Viscid: Visualizing Plasma Simulations in Python

Mayavi Example

Viscid is a python framework to visualize scientific data on structured meshes. The following file types are understood,

  • XDMF + HDF5
  • OpenGGCM jrrle (3df, p[xyz], iof)
  • OpenGGCM binary (3df, p[xyz], iof)
  • Athena (bin, hst, tab)
  • VPIC

There is also preliminary support for reading and plotting AMR datasets from XDMF files.

Below are some simple examples to get you started with Viscid. There are some far more interesting examples in the Viscid/tests directory, but they are not always as straight forward or documented as the examples here.

Source Code

Both the master and dev branches make every attempt to be usable (thanks to continuous integration), but the obvious caveats exist, i.e. the dev branch has more cool new features but it isn’t as tested.

Branch Test Status Docs
master html, test summary
dev html, test summary


Anaconda Version Anaconda Platforms PyPI

Detailed instructions are available here.

Indices and tables