#!/usr/bin/env python
"""utility for translating spherical fields (theta, phi) <-> (lat, lon)"""
from __future__ import division, print_function
import sys
import numpy as np
import viscid
from viscid.coordinate import wrap_crds
__all__ = ["as_mapfield", "as_spherefield", "as_polar_mapfield",
"pts2polar_mapfield", "convert_coordinates",
"lat2theta", "lon2phi", "phi2lon", "theta2lat",
"cart2sph", "cart2latlon", "sph2cart", "latlon2cart",
[docs]def theta2lat(theta, unit='deg'):
"""spherical theta -> latitude transformation"""
p90 = np.pi / 2 if unit == 'rad' else 90.0
lat = p90 - np.asarray(theta)
if np.any(lat < -p90) or np.any(lat > p90):
raise ValueError("Latitude is not bound between -{0} and {0}".format(p90))
return lat
[docs]def phi2lon(phi, unit='deg'): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""spherical phi -> longitude transform; currently a no-op"""
return phi
[docs]def lat2theta(lat, unit='deg'):
"""spherical latitude -> theta transformation"""
p90 = np.pi / 2 if unit == 'rad' else 90.0
p180 = np.pi if unit == 'rad' else 180.0
theta = p90 - np.asarray(lat)
if np.any(theta < 0.0) or np.any(theta > p180):
raise ValueError("Theta is not bound between 0 and {0}".format(p180))
return theta
[docs]def lon2phi(lon, unit='deg'): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""spherical longitude -> phi transform; currently a no-op"""
return lon
def arr_noop(x, **_):
return x
def fld_noop(fld, base, target, unit=''):
"""Although this is called noop, it could do a unit transform"""
crd_xform = arr_noop
dat_xform = arr_noop
return _fld_xform_common(fld, base, target, unit, crd_xform, dat_xform)
def _prep_units(order, units='', fld=None):
if not isinstance(units, (list, tuple)):
units = [units] * len(order)
units += [None] * (len(units) - len(order))
units = ['' if u is None else u.strip() for u in units]
if fld is not None:
crds = fld.crds
units = [u if u else crds.get_unit(ax) for ax, u in zip(order, units)]
return units
def _make_transform_unit_func(base_unit, target_unit):
if (base_unit and not target_unit) or base_unit == target_unit:
ret = arr_noop
elif target_unit and not base_unit:
raise ValueError("If target_unit is given, then base unit must be valid")
elif base_unit == 'deg' and target_unit == 'rad':
ret = lambda x: (np.pi / 180.0) * np.asarray(x)
elif base_unit == 'rad' and target_unit == 'deg':
ret = lambda x: (180.0 / np.pi) * np.asarray(x)
raise ValueError("No transform to go {0} -> {1}".format(base_unit,
return ret
def _get_axinds(fld, ax):
dcrd = fld.crds.ind(ax)
ddat = dcrd + 1 if fld.nr_comps and fld.nr_comp < dcrd else dcrd
return dcrd, ddat
def _fld_xform_common(fld, base, target, unit, crd_xform, dat_xform, raw=False):
dcrd, _ = _get_axinds(fld, base)
unit_xform = _make_transform_unit_func(fld.crds.get_unit(base), unit)
if not unit:
unit = fld.crds.get_unit(base)
xforms = (unit_xform, crd_xform, dat_xform)
if base == target and all(f is arr_noop for f in xforms):
return fld
clist = fld.get_clist()
clist[dcrd][0] = target
if fld.crds.is_uniform() and not raw:
clist[dcrd][1][:2] = crd_xform(unit_xform(clist[dcrd][1][:2]))
clist[dcrd][1] = crd_xform(unit_xform(clist[dcrd][1]))
units = list(fld.crds.units)
units[dcrd] = unit
crds = wrap_crds(fld.crds.crdtype, clist, dtype=fld.crds.dtype,
ctx = dict(crds=crds)
return fld.wrap(dat_xform(fld.data), context=ctx)
def fld_phi2lon(fld, base='phi', target='lon', unit='deg'):
# FIXME: shouldn't be a noop, but longitude is a stupid unit on account
# of that bizarre -180 == +180 seam
return fld_noop(fld, base=base, target=target, unit=unit)
def fld_theta2lat(fld, base='theta', target='lat', unit='deg'):
_, ddat = _get_axinds(fld, base)
crd_xform = lambda x: theta2lat(x, unit=unit)[::-1]
dslc = [slice(None)] * fld.nr_dims
dslc[ddat] = slice(None, None, -1)
dat_xform = lambda a: a[tuple(dslc)]
return _fld_xform_common(fld, base, target, unit, crd_xform, dat_xform)
def fld_lon2phi(fld, base='lon', target='phi', unit='deg'):
# FIXME: shouldn't be a noop, but longitude is a stupid unit on account
# of that bizarre -180 == +180 seam
return fld_noop(fld, base=base, target=target, unit=unit)
def fld_lat2theta(fld, base='lat', target='theta', unit='deg'):
dcrd, ddat = _get_axinds(fld, base)
crd_xform = lambda x: lat2theta(x, unit=unit)[::-1]
dslc = [slice(None)] * fld.nr_dims
dslc[ddat] = slice(None, None, -1)
dat_xform = lambda a: a[tuple(dslc)]
ret = _fld_xform_common(fld, base, target, unit, crd_xform, dat_xform)
if ret.xh[dcrd] - ret.xl[dcrd] < 0:
p90 = np.pi / 2 if unit == 'rad' else 90.0
p180 = np.pi if unit == 'rad' else 180.0
viscid.logger.warning("Spherical Fields expect the data to be "
"ordered {0}..-{0} in latitude (theta: 0..{1})"
"".format(p90, p180))
return ret
[docs]def convert_coordinates(fld, order, crd_mapping, units=''):
"""Convert a Field's coordinates
fld (Field): Description
order (sequence): target coordinates
crd_mapping (dict): summarizes functions that go from
base -> target
units (str, optional): Additional info if you need to convert
units too
RuntimeError: If no mapping is found to go base -> target
base_axes = fld.crds.axes
# select the bases in crd_mapping that match the axes in fld.crds
# _mapping is like {'t': {base: 't', base2target: fld_noop},
# 'lon': {base: 'phi', base2aslas: fld_phi2lon},
# 'lat': {base: 'theta', base2aslas: fld_theta2lat}}
# where the keys are the aliases (target crds), and the bases are the
# crds that actuall exist in fld, unlike crd_mapping which contains many
# bases for each target as a possible transformation
_mapping = {}
for target, available_bases in crd_mapping.items():
for base, transform_func in available_bases.items():
if base in base_axes:
_mapping[target] = dict(base=base, base2target=transform_func)
if not target in _mapping:
if target in order:
_mapping[target] = dict(base=target, base2target=fld_noop)
raise RuntimeError("no mapping found to go {0} -> {1}"
"".format(base_axes, target))
bases_target_order = [_mapping[ax]['base'] for ax in order]
transforms = [_mapping[ax]['base2target'] for ax in order]
units = _prep_units(order, units=units)
ret = fld
for base, target, transform, unit in zip(bases_target_order, order, transforms, units):
ret = transform(ret, base=base, target=target, unit=unit)
if list(order) != list(ret.crds.axes):
ret = ret.spatial_transpose(*order)
return ret
[docs]def as_mapfield(fld, order=('lon', 'lat'), units=''):
"""Make sure a field has (lon, lat) coordinates
fld (Field): some field to transform
order (tuple, optional): Desired axes of the result
units (str, optional): units of the result (deg/rad)
Viscid.Field: a field with (lon, lat) coordinates. The data
will be loaded into memory if not already.
mapping = dict(lon={'phi': fld_phi2lon, 'lon': fld_noop},
lat={'theta': fld_theta2lat, 'lat': fld_noop})
ret = convert_coordinates(fld, order, mapping, units=units)
return ret
[docs]def as_spherefield(fld, order=('phi', 'theta'), units=''):
"""Make sure fld has (phi, theta) coordinates
fld (Field): some field to transform
order (tuple, optional): Desired axes of the result
units (str, optional): units of the result (deg/rad)
Viscid.Field: a field with (lon, lat) coordinates. The data
will be loaded into memory if not already.
mapping = dict(phi={'lon': fld_lon2phi, 'phi': fld_noop},
theta={'lat': fld_lat2theta, 'theta': fld_noop})
ret = convert_coordinates(fld, order, mapping, units=units)
return ret
[docs]def as_polar_mapfield(fld, bounding_lat=None, hemisphere='north',
"""Prepare a theta/phi or lat/lon field for polar projection
fld (Field): Some scalar or vector field
bounding_lat (float, optional): Used to slice the field, i.e.,
gives data from the pole to bounding_lat degrees
equator-ward of the pole
hemisphere (str, optional): 'north' or 'south'
Field: a field that can be mapfield plotted on polar axes
ValueError: on bad hemisphere
hemisphere = hemisphere.strip().lower()
mfld = as_mapfield(fld, order=('lon', 'lat'), units='rad')
# set a sensible default for bounding_lat... full spheres get cut off
# at 40 deg, but hemispheres or smaller are shown in full
if bounding_lat is None:
if abs(mfld.xh[1] - mfld.xl[1]) >= 1.01 * np.pi:
bounding_lat = 40.0
bounding_lat = 90.0
bounding_lat = (np.pi / 180.0) * bounding_lat
abs_bounding_lat = abs(bounding_lat)
if hemisphere in ("north", 'n'):
if np.all(mfld.get_crd('lat') < abs_bounding_lat):
raise ValueError("fld {0} contains no values north of bounding lat "
"{1:g} deg"
"".format(fld.name, bounding_lat * 180 / np.pi))
# mfld = mfld["lat=:{0}j:-1".format(abs_bounding_lat)]
mfld = mfld.loc[:, :np.pi / 2 - abs_bounding_lat:-1]
elif hemisphere in ("south", 's'):
if np.all(mfld.get_crd('lat') > -abs_bounding_lat):
raise ValueError("fld {0} contains no values south of bounding lat "
"{1:g} deg"
"".format(fld.name, bounding_lat * 180 / np.pi))
# mfld = mfld["lat=:{0}j".format(-abs_bounding_lat)]
mfld = mfld.loc[:, :-np.pi / 2 + abs_bounding_lat]
raise ValueError("hemisphere should be either north or south")
clist = mfld.get_clist()
offset = np.pi / 2
scale = -1 if hemisphere in ('north', 'n') else 1
if mfld.crds.is_uniform():
for i in range(2):
clist[1][1][i] = scale * clist[1][1][i] + offset
clist[1][1] = scale * clist[1][1] + offset
mfld_dat = mfld.data
if make_periodic:
if mfld.crds.is_uniform():
phi_diff = clist[0][1][1] - clist[0][1][0]
phi_diff = clist[0][1][-1] - clist[0][1][0]
if phi_diff < 2 * np.pi - 1e-5:
if mfld.crds.is_uniform():
clist[0][1][1] += phi_diff / clist[0][1][2]
if not np.isclose(clist[0][1][1] - clist[0][1][0], 2 * np.pi):
viscid.logger.warning("Tried unsuccessfully to make uniform "
"polar mapfield periodic: {0:g}"
"".format(clist[0][1][1] - clist[0][1][0]))
clist[0][1] = np.concatenate([clist[0][1],
[clist[0][1][0] + 2 * np.pi]])
mfld_dat = np.concatenate([mfld_dat, mfld_dat[0:1, :]], axis=0)
crds = wrap_crds(mfld.crds.crdtype, clist, dtype=mfld.crds.dtype)
ctx = dict(crds=crds)
return mfld.wrap(mfld_dat, context=ctx)
[docs]def pts2polar_mapfield(pts, pts_axes, pts_unit='deg', hemisphere='north'):
"""Prepare theta/phi or lat/lon points for a polar plot
pts (ndarray): A 2xN array of N points where the spatial
dimensions encode phi, theta, lat, or lon.
pts_axes (sequence): sequence of strings that say what each
axis of pts encodes, i.e., ('theta', 'phi').
pts_unit (str, optional): units of pts ('deg' or 'rad')
hemisphere (str, optional): 'north' or 'south'
ndarray: 2xN array of N points in radians where the axes
are ('lon', 'lat'), such that they can be given straight to
ValueError: On bad pts_axes
This example plots total field align currents in the northern
hemisphere, then plots a curve onto the same plot
>>> f = viscid.load_file("$SRC/Viscid/sample/*_xdmf.iof.*.xdmf")
>>> vlt.plot(1e9 * f['fac_tot'], symmetric=True)
>>> # now make a curve from dawn to dusk spanning 20deg in lat
>>> N = 64
>>> pts = np.vstack([np.linspace(-90, 90, N),
np.linspace(10, 30, N)])
>>> pts_polar = viscid.pts2polar_mapfield(pts, ('phi', 'theta'),
>>> plt.plot(pts_polar[0], pts_polar[1])
>>> vlt.show()
hemisphere = hemisphere.strip().lower()
pts = np.array(pts)
pts_axes = list(pts_axes)
# convert pts to lat/lon
if pts_unit == 'deg':
_to_rad = lambda x: (np.pi / 180.0) * np.asarray(x)
elif pts_unit == 'rad':
_to_rad = lambda x: x
raise ValueError("bad unit: {0}".format(pts_unit))
mapping = {'phi': ('lon', phi2lon), 'theta': ('lat', theta2lat)}
for i, ax in enumerate(pts_axes):
if ax in mapping:
pts[i, :] = mapping[ax][1](_to_rad(pts[i, :]), unit='rad')
pts_axes[i] = mapping[ax][0]
pts[i, :] = _to_rad(pts[i, :])
# reorder axes so pts[0, :] are lon and pts[1, :] are lat
transpose_inds = [pts_axes.index(ax) for ax in ('lon', 'lat')]
pts = pts[transpose_inds, :]
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("pts array must have both lon+lat or phi+theta")
# clist = mfld.get_clist()
offset = np.pi / 2
scale = -1 if hemisphere in ('north', 'n') else 1
pts[1, :] = scale * pts[1, :] + offset
return pts
def _as_3xN(arr, d=3):
"""return a copy of arr as a 3xN array"""
arr = np.array(arr)
was_single_point = arr.shape == (d, )
arr = arr.reshape((d, -1))
return arr, was_single_point
[docs]def cart2sph(arr, deg=False):
"""Convert cartesian points to spherical (rad by default)
arr (sequence): shaped (3, ) or (3, N) for N xyz points
deg (bool): if result should be in degrees
ndarray: shaped (3, ) or (3, N) r, theta, phi points in radians
by default
arr, was_single_point = _as_3xN(arr)
ret = np.zeros_like(arr)
ret[0, :] = np.sqrt(arr[0, :]**2 + arr[1, :]**2 + arr[2, :]**2)
ret[1, :] = np.arccos(arr[2, :] / ret[0, :])
ret[2, :] = np.arctan2(arr[1, :], arr[0, :])
if deg:
arr[1:] *= 180.0 / np.pi
if was_single_point:
return ret[:, 0]
return ret
[docs]def sph2cart(arr, deg=False):
"""Convert cartesian points to spherical (rad by default)
arr (sequence): shaped (3, ) or (3, N) for N r, theta, phi
points in radians by default
deg (bool): if arr is in dergrees
ndarray: shaped (3, ) or (3, N) xyz
arr, was_single_point = _as_3xN(arr)
if deg:
arr[1:] *= np.pi / 180.0
ret = np.zeros_like(arr)
ret[0, :] = arr[0, :] * np.sin(arr[1, :]) * np.cos(arr[2, :])
ret[1, :] = arr[0, :] * np.sin(arr[1, :]) * np.sin(arr[2, :])
ret[2, :] = arr[0, :] * np.cos(arr[1, :])
if was_single_point:
return ret[:, 0]
return ret
[docs]def latlon2cart(arr, r=1.0, deg=True):
"""Convert cartesian points to latitude longitude (deg by default)
arr (sequence): shaped (2, ) or (2, N) for N r, theta, phi
points in radians by default
deg (bool): if arr is in dergrees
ndarray: shaped (3, ) or (3, N) xyz
quarter_circ = 90 if deg else np.pi / 2
half_circ = 180 if deg else np.pi
arr, was_single_point = _as_3xN(arr, d=2)
arr = np.concatenate([r * np.ones_like(arr[:1, :]), arr], axis=0)
arr[1, :] = quarter_circ - arr[1, :]
arr[2, :] += half_circ
arr_cart = sph2cart(arr, deg=deg)
if was_single_point:
return arr_cart[:, 0]
return arr_cart
[docs]def cart2latlon(arr, deg=True):
"""Convert latitude longitude (deg by default) to cartesian
arr (sequence): shaped (3, ) or (3, N) for N r, theta, phi
points in radians by default
deg (bool): if arr is in dergrees
ndarray: shaped (2, ) or (2, N) xyz
quarter_circ = 90 if deg else np.pi / 2
half_circ = 180 if deg else np.pi
arr, was_single_point = _as_3xN(arr)
arr_sph = cart2sph(arr, deg=deg)
arr_sph[1, :] = quarter_circ - arr_sph[1, :]
arr_sph[2, :] -= half_circ
if was_single_point:
return arr_sph[1:, 0]
return arr_sph[1:]
[docs]def great_circle(p1, p2, origin=(0, 0, 0), n=32):
"""Get great circle path between two points in 3d
p1 (sequence): first point as [x, y, z]
p2 (sequence): second point as [x, y, z]
origin (sequence): origin of the sphere
n (int): Number of line segments along the great circle
3xN ndarray
origin = _as_3xN(origin)[0][:, 0]
p1 = _as_3xN(p1)[0][:, 0] - origin
p2 = _as_3xN(p2)[0][:, 0] - origin
r1, _, _ = cart2sph(p1)
r2, _, _ = cart2sph(p2)
# generate points on sphere B whose equator (theta = pi / 2) will be the
# shortest path between p0 and p1
# Convention: A labels the p0/p1 normal xyz coordinate system, while B
# denotes the rotated system
pole = np.cross(p1, p2)
# handle edge case colinear p1 == p2
if np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(pole), 0.0):
viscid.logger.warning("Great circle says p1 and p2 are colinear.")
pole = np.array([0, -1, 0])
if np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(np.cross(pole, p1)), 0.0):
pole = np.array([0, 0, -1])
matBtoA = viscid.a2b_rot([0, 0, 1], pole, new_x=p1)
# this is some code to validate rotation matrix
_xrot = np.dot(matBtoA, [1, 0, 0])
_xrot = _xrot / np.linalg.norm(_xrot)
_p1 = p1 / np.linalg.norm(p1)
if not np.all(np.isclose(_p1, _xrot)):
viscid.logger.error("Great circle says new_x: {0} != {1}"
"".format(_xrot, _p1))
dphi = np.arctan2(np.linalg.norm(np.cross(p1, p2)), np.dot(p1, p2))
r = np.linspace(r1, r2, n)
theta = (np.pi / 2) * np.ones_like(r)
phi = np.linspace(0, dphi, n)
cartB = sph2cart(np.vstack([r, theta, phi]))
# now rotate our special coordinates into the same coordinates ax p0 and p1
cartA = np.einsum('ij,jk->ik', matBtoA, cartB)
return cartA + origin.reshape(3, 1)
def _main():
# raise ImportError
from viscid.plot import vlab
_HAS_MVI = True
except ImportError:
_HAS_MVI = False
def _test(_p1, _p2, r1=None, r2=None, color=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)):
if r1 is not None:
_p1 = r1 * np.asarray(_p1) / np.linalg.norm(_p1)
if r2 is not None:
_p2 = r2 * np.asarray(_p2) / np.linalg.norm(_p2)
circ = great_circle(_p1, _p2)
if not np.all(np.isclose(circ[:, 0], _p1)):
print("!! great circle error P1:", _p1, ", P2:", _p2)
print(" first_point:", circ[:, 0], "!= P1")
if not np.all(np.isclose(circ[:, -1], _p2)):
print("!! great circle error P1:", _p1, ", P2:", _p2)
print(" last_point:", circ[:, -1], "!= P2")
if _HAS_MVI:
vlab.plot_lines([circ], tube_radius=0.02, color=color)
print("TEST 1")
_test([1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], r1=1.0, r2=1.0, color=(0.8, 0.8, 0.2))
print("TEST 2")
_test([1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 0], r1=1.0, r2=1.0, color=(0.2, 0.8, 0.8))
print("TEST 3")
_test([1, 1, 0.01], [-1, -1, 0.01], r1=1.0, r2=1.5, color=(0.8, 0.2, 0.8))
print("TEST 4")
_test([-0.9947146, 1.3571029, 2.6095123], [-0.3371437, -1.5566425, 2.6634643],
color=(0.8, 0.2, 0.2))
print("TEST 5")
_test([0.9775307, -1.3741084, 2.6030273], [0.3273931, 1.5570284, 2.6652965],
color=(0.2, 0.2, 0.8))
if _HAS_MVI:
vlab.plot_blue_marble(r=1.0, lines=False, ntheta=64, nphi=128)
vlab.plot_earth_3d(radius=1.01, night_only=True, opacity=0.5)
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
## EOF