Source code for viscid.calculator.ecfc

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Edge and face centered tools"""

from __future__ import division, print_function

    import numexpr as ne
    _HAS_NUMEXPR = True
except ImportError:
    _HAS_NUMEXPR = False
import numpy as np

import viscid

           'STAGGER_KEY', 'make_ecfc_field_leading', 'fc2cc', 'ec2cc', 'div_fc']

# The leading / trailing nomenclature says how nc/cc indices are
# staggered, ie, for leading, cc_i = 0.5 * (fc_i + fc_i+1). This is
# the case for the C3 stepper, etc. Trailing is the convention used
# by the fortran kernel, ie, cc_i = 0.5 * (fc_i-1 + fc_i)


PREPROCESSED_KEY = "ecfc_preprocessed"
FLIP_KEY = "ecfc_flip"
STAGGER_KEY = "ecfc_staggering"

def _prep_slices(f):
    is_leading = f.find_info(PREPROCESSED_KEY, False)
    is_leading |= f.find_info(STAGGER_KEY, None) == [STAGGER_LEADING] * 3
    if not is_leading:
        raise RuntimeError("Please make f leading staggered first")

    _s0 = slice(None, -1)
    _smL = slice(None, -1)
    _spL = slice(1, None)

    s0 = [None] * 3
    sm = [None] * 3
    sp = [None] * 3

    for i, n in enumerate(f.sshape):
        if n == 1:
            s0[i], sm[i], sp[i] = slice(None), slice(None), slice(None)
        elif n >= 2:
            s0[i], sm[i], sp[i] = _s0, _smL, _spL
            raise RuntimeError("I shouldn't be here")
    return s0, sm, sp

[docs]def make_ecfc_field_leading(fc, trim_leading=True): """Standardize staggering on edge / face centered fields""" if fc.find_info(PREPROCESSED_KEY, False): return fc elif fc.find_info(PREPROCESSED_KEY, None) is None: # this is for non-ggcm fields fc.set_info(PREPROCESSED_KEY, True) fc.set_info(STAGGER_KEY, [STAGGER_LEADING] * 3) return fc else: # NOTE: I deeply apologize for the variable names and logic here, # it turns out to be super confusing to deal with staggering and # flipping of 2 components (mhd->gse), etc. The important thing is # this logic was tested to work with step_c, step_c3, and jrrle # output in both mhd and gse crds center = if center not in ('face', 'edge'): raise ValueError("This only makes sense for Edge / Face centered " "fields") SA = [slice(None, -1), slice(1, None), slice(None, None)] SB = [SA[1], SA[0], SA[2]] # Trailing offsets/Staggering _sd0T = 1 _sdT = 0 # Leading Offsets/Staggering if trim_leading: # this makes everything symmetric since trailing offset fields # will be sliced by one value, so you can slice the first and # last values from a CC field and add it to an fc2cc field # regardless of the fc field's representation. _sd0L = 1 _sdL = 1 else: _sd0L = 2 _sdL = 2 # sd: how to slice the data for vector component xyz # sc: how to slice the xyz NC coordinates sd = [[None] * 3, [None] * 3, [None] * 3] sc = [None] * 3 # staggering = fc.find_info(STAGGER_KEY, [STAGGER_TRAILING] * 3) staggering = fc.find_info(STAGGER_KEY, [STAGGER_LEADING] * 3) flipping = fc.find_info(FLIP_KEY, [False] * 3) for i, n in enumerate(fc.sshape): if staggering[i] == STAGGER_TRAILING: _sd0, _sd = _sd0T, _sdT else: _sd0, _sd = _sd0L, _sdL if n == 1: sc[i] = slice(None, None) for j in range(3): sd[i][j] = slice(None, None) elif n > 1: sc[i] = slice(1, None) for j in range(3): cnd = i == j if center == 'face' else i != j S = SB if flipping[j] and cnd else SA if cnd: sd[i][j] = S[_sd] else: sd[i][j] = S[_sd0] else: raise RuntimeError("I shouldn't be here") fc.resolve() # if translating -> gse, do it once, not 4 times s0vec = list(sc) s0vec.insert(fc.nr_comp, slice(None)) prepared_fc = viscid.zeros_like(fc[s0vec]) prepared_fc['x'] = fc['x', sd[0][0], sd[0][1], sd[0][2]] prepared_fc['y'] = fc['y', sd[1][0], sd[1][1], sd[1][2]] prepared_fc['z'] = fc['z', sd[2][0], sd[2][1], sd[2][2]] prepared_fc.set_info(PREPROCESSED_KEY, True) prepared_fc.set_info(STAGGER_KEY, [STAGGER_LEADING] * 3) = prepared_fc.pretty_name = fc.pretty_name return prepared_fc
[docs]def fc2cc(fc, force_numpy=False, bnd=True): """Average a face centered field to cell centers""" fc = fc.atleast_3d() fc = make_ecfc_field_leading(fc) s0, sm, sp = _prep_slices(fc) s0vec = list(s0) s0vec.insert(fc.nr_comp, slice(None)) cc = viscid.zeros_like(fc[s0vec]) = "Cell" fcx0, fcx1 = (fc['x', sm[0], s0[1], s0[2]].data, fc['x', sp[0], s0[1], s0[2]].data) fcy0, fcy1 = (fc['y', s0[0], sm[1], s0[2]].data, fc['y', s0[0], sp[1], s0[2]].data) fcz0, fcz1 = (fc['z', s0[0], s0[1], sm[2]].data, fc['z', s0[0], s0[1], sp[2]].data) if _HAS_NUMEXPR and not force_numpy: half = np.array([0.5], dtype=fc.dtype)[0] # pylint: disable=unused-variable s = "half * (a + b)" a, b = fcx0, fcx1 # pylint: disable=unused-variable cc['x'] = ne.evaluate(s) a, b = fcy0, fcy1 cc['y'] = ne.evaluate(s) a, b = fcz0, fcz1 cc['z'] = ne.evaluate(s) else: cc['x'] = 0.5 * (fcx0 + fcx1) cc['y'] = 0.5 * (fcy0 + fcy1) cc['z'] = 0.5 * (fcz0 + fcz1) if bnd: # FIXME: this is really just faking the bnd so there aren't shape # errors when doing math with the result cc = viscid.extend_boundaries(cc, nl=1, nh=1, order=0, crd_order=1) = cc.pretty_name = fc.pretty_name return cc
[docs]def ec2cc(ec, force_numpy=False, bnd=True): """Average an edge centered field to cell centers""" ec = ec.atleast_3d() ec = make_ecfc_field_leading(ec) s0, sm, sp = _prep_slices(ec) s0vec = list(s0) s0vec.insert(ec.nr_comp, slice(None)) cc = viscid.zeros_like(ec[s0vec]) = "Cell" ecx0, ecx1, ecx2, ecx3 = (ec['x', s0[0], sm[1], sm[2]].data, ec['x', s0[0], sm[1], sp[2]].data, ec['x', s0[0], sp[1], sm[2]].data, ec['x', s0[0], sp[1], sp[2]].data) ecy0, ecy1, ecy2, ecy3 = (ec['y', sm[0], s0[1], sm[2]].data, ec['y', sm[0], s0[1], sp[2]].data, ec['y', sp[0], s0[1], sm[2]].data, ec['y', sp[0], s0[1], sp[2]].data) ecz0, ecz1, ecz2, ecz3 = (ec['z', sm[0], sm[1], s0[2]].data, ec['z', sm[0], sp[1], s0[2]].data, ec['z', sp[0], sm[1], s0[2]].data, ec['z', sp[0], sp[1], s0[2]].data) if _HAS_NUMEXPR and not force_numpy: quarter = np.array([0.25], dtype=ec.dtype)[0] # pylint: disable=unused-variable s = "quarter * (a + b + c + d)" a, b, c, d = ecx0, ecx1, ecx2, ecx3 # pylint: disable=unused-variable cc['x'] = ne.evaluate(s) a, b, c, d = ecy0, ecy1, ecy2, ecy3 cc['y'] = ne.evaluate(s) a, b, c, d = ecz0, ecz1, ecz2, ecz3 cc['z'] = ne.evaluate(s) else: cc['x'] = 0.25 * (ecx0 + ecx1 + ecx2 + ecx3) cc['y'] = 0.25 * (ecy0 + ecy1 + ecy2 + ecy3) cc['z'] = 0.25 * (ecz0 + ecz1 + ecz2 + ecz3) if bnd: # FIXME: this is really just faking the bnd so there aren't shape # errors when doing math with the result cc = viscid.extend_boundaries(cc, nl=1, nh=1, order=0, crd_order=1) = cc.pretty_name = ec.pretty_name return cc
[docs]def div_fc(fc, force_numpy=False, bnd=True): """Calculate cell centered divergence of face centered field""" fc = fc.atleast_3d() fc = make_ecfc_field_leading(fc) # FIXME: maybe it's possible to do the boundary correctly here without # just faking it with a 0 order hold before returning s0, sm, sp = _prep_slices(fc) s0vec = list(s0) s0vec.insert(fc.nr_comp, slice(0, 1)) div_cc = viscid.zeros_like(fc[s0vec], center="cell") x, y, z = fc.get_crds_nc('xyz', shaped=True) if True: # x, y, z = x[1:, :, :], y[:, 1:, :], z[:, :, 1:] x, y, z = x[:-1, :, :], y[:, :-1, :], z[:, :, :-1] else: raise NotImplementedError() # x, y, z = fc.get_crds_cc('xyz', shaped=True) xm, xp = x[sm[0], :, :], x[sp[0], :, :] ym, yp = y[:, sm[1], :], y[:, sp[1], :] zm, zp = z[:, :, sm[2]], z[:, :, sp[2]] fcx0, fcx1 = (fc['x', sm[0], s0[1], s0[2]].data, fc['x', sp[0], s0[1], s0[2]].data) fcy0, fcy1 = (fc['y', s0[0], sm[1], s0[2]].data, fc['y', s0[0], sp[1], s0[2]].data) fcz0, fcz1 = (fc['z', s0[0], s0[1], sm[2]].data, fc['z', s0[0], s0[1], sp[2]].data) # xp, yp, zp = xm + 1.0, ym + 1.0, zm + 1.0 if _HAS_NUMEXPR and not force_numpy: div_cc[:, :, :] = ne.evaluate("((fcx1 - fcx0) / (xp - xm)) + " "((fcy1 - fcy0) / (yp - ym)) + " "((fcz1 - fcz0) / (zp - zm))") else: div_cc[:, :, :] = (((fcx1 - fcx0) / (xp - xm)) + ((fcy1 - fcy0) / (yp - ym)) + ((fcz1 - fcz0) / (zp - zm))) if bnd: # FIXME: this is really just faking the bnd so there aren't shape # errors when doing math with the result div_cc = viscid.extend_boundaries(div_cc, nl=1, nh=1, order=0, crd_order=1) = "div " + div_cc.pretty_name = "Div " + fc.pretty_name return div_cc
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