Source code for viscid.extools
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Call out to external tools like ffmpeg and meshlab"""
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import subprocess as sub
__all__ = ['make_animation', 'meshlab_convert']
[docs]def make_animation(movie_fname, prefix, framerate=5, qscale=2, keep=False,
args=None, frame_idx_fmt="_%06d", program="ffmpeg",
""" make animation by calling program (only ffmpeg works for now) using
args, which is a namespace filled by the argparse options from
add_animate_arguments. Plots are expected to be named
${args.prefix}_000001.png where the number is in order from 1 up """
if args is not None:
prefix = args.prefix
framerate = args.framerate
qscale = args.qscale
movie_fname = args.animate
keep = args.keep
if movie_fname:
cmd = "yes | {0}".format(program) if yes else program
if program == "ffmpeg":
sub.Popen("{0} -r {1} -i {3}{4}.png -pix_fmt yuv420p "
"-qscale {2} {5}".format(cmd, framerate, qscale, prefix,
frame_idx_fmt, movie_fname),
if movie_fname is None and prefix is not None:
keep = True
if not keep:
sub.Popen("rm -f {0}_*.png".format(prefix), shell=True).communicate()
return None
[docs]def meshlab_convert(fname, fmt="dae", quiet=True):
"""Run meshlabserver to convert 3D mesh files
Uses `MeshLab <>`_, which is a great
little program for playing with 3D meshes. The best part is that
OS X's Preview can open the COLLADA (`*.dae`) format. How cool is
fname (str): file to convert
fmt (str): extension of result, defaults to COLLADA format
quiet (bool): redirect output to :py:attr:`os.devnull`
iname = fname
oname = '.'.join(iname.split('.')[:-1]) + "." + fmt.strip()
redirect = "&> {0}".format(os.devnull) if quiet else ""
cmd = ("meshlabserver -i {0} -o {1} -m vc vn fc fn {2}"
"".format(iname, oname, redirect))
sub.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=None, stderr=None)
## EOF