Source code for viscid.calculator.separator

#!/usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import division, print_function
from itertools import count

import numpy as np
import viscid
from viscid.compat import string_types
from viscid.cython import streamline

UNEVEN_MASK = 0b1000

__all__ = ["trace_separator", "topology_bitor_clusters", "get_sep_pts_bitor",

[docs]def trace_separator(grid, b_slcstr="x=-25j:15j, y=-30j:30j, z=-15j:15j", r=1.0, plot=False, trace_opts=None, cache=True, cache_dir=None): """Trace a separator line from most dawnward null **Still in testing** Uses the bisection algorithm. Args: grid (Grid): A grid that has a "b" field b_slcstr (str): Some valid slice for B field r (float): spatial step of separator line plot (bool): make debugging plots trace_opts (dict): passed to streamline function cache (bool, str): Save to and load from cache, if "force", then don't load from cache if it exists, but do save a cache at the end cache_dir (str): Directory for cache, if None, same directory as that file to which the grid belongs Raises: IOError: Description Returns: tuple: (separator_lines, nulls) - **separator_lines** (list): list of M 3xN ndarrays that represent M separator lines with N points - **nulls** (ndarray): 3xN array of N null points """ if not cache_dir: cache_dir = grid.find_info("_viscid_dirname", "./") run_name = grid.find_info("run") sep_fname = "{0}/{1}.sep.{2:06.0f}".format(cache_dir, run_name, grid.time) try: if isinstance(cache, string_types) and cache.strip().lower() == "force": raise IOError() with np.load(sep_fname + ".npz") as dat: sep_iter = (f for f in dat.files if f.startswith("arr_")) _it = sorted(sep_iter, key=lambda s: int(s[len("arr_"):])) seps = [dat[n] for n in _it] nulls = dat['nulls'] except IOError: _b = grid['b'][b_slcstr] _, nulls = viscid.find_nulls(_b['x=-30j:15j'], ibound=5.0) # get most dawnward null, nulls2 is all nulls except p0 nullind = np.argmin(nulls[1, :]) p0 = nulls[:, nullind] nulls2 = np.concatenate([nulls[:, :nullind], nulls[:, (nullind + 1):]], axis=1) if plot: from viscid.plot import vlab vlab.plot_earth_3d(crd_system='gse') vlab.points3d(nulls2[0], nulls2[1], nulls2[2], color=(0, 0, 0), scale_factor=1.0) vlab.points3d(nulls[0, nullind], nulls[1, nullind], nulls[2, nullind], color=(1, 1, 1), scale_factor=1.0) seed = viscid.Sphere(p0=p0, r=r, ntheta=30, nphi=60, theta_endpoint=True, phi_endpoint=True) p1 = viscid.get_sep_pts_bisect(_b, seed, max_depth=12, plot=plot, trace_opts=trace_opts) # print("p1 shape", p1.shape) # if p1.shape[1] > 2: # raise RuntimeError("Invalid B field, should be no branch @ null") seps = [] sep_stubs = [] for i in range(p1.shape[1]): sep_stubs.append([p0, p1[:, i]]) # print("??", sep_stubs) while sep_stubs: sep = sep_stubs.pop(0) # print("!!! new stub") for i in count(): # print("::", i) seed = viscid.SphericalPatch(p0=sep[-1], p1=sep[-1] - sep[-2], r=r, nalpha=240, nbeta=240) pn = viscid.get_sep_pts_bisect(_b, seed, max_depth=8, plot=plot, trace_opts=trace_opts) if pn.shape[1] == 0: # print("END: pn.shape[1] == 0") break # print("++", nulls2.shape, pn.shape) closest_null_dist = np.min(np.linalg.norm(nulls2 - pn[:, :1], axis=0)) # print("closest_null_dist:", closest_null_dist) if closest_null_dist < 1.01 * r: # print("END: within 1.01 of a null") break # print("??", pn) for j in range(1, pn.shape[1]): # print("inserting new stub") sep_stubs.insert(0, [sep[-1], pn[:, j]]) sep.append(pn[:, 0]) # print("sep", sep) seps.append(np.stack(sep, axis=1)) if cache: np.savez_compressed(sep_fname, *seps, nulls=nulls) return seps, nulls
[docs]def topology_bitor_clusters(fld, min_depth=1, max_depth=10, multiple=True, plot=False, sep_val=streamline.TOPOLOGY_MS_SEPARATOR, mask_limit=0b1111, periodic="00", pt_bnds=()): """Find separator as intersection of all global topologies Neighbors are bitwise ORed until at least one value matches `sep_val` which is presumably (Close | Open N | Open S | SW). This happens between min_depth and max_depth times, where the resolution of each iteration is reduced by a factor of two, ie, worst case 2**(max_depth). Args: fld (Field): Topology (bitmask) as a field min_depth (int): Iterate at least this many times max_depth (int): Iterate at most this many times multiple (bool): passed to :py:func:`viscid.cluster` sep_val (int): Value of bitmask that indicates a separator plot (bool): Make a 2D plot of Fld and the sep candidates mask_limit (int): if > 0, then bitmask fld with mask_limit, i.e., fld = fld & mask_limit (bitwise and) periodic (sequence): indicate whether that direction is periodic, and if so, whether the coordinate arrays are overlapped or not. Values can be True, False, or '+'. '+' indicates that x[0] and x[-1] are not colocated, so assume they're dx apart where dx = x[-1] - x[-2]. pt_bnd (sequence): Boundaries that come to a point, i.e., all values along that boundary are neighbors such as the poles of a sphere. Specified like "0-" for lower boundary of dimension 0 or "1+" for the upper boundary of dimension 1. Returns: ndarray: 2xN for N clusters of separator points in the same coordinates as `fld` """ pd = [False if pi == "0" else bool(pi) for pi in periodic] fld = fld.slice_reduce(":") if mask_limit: fld = np.bitwise_and(fld, mask_limit) a = x, y = fld.get_crds() for i in range(max_depth): if pd[0]: a[(0, -1), :] |= a[(-1, 0), :] if pd[1]: a[:, (0, -1)] |= a[:, (-1, 0)] a = (a[ :-1, :-1] | a[ :-1, 1: ] | # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace a[1: , :-1] | a[1: , 1: ]) # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace x = 0.5 * (x[1:] + x[:-1]) y = 0.5 * (y[1:] + y[:-1]) # bitwise_or an entire bounary if all points are neighbors, like # at the poles of a sphere for bnd in pt_bnds: slc = (slice(None), slice(None)) slc[int(bnd[0])] = -1 if bnd[1] == "+" else 0 a[slc] = np.bitwise_or.reduce(a[slc]) indx, indy = np.where(a == sep_val) if i + 1 >= min_depth and len(indx): break pts = viscid.find_clusters(indx, indy, x, y, multiple=multiple, periodic=periodic) if plot: from viscid.plot import vpyplot as vlt from matplotlib import pyplot as plt vlt.clf() ax0 = vlt.subplot(121) vlt.plot(fld, title=True) vlt.subplot(122, sharex=ax0, sharey=ax0) or_fld = viscid.arrays2field((x, y), a, name="OR") vlt.plot(or_fld, title=True) _x, _y = or_fld.get_crds() plt.plot(_x[indx], _y[indy], 'ko') plt.plot(pts[0], pts[1], 'y^') return pts
def _prep_trace_opt_defaults(trace_opts): if trace_opts is None: trace_opts = dict() else: trace_opts = dict(trace_opts) trace_opts.setdefault('ibound', 2.5) trace_opts.setdefault('output', viscid.OUTPUT_TOPOLOGY) trace_opts.setdefault('max_length', 300.0) trace_opts.setdefault('topo_style', 'msphere') return trace_opts
[docs]def get_sep_pts_bitor(fld, seed, trace_opts=None, make_3d=True, **kwargs): """bitor topologies to find separator points in uv map from seed Args: fld (VectorField): Magnetic Field seed (viscid.seed.SeedGen): Any Seed generator with a 2d local representation trace_opts (dict): kwargs for calc_streamlines make_3d (bool): convert result from uv to 3d space **kwargs: passed to :py:func:`topology_bitor_clusters` Returns: 3xN ndarray of N separator points in uv space or 3d space depending on the `make_3d` kwarg """ trace_opts = _prep_trace_opt_defaults(trace_opts) topo = viscid.calc_streamlines(fld, seed, **trace_opts)[1] try: pt_bnds = seed.pt_bnds except AttributeError: pt_bnds = () try: periodic = seed.periodic except AttributeError: periodic = "00" kwargs.setdefault('pt_bnds', pt_bnds) kwargs.setdefault('periodic', periodic) pts = topology_bitor_clusters(topo, **kwargs) if make_3d: pts = seed.uv_to_3d(pts) return pts
def perimeter_check_bitwise_or(arr): """Does perimeter of arr topologies contain a separator? Returns: bool """ return bool(np.bitwise_or.reduce(arr) == streamline.TOPOLOGY_MS_SEPARATOR)
[docs]def get_sep_pts_bisect(fld, seed, trace_opts=None, min_depth=3, max_depth=7, plot=False, perimeter_check=perimeter_check_bitwise_or, make_3d=True): """bisect uv map of seed to find separator points Args: fld (VectorField): Magnetic Field seed (viscid.seed.SeedGen): Any Seed generator with a 2d local representation trace_opts (dict): kwargs for calc_streamlines min_depth (int): Min allowable bisection depth max_depth (int): Max bisection depth plot (bool): Useful for debugging the algorithm perimeter_check (func): Some func that returns a bool with the same signature as :py:func:`perimeter_check_bitwise_or` make_3d (bool): convert result from uv to 3d space Returns: 3xN ndarray of N separator points in uv space or 3d space depending on the `make_3d` kwarg """ trace_opts = _prep_trace_opt_defaults(trace_opts) pts_even = _get_sep_pts_bisect(fld, seed, trace_opts=trace_opts, min_depth=0, max_depth=2, plot=False, perimeter_check=perimeter_check, make_3d=False) pts_uneven = _get_sep_pts_bisect(fld, seed, trace_opts=trace_opts, min_depth=0, max_depth=2, plot=False, perimeter_check=perimeter_check, make_3d=False, start_uneven=True) if pts_uneven.shape[1] > pts_even.shape[1]: start_uneven = True else: start_uneven = False # start_uneven = True return _get_sep_pts_bisect(fld, seed, trace_opts=trace_opts, min_depth=min_depth, max_depth=max_depth, plot=plot, start_uneven=start_uneven, perimeter_check=perimeter_check, make_3d=make_3d)
def _get_sep_pts_bisect(fld, seed, trace_opts=None, min_depth=3, max_depth=7, plot=False, perimeter_check=perimeter_check_bitwise_or, make_3d=True, start_uneven=False, _base_quadrent="", _uneven_mask=0, _first_recurse=True): if len(_base_quadrent) == max_depth: return [_base_quadrent] # causes pylint to complain if trace_opts is None: trace_opts = dict() nx, ny = seed.uv_shape (xlim, ylim) = seed.uv_extent if _first_recurse and start_uneven: _uneven_mask = UNEVEN_MASK if _first_recurse and plot: from viscid.plot import vlab from viscid.plot import vpyplot as vlt vlt.clf() _, all_topo = viscid.calc_streamlines(fld, seed, **trace_opts) vlt.plot(np.bitwise_and(all_topo, 15), show=False) verts, arr = seed.wrap_mesh( vlab.mesh(verts[0], verts[1], verts[2], scalars=arr, opacity=0.75) # quadrents and lines are indexed as follows... # directions are counter clackwise around the quadrent with # lower index (which matters for lines which are shared among # more than one quadrent, aka, lines 1,2,6,7). Notice that even # numbered lines are horizontal, like the interstate system :) # -<--10-----<-8--- # | ^ ^ # 11 2 9 3 7 # \/ | | # --<-2-----<-6---- # | ^ ^ # 3 0 1 1 5 # \/ | | # ----0->-----4->-- # find low(left), mid(center), and high(right) crds in x and y low_quad = "{0}{1:x}".format(_base_quadrent, 0 | _uneven_mask) high_quad = "{0}{1:x}".format(_base_quadrent, 3 | _uneven_mask) xl, xm, yl, ym = _quadrent_limits(low_quad, xlim, ylim) _, xh, _, yh = _quadrent_limits(high_quad, xlim, ylim) segsx, segsy = [None] * 12, [None] * 12 topo = [None] * 12 nxm, nym = nx //2, ny // 2 # make all the line segments segsx[0], segsy[0] = np.linspace(xl, xm, nxm), np.linspace(yl, yl, nxm) segsx[1], segsy[1] = np.linspace(xm, xm, nym), np.linspace(yl, ym, nym) segsx[2], segsy[2] = np.linspace(xm, xl, nxm), np.linspace(ym, ym, nxm) segsx[3], segsy[3] = np.linspace(xl, xl, nym), np.linspace(ym, yl, nym) segsx[4], segsy[4] = np.linspace(xm, xh, nxm), np.linspace(yl, yl, nxm) segsx[5], segsy[5] = np.linspace(xh, xh, nym), np.linspace(yl, ym, nym) segsx[6], segsy[6] = np.linspace(xh, xm, nxm), np.linspace(ym, ym, nxm) segsx[7], segsy[7] = np.linspace(xh, xh, nym), np.linspace(ym, yh, nym) segsx[8], segsy[8] = np.linspace(xh, xm, nxm), np.linspace(yh, yh, nxm) segsx[9], segsy[9] = np.linspace(xm, xm, nym), np.linspace(ym, yh, nym) segsx[10], segsy[10] = np.linspace(xm, xl, nxm), np.linspace(yh, yh, nxm) segsx[11], segsy[11] = np.linspace(xl, xl, nym), np.linspace(yh, ym, nym) allx = np.concatenate(segsx) ally = np.concatenate(segsy) # print("plot::", _base_quadrent, '|', _uneven_mask, '|', len(allx), len(ally)) pts3d = seed.to_3d(seed.uv_to_local(np.array([allx, ally]))) _, all_topo = viscid.calc_streamlines(fld, pts3d, **trace_opts) topo[0] = all_topo[:len(segsx[0])] cnt = len(topo[0]) for i, segx in zip(count(1), segsx[1:]): topo[i] = all_topo[cnt:cnt + len(segx)] # print("??", i, cnt, cnt + len(segx), np.bitwise_and.reduce(topo[i])) cnt += len(topo[i]) # assemble the lines into the four quadrents quad_topo = [None] * 4 # all arrays snip off the last element since those are # duplicated by the next line... reversed arrays do the # snipping with -1:0:-1 quad_topo[0] = np.concatenate([topo[0][:-1], topo[1][:-1], topo[2][:-1], topo[3][:-1]]) quad_topo[1] = np.concatenate([topo[4][:-1], topo[5][:-1], topo[6][:-1], topo[1][-1:0:-1]]) quad_topo[2] = np.concatenate([topo[2][-1:0:-1], topo[9][:-1], topo[10][:-1], topo[11][:-1]]) quad_topo[3] = np.concatenate([topo[6][-1:0:-1], topo[7][:-1], topo[8][:-1], topo[9][-1:0:-1]]) # now that the quad arrays are populated, decide which quadrents # still contain the separator (could be > 1) required_uneven_subquads = False ret = [] for i in range(4): if perimeter_check(quad_topo[i]): next_quad = "{0}{1:x}".format(_base_quadrent, i | _uneven_mask) subquads = _get_sep_pts_bisect(fld, seed, trace_opts=trace_opts, min_depth=min_depth, max_depth=max_depth, plot=plot, _base_quadrent=next_quad, _uneven_mask=0, _first_recurse=False) ret += subquads if len(ret) == 0: perimeter = np.concatenate([topo[0][::-1], topo[4][::-1], topo[5][::-1], topo[7][::-1], topo[8][::-1], topo[10][::-1], topo[11][::-1], topo[3][::-1]]) if _uneven_mask: if len(_base_quadrent) > min_depth: print("sep trace issue, but min depth reached: {0} > {1}" "".format(len(_base_quadrent), min_depth)) ret = [_base_quadrent] else: print("sep trace issue, the separator ended prematurely") elif perimeter_check(perimeter): ret = _get_sep_pts_bisect(fld, seed, trace_opts=trace_opts, min_depth=min_depth, max_depth=max_depth, plot=plot, _base_quadrent=_base_quadrent, _uneven_mask=UNEVEN_MASK, _first_recurse=False) required_uneven_subquads = True if plot and not required_uneven_subquads: from viscid.plot import vlab from viscid.plot import vpyplot as vlt from matplotlib import pyplot as plt _pts3d = seed.to_3d(seed.uv_to_local(np.array([allx, ally]))) vlab.points3d(_pts3d[0], _pts3d[1], _pts3d[2],, scale_mode='none', scale_factor=0.02) plt.scatter(allx, ally, color=np.bitwise_and(all_topo, 15), vmin=0, vmax=15, marker='o', edgecolor='y', s=40) if _first_recurse: # turn quadrent strings into locations xc = np.empty(len(ret)) yc = np.empty(len(ret)) for i, r in enumerate(ret): xc[i], yc[i] = _quadrent_center(r, xlim, ylim) pts_uv = np.array([xc, yc]) if plot: from viscid.plot import vlab from viscid.plot import vpyplot as vlt from matplotlib import pyplot as plt plt.plot(pts_uv[0], pts_uv[1], "y*", ms=20, markeredgecolor='k', markeredgewidth=1.0) # return seed.to_3d(seed.uv_to_local(pts_uv)) # if pts_uv.size == 0: # return None if make_3d: return seed.uv_to_3d(pts_uv) else: return pts_uv else: return ret def _quadrent_limits(quad_str, xlim, ylim): xmin, xmax = xlim ymin, ymax = ylim xl, xh = xmin, xmax yl, yh = ymin, ymax for _, quad in enumerate(quad_str): try: quadi = int(quad, base=16) except TypeError: raise midpt = UNEVEN_HALF if quadi & UNEVEN_MASK else 0.5 xm = xl + midpt * (xh - xl) if quadi & 1: xl = xm else: xh = xm ym = yl + midpt * (yh - yl) if quadi & 2: yl = ym else: yh = ym return xl, xh, yl, yh def _quadrent_center(quad_str, xlim, ylim): xl, xh, yl, yh = _quadrent_limits(quad_str, xlim, ylim) midpt = UNEVEN_HALF if int(quad_str[-1], base=16) & UNEVEN_MASK else 0.5 xm = xl + midpt * (xh - xl) ym = yl + midpt * (yh - yl) return xm, ym def _make_square_segments(xl, xh, yl, yh, nx, ny): x = np.linspace(xl, xh, nx) y = np.linspace(yl, yh, ny) bottom = np.vstack((x, [y[0]] * x.shape[0])) right = np.vstack(([x[-1]] * y.shape[0], y)) top = np.vstack((x[::-1], [y[-1]] * x.shape[0])) left = np.vstack(([x[0]] * (y.shape[0] - 1), y[::-1][:-1])) return bottom, right, top, left def _make_square(xl, xh, yl, yh, nx, ny): bottom, right, top, left = _make_square_segments(xl, xh, yl, yh, nx, ny) return np.concatenate((bottom, right, top, left), axis=1) # def perimeter_check_pattern(arr): # """Does perimeter of arr topologies contain a separator? # Returns: # bool # """ # cyc = np.array([x[0] for x in groupby(arr)]) # cyc = np.roll(cyc, -1 * np.argmin(cyc)) # cyc_rev = np.roll(cyc[::-1], -1 * (len(cyc) - 1)) # watch_list = [(0, 1, 2, 4)] # return bool(cyc in watch_list or cyc_rev in watch_list) ## ## EOF ##