viscid.readers.hdf5 module

class viscid.readers.hdf5.FileHDF5(fname, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: viscid.readers.vfile.VFile

this is an abstract-ish class from which other types of hdf5 readers should derrive

save(fname=None, **kwargs)[source]

save an instance of VFile, fname defaults to the name of the file object as read

classmethod save_fields(fname, flds, complevel=0, compression='gzip', compression_opts=None, **kwargs)[source]

save some fields using the format given by the class

class viscid.readers.hdf5.FileLazyHDF5(fname, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: viscid.readers.vfile.VFile

This is for lazy wrapping an h5 file referred to by an xdmf file, or anything else where you want to have a single file instance for a single hdf5 file, but you don’t want any parsing because you already know what’s going to be in the file.

resolve_path(path, first=False)[source]
class viscid.readers.hdf5.H5pyDataWrapper(fname, loc, comp_dim=None, comp_idx=None, transpose=False)[source]

Bases: viscid.readers.vfile.DataWrapper

comp_dim = None
comp_idx = None

only ask for this if you really need it; can be a speed problem for large temporal datasets over sshfs

fname = None
loc = None
read_direct(arr, **kwargs)[source]

only ask for this if you really need it; can be a speed problem for large temporal datasets over sshfs

transpose = None