#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Deal with efficiently making large series of plots"""
from __future__ import print_function
import itertools
from viscid.compat import izip
from viscid import logger
from viscid import parallel
__all__ = ['make_multiplot']
[docs]def make_multiplot(vfile, plot_func=None, nr_procs=1, time_slice=":", **kwargs):
"""Make lots of plots
Calls plot_func (or `_do_multiplot` if plot_func is None) with 2
positional arguments (int, Grid), and all the kwargs given to
Grid is determined by vfile.iter_times(time_slice).
plot_func gets additional keyword arguments first_run (bool) and
first_run_result (whatever is returned from plot_func by the first
This is the function used by the ``p2d`` script. It may be useful
to you.
vfile (VFile, Grid): Something that has iter_times
plot_func (callable): Function that makes a single plot. It
must take an int (index of time slice), a Grid, and any
number of keyword argumets. If None, _do_multiplot is used
nr_procs (int): number of parallel processes to farm out
plot_func to
time_slice (str): passed to vfile.iter_times()
**kwargs: passed as keword aguments to plot_func
# make sure time slice yields >= 1 actual time slice
except StopIteration:
raise ValueError("Time slice '{0}' yields no data".format(time_slice))
if plot_func is None:
plot_func = _do_multiplot
grid_iter = izip(itertools.count(), vfile.iter_times(time_slice))
args_kw = kwargs.copy()
args_kw["first_run"] = True
args_kw["first_run_result"] = None
if "subplot_params" not in args_kw.get("kwopts", {}):
r = parallel.map(1, plot_func, [next(grid_iter)], args_kw=args_kw,
force_subprocess=(nr_procs > 1))
# now get back to your regularly scheduled programming
args_kw["first_run"] = False
args_kw["first_run_result"] = r[0]
parallel.map(nr_procs, plot_func, grid_iter, args_kw=args_kw)
def _do_multiplot(tind, grid, plot_vars=None, global_popts=None, kwopts=None,
share_axes=False, show=False, subplot_params=None,
first_run_result=None, first_run=False, **kwargs):
from viscid.plot import vpyplot as vlt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
logger.info("Plotting timestep: %d, %g", tind, grid.time)
if plot_vars is None:
raise ValueError("No plot_vars given to `_do_multiplot` :(")
if kwargs:
logger.info("Unused kwargs: {0}".format(kwargs))
if kwopts is None:
kwopts = {}
transpose = kwopts.get("transpose", False)
plot_size = kwopts.get("plot_size", None)
dpi = kwopts.get("dpi", None)
out_prefix = kwopts.get("out_prefix", None)
out_format = kwopts.get("out_format", "png")
selection = kwopts.get("selection", None)
timeformat = kwopts.get("timeformat", ".02f")
tighten = kwopts.get("tighten", False)
# wicked hacky
# subplot_params = kwopts.get("subplot_params", _subplot_params)
# nrows = len(plot_vars)
nrows = len([pv[0] for pv in plot_vars if not pv[0].startswith('^')])
ncols = 1
if transpose:
nrows, ncols = ncols, nrows
if nrows == 0:
logger.warning("I have no variables to plot")
fig = plt.gcf()
if plot_size is not None:
fig.set_size_inches(*plot_size, forward=True)
if dpi is not None:
shareax = None
this_row = -1
for i, fld_meta in enumerate(plot_vars):
if not fld_meta[0].startswith('^'):
this_row += 1
same_axis = False
same_axis = True
fld_name_meta = fld_meta[0].lstrip('^')
fld_name_split = fld_name_meta.split(',')
if '=' in fld_name_split[0]:
# if fld_name is actually an equation, assume
# there's no slice, and commas are part of the
# equation
fld_name = ",".join(fld_name_split)
fld_slc = ""
fld_name = fld_name_split[0]
fld_slc = ",".join(fld_name_split[1:])
if selection is not None:
# fld_slc += ",{0}".format(selection)
if fld_slc != "":
fld_slc = ",".join([fld_slc, selection])
fld_slc = selection
if fld_slc.strip() == "":
fld_slc = Ellipsis
# print("fld_time:", fld.time)
if this_row < 0:
raise ValueError("first plot can't begin with a +")
row = this_row
col = 0
if transpose:
row, col = col, row
if not same_axis:
ax = plt.subplot2grid((nrows, ncols), (row, col),
sharex=shareax, sharey=shareax)
if i == 0 and share_axes:
shareax = ax
if "plot_opts" not in fld_meta[1]:
fld_meta[1]["plot_opts"] = global_popts
elif global_popts is not None:
fld_meta[1]["plot_opts"] = "{0},{1}".format(
fld_meta[1]["plot_opts"], global_popts)
with grid.get_field(fld_name, slc=fld_slc) as fld:
vlt.plot(fld, masknan=True, **fld_meta[1])
# print("fld cache", grid[fld_meta[0]]._cache)
if timeformat and timeformat.lower() != "none":
# for adjusting subplots / tight_layout and applying the various
# hacks to keep plots from dancing around in movies
if not subplot_params and first_run_result:
subplot_params = first_run_result
if tighten:
tighten = dict(rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.90])
ret = vlt.auto_adjust_subplots(tight_layout=tighten,
if not first_run:
ret = None
if out_prefix:
plt.savefig("{0}_{1:06d}.{2}".format(out_prefix, tind + 1, out_format))
if show:
return ret
## EOF