hack to try our hardest to keep the
# reference to the data the same
f._src_data = self._src_data
f._cached_xyz_src_view = self._cached_xyz_src_view
f._cache = self._cache
return f
raise NotImplementedError("can't yet move {0} to node "
def as_c_contiguous(self):
"""Return a Field with c-contiguous data
If the data is not already in memory (cached), this
function will trigger a load.
Field or self
was_loaded = self.is_loaded
ret = None
if self.data.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
ret = self
ret = self.wrap(np.ascontiguousarray(self.data))
if not was_loaded and ret is not self:
return ret
def atleast_3d(self, xl=-1, xh=1):
"""return self, but with nr_sdims >= 3"""
nr_sdims = self.nr_sdims
if nr_sdims >= 3:
return self
elif nr_sdims < 3:
_cc = (self.iscentered('cell') or self.iscentered('face') or
newcrds = self.crds.atleast_3d(xl, xh, cc=_cc)
ctx = {'crds': newcrds}
if self.is_loaded:
if _cc:
new_shape = newcrds.shape_cc
new_shape = newcrds.shape_nc
if self.nr_comps:
new_shape = list(new_shape)
new_shape.insert(self.nr_comp, self.nr_comps)
return self.wrap(self.data.reshape(new_shape), context=ctx)
return self.wrap(self._src_data, context=ctx)
def atmost_nd(self, n):
axes = list(self.crds.axes)
removed_axes = []
remaining_axes = list(axes)
slc = []
for i, ni in enumerate(self.sshape):
if ni == 1:
if len(self.sshape) - len(slc) <= n:
while len(self.sshape) - len(slc) > n:
if not slc:
return self
return self[','.join(slc)]
def adjust_crds(self, adjustments, name_map=None):
"""Return shell copy with adjusted coordinates
adjustments (dict, number): Value to scale all coordinates
by, or dict of numbers or functions to adjust specific
axes separately. Functions should take a single argument,
the coordinates as a :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`.
name_map (dict, None): map to change crd names
Field: Shell copy of self with adjusted coordinates
>>> fld = viscid.zeros([16, 24])
>>> fld.adjust_crds({'x': 2.0, 'y': lambda x: 0.5 * x})
if not isinstance(adjustments, dict):
adj = adjustments
adjustments = {}
for ax in self.crds.axes:
adjustments[ax] = adj
axes = self.crds.axes
crd_arrs_nc = self.get_crds_nc()
# crd_arrs_cc = self.get_crds_cc()
for i, ax, arr_nc in zip(count(), axes, crd_arrs_nc):
if ax in adjustments:
adj = adjustments[ax]
if hasattr(adj, '__call__'):
crd_arrs_nc[i] = adj(arr_nc)
# crd_arrs_cc[i] = adj(arr_cc)
crd_arrs_nc[i] = adj * arr_nc
# crd_arrs_cc[i] = adj * arr_cc
if name_map:
for _a, _b in name_map.items():
if _a in axes:
axes[axes.index(_a)] = _b
crd_type = self.crds._TYPE
crd_type = crd_type.replace('nonuniform', 'AUTO')
crd_type = crd_type.replace('uniform', 'AUTO')
new_crds = viscid.arrays2crds(crd_arrs_nc, crd_type=crd_type, crd_names=axes)
ret = self.shell_copy(crds=new_crds)
return ret
## emulate a container
def __len__(self):
return self.shape[0]
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.slice(item)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
""" just act as if you setitem on underlying data """
self.set_slice(key, value)
def __delitem__(self, item):
""" just act as if you delitem on underlying data, probably raises a
ValueError """
## emulate a numeric type
def __array__(self, dtype=None):
# dtype = None is ok, datatype won't change
return np.array(self.data, dtype=dtype, copy=False)
def wrap(self, arr, context=None, fldtype=None, npkwargs=None, other=None):
""" arr is the data to wrap... context is exta deep_meta to pass
to the constructor. The return is just a number if arr is a
1 element ndarray, this is for ufuncs that reduce to a scalar """
if self.defer_wrapping and hasattr(other, "wrap"):
return other.wrap(arr, context=context, fldtype=fldtype,
if arr is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
# if just 1 number wrappen in an array, unpack the value and
# return it... this is more ufuncy behavior
if arr.size == 1:
return np.ravel(arr)[0]
except AttributeError:
if context is None:
context = {}
context = dict(context)
name = context.pop("name", self.name)
pretty_name = context.pop("pretty_name", self.pretty_name)
crds = context.pop("crds", self.crds)
center = context.pop("center", self.center).lower()
time = context.pop("time", self.time)
# should it always return the same type as self?
# hack for reduction operations (ops that have npkwargs['axis'])
defer_wrapping = self.defer_wrapping
if npkwargs:
axis = npkwargs.get('axis', None)
if axis is not None:
if self.nr_comps > 0 and axis == self.nr_comp:
# reducing vector -> scalar, no need to play with crds
reduce_axis = crds.axes[axis]
crd_slc = "{0}=0".format(reduce_axis)
default_keepdims = len(self.shape) == len(crds.shape)
iscc = self.iscentered('cell')
if npkwargs.get("keepdims", default_keepdims):
crds = self.crds.slice_keep(crd_slc, cc=iscc)
crds = self.crds.slice_reduce(crd_slc, cc=iscc)
defer_wrapping = True
# little hack for broadcasting vectors and scalars together
crd_shape = crds.shape_nc if center == "node" else crds.shape_cc
crd_shape = list(crd_shape)
arr_shape = list(arr.shape)
except AttributeError:
arr_shape = [len(arr)] + list(arr[0].shape)
if fldtype is None and arr_shape == crd_shape:
fldtype = "scalar"
if fldtype is None and (arr_shape[1:] == crd_shape or
arr_shape[:-1] == crd_shape):
fldtype = "vector"
if fldtype is None:
fldtype = type(self)
fldtype = field_type(fldtype)
# Transform functions are intentionally omitted. The idea being that
# the transform was already applied when creating arr
# same idea with zyx_native... whatever created arr should have done
# so using the natural xyz order since that's the shape of Field.data
fld = fldtype(name, crds, arr, time=time, center=center,
meta=self.meta, deep_meta=context, parents=[self],
zyx_native=False, pretty_name=pretty_name)
# if the operation reduced a vector to something with 1 component,
# then turn the result into a ScalarField
if fld.nr_comps == 1:
fld = fld.component_fields()[0]
return fld
def wrap_field(self, data, name="NoName", fldtype=None, **kwargs):
"""Wrap an ndarray into a field in the local representation"""
center = kwargs.pop('center', self.center)
if fldtype is None:
if len(data.shape) == len(self.shape):
fldtype = self.fldtype
fldtype = "scalar"
return viscid.wrap_field(data, self.crds, name=name, fldtype=fldtype,
center=center, **kwargs)
def __array_wrap__(self, out_arr, context=None): # pylint: disable=W0613
return self.wrap(out_arr)
def _ow(self, other):
# hack because Fields don't broadcast correctly after a ufunc?
return other.__array__()
except AttributeError:
return other
def __add__(self, other):
return self.wrap(self.data.__add__(self._ow(other)), other=other)
def __sub__(self, other):
return self.wrap(self.data.__sub__(self._ow(other)), other=other)
def __mul__(self, other):
return self.wrap(self.data.__mul__(self._ow(other)), other=other)
def __div__(self, other):
return self.wrap(self.data.__div__(self._ow(other)), other=other)
def __truediv__(self, other):
return self.wrap(self.data.__truediv__(self._ow(other)), other=other)
def __floordiv__(self, other):
return self.wrap(self.data.__floordiv__(self._ow(other)), other=other)
def __mod__(self, other):
return self.wrap(self.data.__mod__(self._ow(other)), other=other)
def __divmod__(self, other):
return self.wrap(self.data.__divmod__(self._ow(other)), other=other)
def __pow__(self, other):
return self.wrap(self.data.__pow__(self._ow(other)), other=other)
def __lshift__(self, other):
return self.wrap(self.data.__lshift__(self._ow(other)), other=other)
def __rshift__(self, other):
return self.wrap(self.data.__rshift__(self._ow(other)), other=other)
def __and__(self, other):
return self.wrap(self.data.__and__(self._ow(other)), other=other)
def __xor__(self, other):
return self.wrap(self.data.__xor__(self._ow(other)), other=other)
def __or__(self, other):
return self.wrap(self.data.__or__(self._ow(other)), other=other)
def __radd__(self, other):
return self.wrap(self.data.__radd__(self._ow(other)), other=other)
def __rsub__(self, other):
return self.wrap(self.data.__rsub__(self._ow(other)), other=other)
def __rmul__(self, other):
return self.wrap(self.data.__rmul__(self._ow(other)), other=other)
def __rdiv__(self, other):
return self.wrap(self.data.__rdiv__(self._ow(other)), other=other)
def __rtruediv__(self, other):
return self.wrap(self.data.__rtruediv__(self._ow(other)), other=other)
def __rfloordiv__(self, other):
return self.wrap(self.data.__rfloordiv__(self._ow(other)), other=other)
def __rmod__(self, other):
return self.wrap(self.data.__rmod__(self._ow(other)), other=other)
def __rdivmod__(self, other):
return self.wrap(self.data.__rdivmod__(self._ow(other)), other=other)
def __rpow__(self, other):
return self.wrap(self.data.__rpow__(self._ow(other)), other=other)
# inplace operations are not implemented since the data
# can up and disappear (due to clear_cache)... this could cause
# confusion
def __iadd__(self, other):
return NotImplemented
def __isub__(self, other):
return NotImplemented
def __imul__(self, other):
return NotImplemented
def __idiv__(self, other):
return NotImplemented
def __itruediv__(self, other): # pylint: disable=R0201,W0613
return NotImplemented
def __ifloordiv__(self, other): # pylint: disable=R0201,W0613
return NotImplemented
def __imod__(self, other):
return NotImplemented
def __ipow__(self, other):
return NotImplemented
def __neg__(self):
return self.wrap(self.data.__neg__())
def __pos__(self):
return self.wrap(self.data.__pos__())
def __abs__(self):
return self.wrap(self.data.__abs__())
def __invert__(self):
return self.wrap(self.data.__invert__())
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.wrap(self.data.__lt__(self._ow(other)), other=other)
def __le__(self, other):
return self.wrap(self.data.__le__(self._ow(other)), other=other)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.wrap(self.data.__eq__(self._ow(other)), other=other)
def __ne__(self, other):
return self.wrap(self.data.__ne__(self._ow(other)), other=other)
def __gt__(self, other):
# print("::__gt__::", self.data.shape, other.shape,
# self.data.__gt__(other).shape, "ndim", other.ndim)
return self.wrap(self.data.__gt__(self._ow(other)), other=other)
def __ge__(self, other):
return self.wrap(self.data.__ge__(self._ow(other)), other=other)
def any(self, **kwargs):
return self.wrap(self.data.any(**kwargs), npkwargs=kwargs)
def all(self, **kwargs):
return self.wrap(self.data.all(**kwargs), npkwargs=kwargs)
def argmax(self, axis=None, out=None, **kwargs):
kwargs.update(axis=axis, out=out)
return self.wrap(self.data.argmax(**kwargs), npkwargs=kwargs)
def argmin(self, axis=None, out=None, **kwargs):
kwargs.update(axis=axis, out=out)
return self.wrap(self.data.argmin(**kwargs), npkwargs=kwargs)
def argpartition(self, kth, axis=-1, **kwargs):
kwargs.update(kth=kth, axis=axis)
return self.data.argpartition(**kwargs)
def argsort(self, axis=-1, kind='quicksort', order=None, **kwargs):
kwargs.update(axis=axis, kind=kind, order=order)
return self.wrap(self.data.argsort(**kwargs), npkwargs=kwargs)
def clip(self, min=None, max=None, out=None, **kwargs):
kwargs.update(min=min, max=max, out=out)
return self.wrap(self.data.clip(**kwargs), npkwargs=kwargs)
def conj(self, **kwargs):
return self.wrap(self.data.conj(**kwargs), npkwargs=kwargs)
def conjugate(self, **kwargs):
return self.wrap(self.data.conjugate(**kwargs), npkwargs=kwargs)
def cumprod(self, axis=None, dtype=None, order=None, **kwargs):
kwargs.update(axis=axis, dtype=dtype, order=order)
return self.wrap(self.data.cumprod(**kwargs), npkwargs=kwargs)
def cumsum(self, axis=None, dtype=None, order=None, **kwargs):
kwargs.update(axis=axis, dtype=dtype, order=order)
return self.wrap(self.data.cumsum(**kwargs), npkwargs=kwargs)
def max(self, **kwargs):
return self.wrap(self.data.max(**kwargs), npkwargs=kwargs)
def mean(self, **kwargs):
return self.wrap(self.data.mean(**kwargs), npkwargs=kwargs)
def min(self, **kwargs):
return self.wrap(self.data.min(**kwargs), npkwargs=kwargs)
def nonzero(self, **kwargs):
return self.data.nonzero(**kwargs)
def partition(self, kth, axis=-1, **kwargs):
kwargs.update(kth=kth, axis=axis)
return self.wrap(self.data.partition(**kwargs), npkwargs=kwargs)
def prod(self, **kwargs):
return self.wrap(self.data.prod(**kwargs), npkwargs=kwargs)
def ptp(self, axis=None, out=None, **kwargs):
kwargs.update(axis=axis, out=out)
return self.wrap(self.data.ptp(**kwargs), npkwargs=kwargs)
def round(self, decimals=0, out=None, **kwargs):
kwargs.update(decimals=decimals, out=out)
return self.wrap(self.data.round(**kwargs), npkwargs=kwargs)
def std(self, **kwargs):
return self.wrap(self.data.std(**kwargs), npkwargs=kwargs)
def sum(self, **kwargs):
return self.wrap(self.data.sum(**kwargs), npkwargs=kwargs)
def trapz(self, axis=-1, fudge_factor=None):
"""Integrate field over a single axis
axis (str, int): axis name or index
fudge_factor (callable): function that is called with
func(data, crd_arr), where crd_arr is shaped. This is
useful for including parts of the jacobian, like
sin(theta) dtheta.
Field or float
if axis in self.crds.axes:
axis = self.crds.axes.index(axis)
assert isinstance(axis, (int, np.integer))
crd_arr = self.get_crd(axis, shaped=True)
crd_arr = np.expand_dims(crd_arr, axis=self.nr_comp)
if self.nr_comp > axis:
fld_axis = axis
fld_axis = axis + 1
except TypeError:
fld_axis = axis
if fudge_factor is None:
arr = self.data
arr = self.data * fudge_factor(self.data, crd_arr)
if self.nr_sdims > 1:
slc = [slice(None) for _ in self.sshape]
slc[axis] = 0
ret = viscid.empty_like(self[tuple(slc)])
ret.data = np.trapz(arr, crd_arr.reshape(-1), axis=fld_axis)
ret = np.trapz(arr, crd_arr.reshape(-1), axis=fld_axis)
return ret
def cumtrapz(self, axis=-1, fudge_factor=None, initial=0):
"""Cumulatively integrate field over a single axis
axis (str, int): axis name or index
fudge_factor (callable): function that is called with
func(data, crd_arr), where crd_arr is shaped. This is
useful for including parts of the jacobian, like
sin(theta) dtheta.
initial (float): Initial value
ret = None
from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz as _sp_cumtrapz
if axis in self.crds.axes:
axis = self.crds.axes.index(axis)
assert isinstance(axis, (int, np.integer))
crd_arr = self.get_crd(axis, shaped=True)
crd_arr = np.expand_dims(crd_arr, axis=self.nr_comp)
if self.nr_comp > axis:
fld_axis = axis
fld_axis = axis + 1
except TypeError:
fld_axis = axis
if fudge_factor is None:
arr = self.data
arr = self.data * fudge_factor(self.data, crd_arr)
ret = viscid.empty_like(self)
ret.data = _sp_cumtrapz(arr, crd_arr.reshape(-1), axis=fld_axis,
except ImportError:
viscid.logger.error("Scipy is required to perform cumtrapz")
return ret
def real(self):
ret = self
if self.dtype.kind == "c":
ret = self.wrap(self.data.real)
return ret
def imag(self):
return self.wrap(self.data.imag)
def angle(self, deg=False):
# hack: np.angle casts to ndarray... that's annoying
return self.wrap(np.angle(self.data, deg=deg))
def transpose(self, *axes):
""" same behavior as numpy transpose, alse accessable
using np.transpose(fld) """
if len(axes) == 1 and axes[0]:
axes = axes[0]
if axes == (None, ) or len(axes) == 0:
axes = list(range(self.nr_dims - 1, -1, -1))
if len(axes) != self.nr_dims:
raise ValueError("transpose can not change number of axes")
clist = self._src_crds.get_clist()
caxes = list(axes)
if self.nr_comps:
caxes = [i - 1 if i > self.nr_comp else i for i in caxes]
new_clist = [clist[i] for i in caxes]
cunits = self._src_crds.get_units((c[0] for c in new_clist), allow_invalid=1)
t_crds = coordinate.wrap_crds(self._src_crds.crdtype, new_clist,
units=cunits, **self._src_crds.meta)
t_data = self.data.transpose(axes)
context = dict(crds=t_crds)
# i think the layout should be taken care of automagically
return self.wrap(t_data, context=context)
def transpose_crds(self, *axes):
if axes == (None, ) or len(axes) == 0:
axes = list(range(self.nr_sdims - 1, -1, -1))
ax_inds = [self.crds.ind(ax) for ax in axes]
if self.nr_comps:
ax_inds = [i + 1 if i >= self.nr_comp else i for i in ax_inds]
ax_inds.insert(self.nr_comp, self.nr_comp)
return self.transpose(*ax_inds)
def T(self):
return self.transpose()
def TC(self):
return self.transpose_crds()
spatial_transpose = transpose_crds
def swapaxes(self, a, b):
axes = list(range(self.nr_dims))
axes[a], axes[b] = b, a
return self.transpose(*axes)
def swap_crd_axes(self, a, b):
a, b = [self.crds.ind(s) for s in (a, b)]
axes = list(range(self.nr_sdims))
axes[a], axes[b] = b, a
return self.transpose_crds(*axes)
def astype(self, dtype):
ret = self
if np.dtype(dtype) != self.dtype:
ret = self.wrap(self.data.astype(dtype))
return ret
def as_layout(self, to_layout, force_c_contiguous=True):
raise NotImplementedError("abstract method")
def as_interlaced(self, force_c_contiguous=True):
return self.as_layout(LAYOUT_INTERLACED,
def as_flat(self, force_c_contiguous=True):
return self.as_layout(LAYOUT_FLAT,
def __crd_system__(self):
if self.find_info("crd_system", None):
crd_system = self.find_info("crd_system")
crd_system = NotImplemented
return crd_system
class ScalarField(Field):
_TYPE = "scalar"
def nr_dims(self):
return self.nr_sdims
# FIXME: there is probably a better way to deal with scalars not
# having a component dimension
def nr_comp(self):
raise TypeError("Scalars have no components")
def nr_comps(self):
return 0
# no downsample / transpose / swap axes for vectors yet since that would
# have the added layer of checking the layout
def downsample(self):
""" downsample the spatial dimensions by a factor of 2 """
# FIXME: this implementation assumes a lot about the field
end = np.array(self.sshape) // 2
dat = self.data
if self.nr_sdims == 1:
downdat = 0.5 * (dat[:end[0]:2] + dat[1:end[0]:2])
elif self.nr_sdims == 2:
downdat = 0.25 * (dat[:end[0]:2, :end[1]:2] +
dat[1:end[0]:2, :end[1]:2] +
dat[:end[0]:2, 1:end[1]:2] +
dat[1:end[0]:2, 1:end[1]:2])
elif self.nr_sdims == 3:
downdat = 0.125 * (dat[:end[0]:2, :end[1]:2, :end[2]:2] +
dat[1:end[0]:2, :end[1]:2, :end[2]:2] +
dat[:end[0]:2, 1:end[1]:2, :end[2]:2] +
dat[:end[0]:2, :end[1]:2, 1:end[2]:2] +
dat[1:end[0]:2, 1:end[1]:2, :end[2]:2] +
dat[1:end[0]:2, :end[1]:2, 1:end[2]:2] +
dat[:end[0]:2, 1:end[1]:2, 1:end[2]:2] +
dat[1:end[0]:2, 1:end[1]:2, 1:end[2]:2])
downclist = self._src_crds.get_clist(np.s_[::2])
cunits = self._src_crds.get_units((c[0] for c in downclist), allow_invalid=1)
downcrds = coordinate.wrap_crds("nonuniform_cartesian", downclist,
units=cunits, **self._src_crds.meta)
return self.wrap(downdat, {"crds": downcrds})
def as_layout(self, to_layout, force_c_contiguous=True):
if force_c_contiguous:
return self.as_c_contiguous()
return self
class VectorField(Field):
_TYPE = "vector"
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Keyword Arguments:
comp_names (sequence): sequence of component names
See Also:
if 'comp_names' in kwargs:
comp_names = kwargs.pop('comp_names')
super(VectorField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.comp_names = comp_names
def component_views(self):
""" return numpy views to components individually, memory layout
of the original field is maintained """
flds = self.component_fields()
return [f.data for f in flds]
def component_fields(self):
if (self._cache is None and
self.layout == LAYOUT_FLAT and
isinstance(self._src_data, (list, tuple)) and
all([isinstance(f, Field) for f in self._src_data])):
# if all elements are fields
return self._src_data
lst = [None] * self.nr_comps
for i in range(self.nr_comps):
slc = [slice(None)] * (len(self.shape))
slc[self.nr_comp] = self.comp_names[i]
lst[i] = self[tuple(slc)]
return lst
def as_layout(self, to_layout, force_c_contiguous=True):
"""Get an interlaced version of this field
This will trigger a data load if the data is not already
in memory
force_c_contiguous: if data is not c contiguous, then wrap
it in another np.array() call.
self, or Field if
was_loaded = self.is_loaded
ret = None
if self.layout == to_layout:
if force_c_contiguous:
if not self.data.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
# print("calling np.ascontiguousarray")
ret = self.wrap(np.ascontiguousarray(self.data))
# print("returning self")
ret = self
ctx = dict(force_layout=to_layout)
# the data load is going to wrap the array, i think it's
# redundant to put an "ascontiguousarray" here
ret = self.wrap(self.data, ctx)
if not was_loaded and ret is not self:
return ret
def _ow(self, other):
# - hack because Fields don't broadcast correctly after a ufunc?
# - Vector Hack if other is a scalar field to promote it to a vector
# field so numpy can broadcast interlaced vector flds w/ scalar flds
if isinstance(other, ScalarField):
if self.layout == 'interlaced':
return other.__array__()[..., np.newaxis]
elif self.layout == 'flat':
return other.__array__()[np.newaxis, ...]
return other.__array__()
except AttributeError:
return other
class MatrixField(Field):
_TYPE = "matrix"
class TensorField(Field):
_TYPE = "tensor"
## EOF