Source code for viscid.fluidtrace

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Trace fluid elements in time"""
# pylint: disable=deprecated-method

from __future__ import print_function
import itertools
import sys

import numpy as np

import viscid
from viscid.compat import izip, OrderedDict
from viscid.calculator import calc_streamlines
from viscid.calculator import cycalc
from viscid.calculator import streamline
from viscid import logger
from viscid import seed

__all__ = ['SeedCurator', 'ContinuousCurator', 'ReplacementCurator',

[docs]class SeedCurator(object): """Base class for adding/removing seeds from fluid following This class just removes seeds that go out of bounds, but provides the _update_delmask_oob method which is probably useful to all """ def __init__(self, obound0=None, obound1=None, ibound=None, obound_r=None): self.obound_xl = None self.obound_xh = None self.obound0 = obound0 self.obound1 = obound1 self.ibound = ibound self.obound_r = obound_r def _prepare_xl_xh(self, v_field): # Jump through some hoops so that obound0 and obound1 are expanded # to 3d in the same way as grid.crds if self.obound_xl is None: assert self.obound_xh is None if self.obound0 is None: self.obound0 = v_field.crds.xl_nc if self.obound1 is None: self.obound1 = v_field.crds.xh_nc _invar_dim_mask = np.array(v_field.sshape) == 1 self.obound0[_invar_dim_mask] = -np.inf self.obound1[_invar_dim_mask] = np.inf if (np.any(np.isinf(self.obound0)) or np.any(np.isinf(self.obound1)) or np.any(np.isnan(self.obound0)) or np.any(np.isnan(self.obound1))): np_err_state = {'invalid': 'ignore'} else: np_err_state = {} with np.errstate(**np_err_state): _axes = v_field.crds.axes crds = viscid.arrays2crds(np.vstack([self.obound0, self.obound1]).T, crd_names=_axes).atleast_3d(cc=True) self.obound_xl = crds.xl_nc self.obound_xh = crds.xh_nc else: assert self.obound_xh is not None def _update_delmask_oob(self, v_field, seeds, delmask=None): """delmask |= where seeds are out of bounds""" self._prepare_xl_xh(v_field) if delmask is None: delmask = np.zeros([seeds.shape[1]], dtype='bool') delmask |= np.any(np.bitwise_or(seeds.T < self.obound_xl, seeds.T > self.obound_xh), axis=1) if self.ibound or self.obound_r: rsq = np.sum(seeds**2, axis=0) if self.ibound: delmask |= rsq < self.ibound**2 if self.obound_r: delmask |= rsq > self.obound_r**2 return delmask
[docs] def update(self, v_field, seeds, delmask=None, time=None): """add/remove seeds""" delmask = self._update_delmask_oob(v_field, seeds, delmask=delmask) return np.array(seeds[:, ~delmask])
[docs]class ContinuousCurator(SeedCurator): """Add seeds to the same places at a steady cadence""" def __init__(self, new_seeds, cadence=0.1, **kwargs): self.new_seeds = np.array(new_seeds) self.cadence = cadence self.last_run = None super(ContinuousCurator, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def update(self, v_field, seeds, delmask=None, time=None): """remove out-of-bounds seeds, then add the seeds at cadence""" time = v_field.time if time is None else time if self.last_run is None: self.last_run = time if time - self.last_run > self.cadence: delmask = self._update_delmask_oob(v_field, seeds, delmask=delmask) seeds = np.concatenate([seeds[:, ~delmask], self.new_seeds], axis=1) self.last_run = time return seeds
[docs]class ReplacementCurator(SeedCurator): """Remove out-of-bounds seeds, then reset them""" def __init__(self, orig_seeds=None, **kwargs): self.orig_seeds = np.array(orig_seeds) if orig_seeds is not None else None super(ReplacementCurator, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def update(self, v_field, seeds, delmask=None, time=None): """Remove out-of-bounds seeds, then reset them""" if self.orig_seeds is None: self.orig_seeds = np.array(seeds) delmask = self._update_delmask_oob(v_field, seeds, delmask=delmask) # for any seeds marked for deletion, replace them with their # original selves seeds[:, delmask] = self.orig_seeds[:, delmask] return seeds
def fluid_callback_template(i, t, seeds=None, v_field=None, anc_fields=None, grid0=None, grid1=None, streamlines=None, series_fname=None, show=False, **kwargs): pass def default_fluid_callback(i, t, seeds=None, v_field=None, anc_fields=None, grid0=None, grid1=None, streamlines=None, series_fname=None, show=False, **kwargs): from viscid.plot import vpyplot as vlt from matplotlib import pyplot as plt _, ax0 = plt.subplots(1, 1) vlt.plot(viscid.magnitude(v_field).atmost_nd(2), ax=ax0) vlt.scatter_2d(seeds, ax=ax0) vlt.streamplot(v_field.atmost_nd(2)) vlt.plot_lines2d(streamlines, ax=ax0) plt.title('{0:8.3f}'.format(t)) if series_fname: plt.savefig('{0}_{1:06d}.png'.format(series_fname, i)) if show: else: plt.close()
[docs]def follow_fluid(dset, initial_seeds, time_slice=slice(None), curator=None, callback=default_fluid_callback, speed_scale=1.0, dt=None, tstart=None, tstop=None, duration=None, dt_interp=None, v_key='v', anc_keys=(), fld_slc=Ellipsis, stream_opts={}, callback_kwargs={}): """Trace fluid elements Note: you want speed_scale if say V is in km/s and x/y/z is in Re ;) Parameters: vfile: a vFile object that we can call iter_times on time_slice: string, slice notation, like 1200:2400:1 initial_seeds: any SeedGen object plot_function: function that is called each time step, arguments should be exactly: (i [int], grid, v [Vector Field], v_lines [result of streamline trace], root_seeds [SeedGen]) stream_opts: must have ds0 and max_length, maxit will be automatically calculated Returns: root points after following the fluid """ curator = SeedCurator() if curator is None else curator grids = [grid for grid in dset.iter_times(time_slice)] times = [g.time for g in grids] slc_range = dset.tslc_range(time_slice) time_slice_dir = np.sign(times[-1] - times[0]).astype('f') slice_min_dt = 1.0 if len(times) <= 1 else np.min(np.abs(np.diff(times))) # figure out direction (forward / backward) if tstart is not None and tstop is not None: tdir = np.sign(tstop - tstart).astype('f') elif (dt is not None and dt < 0) or (duration is not None and duration < 0): tdir = -1.0 else: tdir = 1.0 if time_slice_dir == 0.0 else time_slice_dir # enforce that grids and times arrays are reordered to match tdir if (tdir > 0 and time_slice_dir < 0) or (tdir < 0 and time_slice_dir > 0): grids = grids[::-1] times = times[::-1] slc_range = slc_range[::-1] time_slice_dir *= -1 # set tstart and tstop if they're not already given if tstart is None: tstart = slc_range[0] if tstop is None: if duration is not None: tstop = tstart + tdir * np.abs(duration) else: tstop = slc_range[1] # set dt if they're not given dt = np.abs(dt) if dt is not None else slice_min_dt dt_interp = np.abs(dt_interp) if dt_interp is not None else dt # ------ main loop fld_keys = [v_key] + list(anc_keys) times = np.array(times) t = tstart if np.any(np.sign(np.diff(times)) != tdir): raise RuntimeError("times is not monotonic") i = 0 seeds = initial_seeds.get_points() while tdir * (t - tstop) <= 0.0: idx0 = max(np.sum(tdir * (times - t) < 0.0) - 1, 0) idx1 = min(idx0 + 1, len(grids) - 1) time0, grid0 = times[idx0], grids[idx0] time1, grid1 = times[idx1], grids[idx1] frac_interp = 0.0 if time0 == time1 else (t - time0) / (time1 - time0) # get / calculate fields for each key at the current time if grid0 is grid1: flds = [grid0[key] for key in fld_keys] else: a = frac_interp b = 1.0 - frac_interp flds = [viscid.axpby(a, grid0[k][fld_slc], b, grid1[k][fld_slc]) for k in fld_keys] anc_fields = OrderedDict([(k, v) for k, v in zip(anc_keys, flds[1:])]) t_next_interp = t + tdir * dt_interp while tdir * (t - t_next_interp) < 0 and tdir * (t - tstop) <= 0.0: if 'method' not in stream_opts: stream_opts['method'] = 'rk45' vpaths = viscid.calc_streamlines(tdir * speed_scale * flds[0], seeds, max_t=dt, output=viscid.OUTPUT_STREAMLINES, stream_dir=viscid.DIR_FORWARD, **stream_opts)[0] callback(i, t, seeds=seeds, v_field=flds[0], anc_fields=anc_fields, grid0=grid0, grid1=grid1, streamlines=vpaths, **callback_kwargs) i += 1 # prepare seeds for next iteration for iseed in range(seeds.shape[1]): seeds[:, iseed] = vpaths[iseed][:, -1] seeds = curator.update(flds[0], seeds, time=t) t += tdir * dt
def _main(): import os from viscid.plot import vpyplot as vlt grid = viscid.grid.Grid(time=0.0) crds = viscid.arrays2crds([np.linspace(-1, 1, 32), np.linspace(-1, 1, 32)]) grid.add_field(viscid.full(crds, np.nan, name='V')) seeds0 = viscid.Circle(p0=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], r=0.8, n=25).get_points() seeds1 = viscid.Circle(p0=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], r=1.1, n=25).get_points() seeds3 = viscid.Line([-0.5, 0, 0], [0.5, 0, 0], n=5) delmask = np.zeros([seeds0.shape[1]], dtype='bool') curator = viscid.SeedCurator() seeds2 = curator.update(grid['V'], np.array(seeds1), delmask=delmask) vlt.plt.scatter(seeds1[0], seeds1[1], c=[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) vlt.plt.scatter(seeds2[0], seeds2[1]) vlt.plt.axhline(-1); vlt.plt.axvline(-1) # pylint: disable=multiple-statements vlt.plt.axhline(1); vlt.plt.axvline(1) # pylint: disable=multiple-statements curator = viscid.ReplacementCurator(seeds0) seeds2 = curator.update(grid['V'], np.array(seeds1), delmask=delmask) vlt.plt.scatter(seeds1[0], seeds1[1], c=[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) vlt.plt.scatter(seeds2[0], seeds2[1]) vlt.plt.axhline(-1); vlt.plt.axvline(-1) # pylint: disable=multiple-statements vlt.plt.axhline(1); vlt.plt.axvline(1) # pylint: disable=multiple-statements curator = viscid.ContinuousCurator(seeds3, cadence=-1) seeds2 = curator.update(grid['V'], np.array(seeds1), delmask=delmask) vlt.plt.scatter(seeds1[0], seeds1[1], c=[0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) vlt.plt.scatter(seeds2[0], seeds2[1]) vlt.plt.axhline(-1); vlt.plt.axvline(-1) # pylint: disable=multiple-statements vlt.plt.axhline(1); vlt.plt.axvline(1) # pylint: disable=multiple-statements target_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'Desktop', 'fluid_movie') print("Attempting to make a movie in:", target_dir) f = viscid.load_file("~/dev/stage/otico_001/otico*.3d.xdmf") xl, xh = f.get_grid().xl_nc, f.get_grid().xh_nc seeds0 = viscid.Circle(p0=0.5 * (xl + xh), r=0.2 * np.max(xh - xl), pole=(0, 0, 1), n=10) seeds1 = viscid.Circle(p0=0.5 * (xl + xh), r=0.4 * np.max(xh - xl), pole=(0, 0, 1), n=10) seeds = viscid.Point(np.concatenate([seeds0.get_points(), seeds1.get_points()], axis=1)) if not os.path.isdir(target_dir): os.mkdir(target_dir) target_fname = os.path.join(target_dir, 'fluid') viscid.follow_fluid(f, seeds, dt=0.0101926 / 2, callback_kwargs=dict(show=False, series_fname=target_fname)) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(_main()) ## ## EOF ##