Useful Functions

Utility Functions

Function Description
viscid.load_file() Load a single file, or glob of a single time series
viscid.load_files() Load multiple files
viscid.unload_all_files() Clear the cache of loaded files
viscid.interact() Stop the program and get an interactive prompt at any point (uses IPython if it’s installed).


For easy field creation.

Function Description
viscid.arrays2field() Field from arrays for data and coordinates
viscid.dat2field() Field from data array
viscid.empty() Make an empty field from coordinate arrays
viscid.full() Make an initialized field from coordinate arrays
viscid.zeros() Make an field of 0s from coordinate arrays
viscid.ones() Make an field of 1s from coordinate arrays
viscid.empty_like() Make an empty field like another
viscid.full_like() Make an initialized field like another
viscid.zeros_like() Make a field of 1s like another
viscid.ones_like() Make a field of 0s like another


Streamlines and Interpolation

Class Description
viscid.calc_streamlines() Calculate streamlines
viscid.interp() Interpolation, use kind kwarg for trilinear / nearest neighbor
viscid.Point Collection of hand picked points
viscid.RectilinearMeshPoints Points that can be 2d plotted using [u, :, 0] and [v, 0, :] slices of pts as coordinate arrays
viscid.Line A line between 2 points
viscid.Spline A spline given a series of knots
viscid.Plane A plane defined by an origin and a normal vector
viscid.Volume A Volume of points on a uniform cartesian grid
viscid.Sphere Points on the surface of a sphere
viscid.SphericalCap A cap of points around the pole of a sphere
viscid.Circle Just a circle
viscid.SphericalPatch A rectangular patch on the surface of a sphere


These functions will by accelerated by Numexpr if it is installed. All functions below are also available from the viscid namespace.

Function Description
viscid.calculator.calc.add() Add two fields
viscid.calculator.calc.diff() Subtract a field from another
viscid.calculator.calc.mul() Multiply two fields
viscid.calculator.calc.relative_diff() Divide the difference by the magnitude
viscid.calculator.calc.abs_diff() Absolute value of the difference
viscid.calculator.calc.abs_val() Absolute value
viscid.calculator.calc.abs_max() Max of the absolute value
viscid.calculator.calc.abs_min() Min of the absolute value
viscid.calculator.calc.magnitude() Magnitude of a viscid.field.VectorField Dot product of two viscid.field.VectorField
viscid.calculator.calc.cross() Cross product of two viscid.field.VectorField
viscid.calculator.calc.grad() Gradient of a viscid.field.ScalarField
viscid.calculator.calc.convective_deriv() A dot grad B for vector field A and scalar/vector filed B
viscid.calculator.calc.div() Divergence of a viscid.field.VectorField
viscid.calculator.calc.curl() Curl of a viscid.field.VectorField
viscid.calculator.calc.normalize() Divide a vector field by its magnitude
viscid.calculator.calc.project() Project one viscid.field.VectorField onto another, i.e., a dot b / |b|
viscid.set_in_region() Set values in one field from another given a mask
viscid.calculator.calc.project_vector() Project VectorField a onto b in the direction of b, i.e., (a dot b / |b|) * (b / |b|)
viscid.project_along_line() Project a Vector Field Parallel to a streamline.
viscid.resample_lines() Resample a list of lines to either more or fewer points. With scipy, oversampling can be done with any type of interpolation that scipy.interpolate.interp1d() understands.
viscid.integrate_along_lines() Integrate a field along streamlines
viscid.field.Field.trapz() 2nd order integration of field
viscid.field.Field.cumtrapz() 2nd order indefinite integration of field
viscid.calc_psi() Calculate a 2D flux function
viscid.calc_beta() Calculate plasma beta

Geospace Tools

These functions allow for transforming between geophysical coordinate systems, and adding a magnetic dipole to a field.

Function Description
viscid.Cotr() Object that facilitates geospace coordinate transformations at a given UT time
viscid.cotr_transform() Transform a vector from one crd system to another at a given UT time
viscid.get_dipole_moment() Get Earth’s dipole moment at a given time in any coordinate system
viscid.get_dipole_moment_ang() Get dipole moment given gsm-tilt and dipole-tilt angles in gse or mhd crds
viscid.make_dipole() Create new dipole vector field to an existing field given dipole moment vector
viscid.fill_dipole() Add dipole vector field to an existing field given dipole moment vector (can be masked)
viscid.make_spherical_mask() Make a spherically shaped mask (useful in conjunction with viscid.fill_dipole())

Magnetosphere Tools

Some tools for dealing with magnetospheric specific things. Refer to Extracting Magnetopause Information for an example

Function Description
viscid.get_mp_info() Extract magnetopause info (possibly cached)
viscid.find_mp_edges() Find edges of the magnetopause current sheet

Magnetic Topology and Separator Tools

For using the separator tools, you may want to refer to Magnetic Topology.

Function Description
viscid.topology2color() Turn topology bitmask into colors
viscid.trace_separator() Still in testing Trace a separator line using bisection algorithm
viscid.get_sep_pts_bisect() Still in testing Use bisection algorithm to find one or more separators locations for a seed
viscid.get_sep_pts_bitor() Still in testing Use bitwise-or algorithm to find one or more separators locations for a seed
viscid.topology_bitor_clusters() Use bitwise-or algorithm to find one or more separators in a topology Field


General Matplotlib Functions

These functions wrap Matplotlib with useful boilerplate type hacks.

Function Description
viscid.plot.vpyplot.auto_adjust_subplots() Use Matplotlib’s tight layout with some necessary hacks
viscid.plot.vpyplot.apply_labels() Write labels onto a plot similar to a legend, but place the labels next to the data. This adheres to the principle that you shouldn’t make the reader learn a key just to read a single plot.
viscid.plot.vpyplot.despine() Remove some spines to reduce chart clutter, this is the exact same as seaborn’s despine.

2D Matplotlib Plots

These functions wrap Matplotlib with useful boilerplate type hacks.

Function Description
viscid.plot.vpyplot.plot() Meta function for plotting viscid.field.Field objects. This one will automatically delegate to viscid.plot.vpyplot.plot1d_field(), viscid.plot.vpyplot.plot2d_field(), or viscid.plot.vpyplot.plot2d_mapfield().
viscid.plot.vpyplot.plot1d_field() Line plots of a 1D field.
viscid.plot.vpyplot.plot2d_field() Colored plots (pcolormesh, contour, contourf) of 2D fields
viscid.plot.vpyplot.plot2d_mapfield() Plots on the surface of a sphere (like ionosphere plots)
viscid.plot.vpyplot.plot_iono() make annotated polar plots of ionosphere quantities, this is just a wrapper for plot2d_mapfield that handles small annyoances and annotations
viscid.plot.vpyplot.plot2d_lines() Plot a list of colored lines parallel-projected into 2D
viscid.plot.vpyplot.plot2d_quiver() Plot a viscid.field.VectorField using Matplotlib’s quivers.
viscid.plot.vpyplot.streamplot() Plot a viscid.field.VectorField using Matplotlib’s streamplot.
viscid.plot.vpyplot.plot_earth() Plot an Earth with black for nightside and white for dayside

3D Matplotlib Plots

These functions wrap Matplotlib in 3D with useful boilerplate type hacks.

Function Description
viscid.plot.vpyplot.plot3d_lines() Plot a list of colored lines on 3D axes
viscid.plot.vpyplot.scatter_3d() Plot a glyphs on 3D axes


Mayavi is the preferred library for making 3D plots with Viscid. It’s a little unwieldy, but for the moment, it’s still the best Python interface to VTK. Mayavi has two ways to discover its API (the documentation is only marginally helpful). The first is to make the change interactively while using the record feature. The other is to throw import IPython; IPython.embed() into your script and go spelunking. Most Mayavi objects come from Traited VTK, which means they have a print_traits() method. This method will print out all the attributes that you may want to tweak.

Between the example and the functions you see below, you should be able figure out most things without too much hassle.


Installing Mayavi can be tricky. Please read this before attempting to install it.

Mayavi Workarounds

Mayavi has various platform specific bugs. The following functions will try to apply workarounds so that they always give the expected result.

Function Description
viscid.plot.vlab.clf() Uses some hacks to clear a figure and make sure memory is freed
viscid.plot.vlab.remove_source() Safely remove a specific vtk source (and its memory)
viscid.plot.vlab.resize() default resize is unreliable on OS X / Linux
viscid.plot.vlab.savefig() offscreen rendering hack

Mayavi Wrappers

Chances are that you want to use these functions. They let you make most Mayavi objects from Viscid data structures (i.e., Fields and SeedGens). In addition, all of these functions allow you to specify a Matplotlib colormap for the data, and it picks up the default colormaps from Matplotlib’s rcParams and viscidrc files. How cool is that‽

Function Description
viscid.plot.vlab.plot_lines() Plot colored lines in 3D
viscid.plot.vlab.scalar_cut_plane() Make a scalar cut plane of a Field or existing Mayavi source
viscid.plot.vlab.vector_cut_plane() Make a vector cut plane of a Field or existing Mayavi source with optional scalar data.
viscid.plot.vlab.mesh() Make a mesh from a 2D array of vertices with optional scalar data
viscid.plot.vlab.mesh_from_seeds() Make a mesh from a Viscid SeedGen object with optional scalar data. Useful for displaying the result of interpolating a field onto a plane or sphere.
viscid.plot.vlab.streamline() Use the interactive Mayavi (VTK) streamline tracer with optional scalar data
viscid.plot.vlab.iso_surface() Make volumetric contours of a Field or existing Mayavi source
viscid.plot.vlab.points3d() Plot a list of points
viscid.plot.vlab.quiver3d() Plot a list of vector arrows with optional scalar data
viscid.plot.vlab.colorbar() Wrap mayavi.mlab.colorbar, then change the colormap if any viscid.plot.vlab.apply_cmap() kwargs are provided
viscid.plot.vlab.scalarbar() Wrap mayavi.mlab.scalarbar, then change the colormap if any viscid.plot.vlab.apply_cmap() kwargs are provided
viscid.plot.vlab.vectorbar() Wrap mayavi.mlab.vectorbar, then change the colormap if any viscid.plot.vlab.apply_cmap() kwargs are provided
viscid.plot.vlab.fancy_axes() Make axes with 3 shaded walls and a grid similar to what matplotlib and paraview have
viscid.plot.vlab.axes() Wrap mayavi.mlab.axes
viscid.plot.vlab.xlabel() Wrap mayavi.mlab.xlabel
viscid.plot.vlab.ylabel() Wrap mayavi.mlab.ylabel
viscid.plot.vlab.zlabel() Wrap mayavi.mlab.zlabel
viscid.plot.vlab.title() Wrap mayavi.mlab.title
viscid.plot.vlab.outline() Wrap mayavi.mlab.outline
viscid.plot.vlab.orientation_axes() Wrap mayavi.mlab.orientation_axes, adds the little xyz arrows
viscid.plot.vlab.view() Wrap mayavi.mlab.view, adjusts the focal point, distance, and various angles of the camera

Mayavi Plots

These functions make some commonly used objects.

Function Description
viscid.plot.vlab.plot_ionosphere() Plot an ionospheric Field in 3D on the surface of a sphere
viscid.plot.vlab.plot_blue_marble() Plot an Earth using the blue marble NASA image
viscid.plot.vlab.plot_earth_3d() Plot an Earth with black for nightside and white for dayside

Mayavi Pipeline

Here are some functions to quickly bring Viscid datastructures into the Mayavi pipeline.

Function Description
viscid.plot.vlab.add_source() Given a VTKDataSource, add it to a figure
viscid.plot.vlab.add_lines() Given a list of lines, add them to a figure as a data source
viscid.plot.vlab.add_field() Given a viscid.field.Field, add it to a figure as a data source
viscid.plot.vlab.insert_filter() Insert a filter above a module_manager.
viscid.plot.vlab.apply_cmap() Apply a colormap to an existing Mayavi object. This also lets you quickly rescale the limits on the colorbar, or switch to a log scale.