Plot Options¶
Plot options are given to viscid.plot.vpyplot.plot()
as either keyword arguments, or as a string called plot_opts. For the various plot types, what follows should be a comprehensive list of the available options.
For all options, supplying no arguments implies one argument with the value True.
Any options that Viscid does not understand are passed to the matplotlib function that actually plots the data (pyplot.plot, pyplot.pcolormesh, pyplot.contourf, etc).
Multiple arguments are given to keywords as a tuple:
kwargs = {'lin': (-1.0, 1.0), 'gridec': 'k'}
All options can be passed as strings with one of two formats. First, the string can be a list of comma separated options with underscore separated arguments:
plot_opts = "lin_-1.0_1.0, gridec_k"
# also, any '=' will be substituted with a '_' to aid readability
plot_opts = "lin=-1.0_1.0, gridec=k"
If PyYaml is available, plot options can be given between curly brackets using Yaml syntax. Note that the colon must be followed by a space in Yaml syntax.
plot_opts = "{lin: [-1.0, 1.0], gridec: k}"
Known Issues¶
Since Viscid switched to using image axes by default, it has exposed some undesired behavior in matplotlib. Namely, if you call pyplot.tight_layout()
, viscid.plot.vpyplot.tighten()
, or viscid.plot.vpyplot.auto_adjust_subplots()
more than once for a figure, then some of the subplots dissapear. The solution is to only call these functions once per figure.
Option | Arguments | Description |
clim | vmin, [vmax] | Set min and max values for the data scale |
vmin | int | Minimum value for the data range |
vmax | int | Maximum value for the data range |
lin | [vmin, [vmax]] | Shorthand for clim and logscale=0. Min/Max values that aren’t given are found from the data. |
log | [vmin, [vmax]] | Shorthand for clim and logscale=1. Min/Max values that aren’t given are found from the data. |
loglog | [vmin, [vmax]] | Same as log, but also use a logscale for the coordinates |
logscale | [bool] | Use a logarithmic scale for the data |
symmetric | [bool] | Make the data scale symmetric around 0 |
norescale | [bool] | Do not set limit of the data axis explicitly |
x | min, max | Set axis limits using pyplot.set_xlim() |
y | min, max | Set axis limits using pyplot.set_ylim() |
axis | str | Arguments for pyplot.axis(). In viscid, this defaults to ‘image’ but can be anything accepted by matplotlib.pyplot.axis() or ‘none’ for no call to pyplot.axis(). See matplotlib docs for more info. This option can be used to force a 1:1 aspect ratio. |
scale | float | Scale data by some scalar value |
masknan | [bool or color] | Mask out NaN values in data with a given color (default: ‘y’ for yellow) |
flipplot | [bool] | Alias for flip_plot |
flip_plot | [bool] | Flip the horizontal and vertical axes |
nolabels | [bool] | Skip applying labels to x/y/cbar axes |
xlabel | str | Specific label for the x axis |
ylabel | str | Specific label for the y axis |
majorfmt | ticker.Formatter | Formatter for major axes (x and y) |
minorfmt | ticker.Formatter | Formatter for minor axes (x and y) |
majorloc | ticker.Locater | Locater for major axes (x and y) |
minorloc | ticker.Locater | Locater for minor axes (x and y) |
datefmt | str | date format string in the datetime.strftime format |
timefmt | str | time format string in the datetime.strftime format (used for timedeltas) |
autofmt_xdate | [bool] | auto-rotate date labels on the x-axis |
autofmtxdate | [bool] | alias for autofmt_xdate |
show | [bool] | Call before returning |
When using lin, if vmin == 0 and vmax is not given, the scale will be symmetric about 0. This is a shorthand for the symmetric keyword argument.
2-D Plots¶
Option | Arguments | Description |
style | str | One of (pcolormesh, pcolor, contour, contourf) |
tightlim | bool | If True, then set axes limits to data limits |
levels | [int or list] | Number of contours, or list of specific contour values (contours only) |
g | [bool or color] | Alias for gridec=k or gridec=color |
gridec | color | Color for grid lines (pcolormesh only) |
gridlw | number | Line width for grid lines (pcolormesh only) |
gridaa | [bool] | Antialias grid lines (default: True) |
p | [bool or color] | Alias for patchec=k or patchec=color |
patchec | color | Color for patch boundaries |
patchlw | number | Line width for patch boundaries |
patchaa | [bool] | Antialias patch boundaries (default: True) |
mod | modx, mody | Scale coordinates by some scalar value |
colorbar | bool | Automatically add a colorbar? Default is True |
cax | mpl Axis | Explicit axis for colorbar, if drawn |
cbar_kwargs | dict | keyword options for pyplot.colorbar. Handles the additional arguments ‘use_grid1’ for nicer cax creation, and ‘position’ which can be ‘left’, ‘right’, ‘top’ or ‘bottom’. |
title | bool or str | Put a specific title on the plot, or if true, use field’s pretty_name (suppresses cbarlabel if both would default to pretty_name) |
cbarlabel | str | Specific label for the color bar |
earth | [bool] | Plot a black and white circle for Earth |
2-D Map Plots¶
All options for normal 2-D plots work for map plots too.
Option | Arguments | Description |
projection | str | ‘polar’ or Basemap projection to use |
hemisphere | str | ‘north’ or ‘south’ |
drawcoastlines | [bool] | If projection is a basemap projection, then draw coastlines. Pretty cool, but not actually useful. Coastlines do NOT reflect UT time; London is always at midnight. |
lon0 | float | Center longitude (basemap projections only) |
lat0 | float | Center latitude (basemap projections only) |
boundinglat | float | Bounding latitude in degrees from the nearest pole (not for all projections) |
title | bool or str | Put a specific title on the plot, or if true, use field’s pretty_name |
axgridec | color | Color for patch boundaries (use empty string or False to turn off axes) |
axgridlw | number | Line width for patch boundaries |
axgridls | str | Line style for patch boundaries |
labellat | [bool or str] | Alias for label_lat |
label_lat | [bool or str] | Label latitudes at 80, 70, 60 degrees with sign indicating northern / southern hemisphere. If label_lat is ‘from_pole’, then the labels are 10, 20, 30 for both hemispheres. Note that basemap projections won’t label latitudes unless they hit the edge of the plot. |
label_mlt | [bool] | label magnetic local time |
2-D Iono Plots¶
All options for normal 2-D and map plots apply too.
Option | Arguments | Description |
annotations | str | ‘pot’ annotates min/max/cpcp, others may be added in the future |
units | str | units for annotations / title etc |
fontsize | int | font size in points |
titlescale | float | now much larger to make the title as a fraction (1.5 is 50% larger than annotations) |
1-D Color Plots¶
Option | Arguments | Description |
legend | [loc] | call pyplot.legend() |
label | str | Label for the data series |
mod | modx | Scale coordinates by some scalar value |