Source code for viscid

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""A set of python modules that aid in plotting scientific data

Plotting depends on matplotlib and/or mayavi and file reading uses h5py
and to read hdf5 / xdmf files.

    Modules in calculator and plot must be imported explicitly since
    they have side effects on import.

    logger (logging.Logger): a logging object whose verbosity can be
        set from the command line using

from __future__ import print_function
import logging
import os
import re
import signal
import sys
import textwrap

import numpy

from viscid import _rc
from viscid.compat.vimportlib import import_module

__version__ = """"""

__all__ = ['amr_field',
           'calculator',  # packages

# weird windows fortran build artifact that has to be in the path
extra_dll_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".libs")
if os.path.isdir(extra_dll_dir):
    os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + extra_dll_dir

# cute default value that's useful in some instances
[docs]class NOT_SPECIFIED(object): """default value; never instantiate and test with `is`""" pass
__all__.append('NOT_SPECIFIED') ######################################### # setup logger for use throughout viscid logger = logging.getLogger("viscid") _handler = logging.StreamHandler() _handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fmt="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")) logger.addHandler(_handler) class _CustomFilter(logging.Filter, object): def filter(self, record): if '\n' not in record.msg: record.msg = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(record.msg, width=65)) spaces = ' ' * (len(record.levelname) + 2) record.msg = record.msg.replace('\n', '\n' + spaces) return super(_CustomFilter, self).filter(record) logger.addFilter(_CustomFilter()) logger.propagate = False del _handler ################################################################### # this is thunder-hacky, but it's a really simple way to import # everything in __all__ and also, if those module have an __all__, # then bring that stuff into this namespace too def _on_injected_import_error(name, exception, quiet=False): if not quiet: logger.error(str(exception)) logger.error("Viscid tried to import {0}, but the import failed.\n" "This module will not be available".format(name)) def import_injector(attr_list, namespace, package=None, quiet=False, fatal=False): """import list of modules and consume their __all__ attrs""" additional = [] for s in list(attr_list): try: m = import_module("." + s, package=package) namespace[s] = m # print(">", package, ">", s) # print(">", package, ">", s, "::", getattr(m, "__all__", None)) if hasattr(m, "__all__"): all_subattrs = getattr(m, "__all__") additional += all_subattrs for sub in all_subattrs: # print(" ", sub, "=", getattr(m, sub)) namespace[sub] = getattr(m, sub) except ImportError as e: if s not in namespace: _on_injected_import_error(s, e, quiet=quiet) attr_list.remove(s) if fatal: raise attr_list += additional import_injector(__all__, globals(), package="viscid") ############################################################## # now add some other random things into the __all__ namespace __all__.append("logger") # set the sample_dir so that it always points to something useful # - for installed distribution sample_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'sample') # - for in-place distribution if not os.path.isdir(sample_dir): sample_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'sample') sample_dir = os.path.abspath(sample_dir) # - is there a 3rd option? this shouldn't happen if not os.path.isdir(sample_dir): sample_dir = "SAMPLE-DIR-NOT-FOUND" __all__.append("sample_dir") # now this is just too cute to pass up :) if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: # hide setting to a unicode variable name in an exec b/c otherwise # this file wouldn't parse in python2x exec("π = numpy.pi") # pylint: disable=exec-used __all__ += ["π"] # apply settings in the rc file _rc.load_rc_file("~/.viscidrc")
[docs]def check_version(): """Check status of viscid and associated libraries and modules""" print("Viscid located at:", __file__) print() print("Viscid version:", __version__) print() print("Python version:", sys.version) try: import matplotlib print("Matplotlib version:", matplotlib.__version__) except ImportError: print("Matplotlib not installed") try: import mayavi print("Mayavi version:", mayavi.__version__) try: import vtk print("VTK version:", vtk.VTK_VERSION) except ImportError: print("VTK python module not installed") except ImportError: print("Mayavi not installed") print() def print_err(*args, **kwargs): kwargs.pop('file', '') print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs) if isinstance(cyfield, cython._dummy): print_err("WARNING: cython modules (interpolation and streamlines) are not") print_err(" available. To use these functions, please ensure that you") print_err(" have a C compiler compatable with your version of") print_err(" Python / Numpy and reinstall (or rebulid) Viscid.") print_err() else: print("Cython modules are compiled.") try: from viscid.readers import _jrrle print("Fortran modules are compiled.") except ImportError: print_err("WARNING: jrrle reader is not available. If you need this") print_err(" functionality, please ensure that you have a working") print_err(" fortran compiler and reinstall (or rebulid) Viscid.") print_err()
[docs]def check(): """Runtime check compiled modules""" import os import sys import numpy as np import viscid ret = 0 check_version() print() ##################################################### # run streamline calculation (checks cython modules) try: cotr = viscid.Cotr(dip_tilt=15.0, dip_gsm=21.0) # pylint: disable=not-callable m = cotr.get_dipole_moment(crd_system='gse') seeds = viscid.seed.Sphere((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 2.0, pole=-m, ntheta=25, nphi=25, thetalim=(5, 90), philim=(5, 360), phi_endpoint=False) B = viscid.make_dipole(m=m, crd_system='gse', n=(32, 32, 32), l=(-25, -25, -25), h=(25, 25, 25), dtype='f8') lines, _ = viscid.calc_streamlines(B, seeds, ibound=1.0) for line in lines: if np.any(np.isnan(line)): raise ValueError("NaN in line") print("Cython module ran successfully") except Exception as e: print("Cython module has runtime errors.") print(str(e)) ret |= (1 << 0) print() #################################### # load a jrrle file (checks fortran) try: f3d = viscid.load_file(os.path.join(viscid.sample_dir, 'sample_jrrle.3df.*')) _ = np.array(f3d['pp'].data) print("Fortran module ran successfully") except Exception as e: print("Fortran module has runtime errors.") print(str(e)) ret |= (1 << 1) print() return ret
__all__.append("check") if hasattr(signal, 'SIGINFO'): # this is useful for debugging, ie, immediately do a pdb.set_trace() # on the SIGINFO signal def _set_trace(seg, frame): # pylint: disable=unused-argument import pdb pdb.set_trace() signal.signal(signal.SIGINFO, _set_trace) # print("Trigger pdb with SIGINFO (ctrl + T)")