Source code for viscid.readers.athena_hst
""" Wrapper grid for some OpenGGCM convenience """
from __future__ import print_function
import re
import numpy as np
from viscid.readers import vfile
from viscid import field
from viscid import coordinate
[docs]class AthenaHstFile(vfile.VFile): # pylint: disable=abstract-method
"""An Athena time history file"""
_detector = r"^\s*(.*)\.(hst)\s*$"
def __init__(self, fname, **kwargs):
Keyword Arguments:
float_type_name (str): should be 'f4' or 'f8' if you know
the data type of the file's data.
super(AthenaHstFile, self).__init__(fname, **kwargs)
def _parse(self):
# get field names from header
with open(self.fname, 'r') as f:
line = f.readline()
line = f.readline().lstrip("#").strip()
fld_names = re.split(r"\[[0-9]+\]=", line)[1:]
fld_names = [fn.strip() for fn in fld_names]
# crds here are really times
dat = np.loadtxt(self.fname, unpack=True)
t = dat[0]
crds = coordinate.wrap_crds("nonuniform_cartesian", [('t', t)])
g = self._make_grid(self, name="AthenaHstGrid")
g.time = 0
for i in range(1, len(fld_names)):
fld = self._make_field(g, "Scalar", fld_names[i], crds, dat[i],
## EOF