Source code for viscid.readers.athena_xdmf

import os
import re

from viscid.readers import xdmf
from viscid.readers import athena

[docs]class AthenaFileXDMF(athena.AthenaFile, xdmf.FileXDMF): # pylint: disable=abstract-method """File type for Athena style convenience stuff Makes AthenaGrid the default grid and handles grouping multiple files. """ _detector = r"^\s*(.*)\.([0-9]+)\.(ath.xdmf)\s*$" _collection = None
[docs] @classmethod def group_fnames(cls, fnames): return athena.group_athena_files_common(cls._detector, fnames)
[docs] @classmethod def collective_name_from_group(cls, fnames): return athena.athena_collective_name_from_group(cls._detector, fnames)
[docs] def load(self, fname): if not isinstance(fname, list): fname = [fname] if len(fname) > 1: self._collection = fname else: self._collection = None super(AthenaFileXDMF, self).load(fname[0]) basename = os.path.basename(self.fname) self.set_info('run', re.match(self._detector, basename).group(1))
def _parse(self): if self._collection is not None: # assume we have a collection of temporal files, because why not data_temporal = self._make_dataset(self, dset_type="temporal", name="AthenaXDMFTemporalCollection") for fname in self._collection: grids = self._parse_file(fname, data_temporal) for _grid in grids: data_temporal.add(_grid) data_temporal.activate(0) self.add(data_temporal) self.activate(0) else: super(AthenaFileXDMF, self)._parse()
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