Source code for viscid.readers.athena_tab

"""Athena ascii file reader"""

from __future__ import print_function
import os
import re
from itertools import takewhile, count

import numpy as np

from viscid.readers.vfile_bucket import ContainerFile
from viscid.readers import athena
from viscid.readers import vfile
from viscid import coordinate

[docs]class AthenaTabFile(athena.AthenaFile, ContainerFile): # pylint: disable=abstract-method """An Athena ascii file reader""" _detector = r"^\s*(.*)\.([0-9]{4})\.(tab)\s*$" _def_fld_center = "Cell" _collection = None _fld_list = None _crds = None def __init__(self, fname, crds=None, fld_list=None, **kwargs): # if there is no parent bucket we need to new one up for children self._fld_list = fld_list self._crds = crds super(AthenaTabFile, self).__init__(fname, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def group_fnames(cls, fnames): return athena.group_athena_files_common(cls._detector, fnames)
[docs] @classmethod def collective_name_from_group(cls, fnames): return athena.athena_collective_name_from_group(cls._detector, fnames)
[docs] def load(self, fname): if isinstance(fname, list): self._collection = fname else: self._collection = [fname] fname0 = self._collection[0] fname1 = self.collective_name(fname) basename = os.path.basename(fname0) self.set_info('run', re.match(self._detector, basename).group(1)) super(AthenaTabFile, self).load(fname1)
def _parse(self): if self._crds is None: meta = self.parse_header(self._collection[0]) self._crds = self.read_crds(self._collection[0], dims=meta['dims']) self._fld_list = meta['fld_names'] if len(self._collection) == 1: # load a single file _grid = self._parse_file(self.fname, self) self.add(_grid) self.activate(0) else: # load each file, and add it to teh bucket data_temporal = self._make_dataset(self, dset_type="temporal", name="AthenaTemporalCollection") for fname in self._collection: f = self._load_child_file(fname, index_handle=False, file_type=type(self), crds=self._crds, fld_list=self._fld_list) data_temporal.add(f) data_temporal.activate(0) self.add(data_temporal) self.activate(0) def _parse_file(self, filename, parent_node): # we do minimal file parsing here for performance. we just # make data wrappers from the templates we got from the first # file in the group, and package them up into grids # find the time from the first field's meta data meta = self.parse_header(filename) time = meta['time'] _grid = self._make_grid(parent_node, name="<AthenaGrid>") self.time = time _grid.time = time _grid.set_crds(self._crds) # make a DataWrapper and a Field for each template that we # have from the first file that we parsed, then add it to # the _grid data_wrapper = AthenaTabDataWrapper for i, fld_name in enumerate(self._fld_list): if self._def_fld_center.lower() == "cell": shape = self._crds.shape_cc else: shape = self._crds.shape_nc data = data_wrapper(filename, fld_name, shape[::-1], i) fld = self._make_field(_grid, "Scalar", fld_name, self._crds, data, center=self._def_fld_center, time=time, zyx_native=True) _grid.add_field(fld) return _grid
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_header(fname): meta = {} t = 0.0 dims = [] fld_names = [] with open(fname, 'r') as f: for line in takewhile(lambda l: l.strip().startswith('#'), f): line = line.lstrip("#").strip() if line.startswith('Nx'): dims.append(int(line.split('=')[1])) if "Time" in line: t ="Time\s*=\s*([0-9\.]+)", line).groups()[0] # il y a level & domain for SMR outptut, but i'm ignoring them fns = re.split(r"\[[0-9]+\]=", line) # print("line:", line, 'fns', fns) if len(fns) > 1: # take off empty first element and strip the rest fld_names = [fn.strip() for fn in fns[1:]] meta['time'] = float(t) # these dims are xyz... this is not the standard 'fortran ordering' meta['dims'] = dims # the first 2 * len(dims) are coordinates meta['fld_names'] = fld_names[2 * len(dims):] return meta
[docs] @classmethod def read_crds(cls, fname, dims=None): # dims are xyz order unlike all other interfaces if dims is None: dims = cls.parse_header(fname)['dims'] dat = np.loadtxt(fname, usecols=list(range(len(dims), 2 * len(dims))), unpack=True, ndmin=2) dxmin = np.inf cclist = [] nclist = [] for i, dim, axis in zip(count(), dims, "xyz"): stop = int([:i + 1])) step = int([:i])) cc = dat[i][:stop:step] dxmin = np.min([dxmin, np.min(cc[1:] - cc[:-1])]) assert len(cc) == dim cclist.append((axis, cc)) for axis, cc in cclist: if len(cc) > 1: hd = 0.5 * (cc[1:] - cc[:-1]) nc = np.hstack([cc[0] - hd[0], cc[:-1] + hd, cc[-1] + hd[-1]]) else: hd = 0.5 * dxmin nc = np.array([cc[0] - hd, cc[0] + hd]) nclist.append((axis, nc)) return coordinate.wrap_crds("nonuniform_cartesian", nclist)
[docs]class AthenaTabDataWrapper(vfile.DataWrapper): filename = None fld_name = None expected_shape = None fld_number = None def __init__(self, filename, fld_name, expected_shape, fld_number): """Lazy wrapper for a field in a Tab (athena ascii) file Parameters: expected_shape (tuple): shape of data in the file (zyx) """ super(AthenaTabDataWrapper, self).__init__() self.filename = filename self.fld_name = fld_name self.expected_shape = expected_shape self.fld_number = fld_number @property def shape(self): """ Returns: zyx shape since that's the shape __array__ returns """ return self.expected_shape @property def dtype(self): return np.dtype("float32") def __array__(self, *args, **kwargs): # the first 2 * nr_dims columns are for coordinates col = 2 * len(self.shape) + self.fld_number arr = np.loadtxt(self.filename, usecols=(col,), unpack=True) arr = arr.reshape(self.shape).astype(self.dtype) return arr
[docs] def read_direct(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.__array__()
[docs] def len(self): return self.shape[0]
def __getitem__(self, item): return self.__array__().__getitem__(item)
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