"""Convevience module for making 3d plots with Mayavi
You can't set rc parameters for this module!
from __future__ import print_function, division
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import mayavi
from mayavi import mlab
from mayavi.modules.axes import Axes
from mayavi.sources.builtin_surface import BuiltinSurface
from mayavi.sources.vtk_data_source import VTKDataSource
from traits.trait_errors import TraitError
from tvtk.api import tvtk
import viscid
from viscid import NOT_SPECIFIED
from viscid import field
# anything placed in here is not multiprocessing-safe
_global_ns = dict()
[docs]def add_source(src, figure=None):
"""Add a vtk data source to a figure
src (VTKDataSource): Description
figure (mayavi.core.scene.Scene): specific figure, or None for
if not figure:
figure = mlab.gcf()
if src not in figure.children:
engine = figure.parent
engine.add_source(src, scene=figure)
return src
[docs]def add_lines(lines, scalars=None, figure=None, name="NoName"):
"""Add list of lines to a figure
lines (list): See :py:func:`lines2source`
scalars (ndarray): See :py:func:`lines2source`
figure (mayavi.core.scene.Scene): specific figure, or None for
name (str): name of vtk object
src = lines2source(lines, scalars=scalars, name=name)
add_source(src, figure=figure)
return src
[docs]def add_field(fld, figure=None, center="", name=""):
"""Add a Viscid Field to a mayavi figure
fld (Field): Some Viscid Field
figure (mayavi.core.scene.Scene): specific figure, or None for
center (str): 'cell' or 'node', leave blank to use fld.center
name (str): name of vtk object, leave black for fld.name
src = field2source(fld, center=center, name=name)
add_source(src, figure=figure)
return src
[docs]def points2source(vertices, scalars=None, name="NoName"):
# if scalars:
# scalars = [scalars]
verts, scalars, _, other = viscid.vutil.prepare_lines([vertices], scalars)
src = mlab.pipeline.scalar_scatter(verts[0], verts[1], verts[2])
if scalars is not None:
if scalars.dtype == np.dtype('u1'):
sc = tvtk.UnsignedCharArray()
scalars = sc
src.mlab_source.dataset.point_data.scalars = scalars
src.name = name
return src
[docs]def lines2source(lines, scalars=None, name="NoName"):
"""Turn a list of lines as ndarrays into vtk data source
lines (list): List of 3xN, 4xN, 6xN ndarrays of xyz, xyzs, or
xyzrgb data for N points along the line. N need not be the
same for all lines.
scalars (ndarray, list): Scalars for each point, or each line.
See :py:func:`viscid.vutil.prepare_lines` for more details
name (str): name of vtk object
See Also:
* :py:func:`viscid.vutil.prepare_lines`
r = viscid.vutil.prepare_lines(lines, scalars, do_connections=True)
lines, scalars, connections, other = r
# FIXME: the following branch is a workaround for Mayavi >= 4.7.0
# For some reason, setting scalar point data after source creation
# now has an issue where mayavi doesn't autoscale the lut correctly.
# This has something to do with changes in supporting composite data in
# Mayavi commit:
# https://github.com/enthought/mayavi/commit/fd9a515a9563d81a42b84514c1fb4ce5f81ac9a0
# So... if scalars are color values (set by hex or rgb), then we have to
# set the point data by hand. This is ok since the lut range won't be
# needed. Otherwise, just pass the scalars on source creation.
if scalars is not None and scalars.dtype == np.dtype('u1'):
src = mlab.pipeline.line_source(lines[0], lines[1], lines[2])
sc = tvtk.UnsignedCharArray()
scalars = sc
src.mlab_source.dataset.point_data.scalars = scalars
elif scalars is not None:
src = mlab.pipeline.line_source(lines[0], lines[1], lines[2], scalars)
src = mlab.pipeline.line_source(lines[0], lines[1], lines[2])
src.mlab_source.dataset.lines = connections
src.name = name
return src
[docs]def field2source(fld, center=None, name=None):
"""Convert a field to a vtk data source
This dispatches to either :meth:`field_to_point_source` or
:meth:`field_to_cell_source` depending on the centering of
fld: field to convert
center (str): Either "cell", "node", or "" to use the
same centering as fld
name (str): Add specific name. Leave as "" to use fld.name
mayavi source
NotImplementedError: If center (or fld.center) is not
if not center:
center = fld.center
center = center.lower()
if center == "node":
src = field2point_source(fld, name=name)
elif center == "cell":
src = field2cell_source(fld, name=name)
raise NotImplementedError("cell / node only for now")
return src
[docs]def field2point_source(fld, name=None):
"""Convert a field to a vtk point data source"""
grid, arr = _prep_field(fld)
dat_target = grid.point_data
if fld.iscentered("Cell"):
grid.dimensions = tuple(fld.crds.shape_cc)
grid.x_coordinates = fld.get_crd_cc(0) # ('x')
grid.y_coordinates = fld.get_crd_cc(1) # ('y')
grid.z_coordinates = fld.get_crd_cc(2) # ('z')
elif fld.iscentered("Node"):
grid.dimensions = tuple(fld.crds.shape_nc)
grid.x_coordinates = fld.get_crd_nc(0) # ('x')
grid.y_coordinates = fld.get_crd_nc(1) # ('y')
grid.z_coordinates = fld.get_crd_nc(2) # ('z')
raise ValueError("cell or node only please")
src = _finalize_source(fld, arr, grid, dat_target)
if name:
src.name = name
return src
[docs]def field2cell_source(fld, name=None):
"""Convert a field to a vtk cell data source"""
grid, arr = _prep_field(fld)
dat_target = grid.cell_data
if fld.iscentered("Cell"):
grid.dimensions = tuple(fld.crds.shape_nc)
grid.x_coordinates = fld.get_crd_nc(0) # ('x')
grid.y_coordinates = fld.get_crd_nc(1) # ('y')
grid.z_coordinates = fld.get_crd_nc(2) # ('z')
elif fld.iscentered("Node"):
raise NotImplementedError("can't do lossless cell data from nodes yet")
raise ValueError("cell or node only please")
src = _finalize_source(fld, arr, grid, dat_target)
if name:
src.name = name
return src
def _prep_field(fld):
grid = tvtk.RectilinearGrid()
# note, the transpose operations are b/c fld.data is now xyz ordered,
# but vtk expects zyx data
if isinstance(fld, field.ScalarField):
zyx_dat = fld.data.T
arr = np.reshape(zyx_dat, (-1,))
# vtk expects zyx data, but fld.data is now xyz
elif isinstance(fld, field.VectorField):
if fld.layout == field.LAYOUT_INTERLACED:
zyx_dat = np.transpose(fld.data, (2, 1, 0, 3))
arr = np.reshape(zyx_dat, (-1, 3))
elif fld.layout == field.LAYOUT_FLAT:
zyx_dat = np.transpose(fld.data, (0, 3, 2, 1))
arr = np.reshape(np.rollaxis(zyx_dat, 0, len(fld.shape)), (-1, 3))
raise ValueError()
raise ValueError("Unexpected fld type: {0}".format(type(fld)))
# swap endian if needed
if str(arr.dtype).startswith(">"):
arr = arr.byteswap().newbyteorder()
return grid, arr
def _finalize_source(fld, arr, grid, dat_target):
if isinstance(fld, field.ScalarField):
dat_target.scalars = arr
dat_target.scalars.name = fld.name
elif isinstance(fld, field.VectorField):
dat_target.vectors = arr
dat_target.vectors.name = fld.name
src = VTKDataSource(data=grid)
src.name = fld.name
return src
def _prep_vector_source(v_src, scalars):
"""Side-effect: v_src will be modified if scalars are given"""
if isinstance(v_src, viscid.field.Field):
v_src = field2source(v_src, center='node')
if scalars is not None:
if isinstance(scalars, viscid.field.Field):
scalars = field2source(scalars, center='node')
v_src._point_scalars_list.append(scalars.name) # pylint: disable=protected-access
v_src.data.point_data.scalars = scalars.data.point_data.scalars
v_src.point_scalars_name = scalars.name
return v_src, scalars
[docs]def scalar_cut_plane(src, center=None, **kwargs):
"""Wraps `mayavi.mlab.pipeline.scalar_cut_plane`
This function will automatically switch to the default
Matplotlib colormap (or the one from your viscidrc file)
If you call this multiple times with the same
`viscid.field.Field`, you should consider using field2source
yourself and passing the Mayavi source object
src (Mayavi Source or ScalarField): If src is a ScalarField,
then the field is wrapped into a Mayavi Source and added
to the figure
center (str): centering for the Mayavi source, 'cell' will
make the grid visible, while 'node' will interpolate
between points
**kwargs: Passed to `mayavi.mlab.pipeline.scalar_cut_plane`
Keyword Arguments:
cmap (str, None, False): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
alpha (number, sequence): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
clim (sequence): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
symmetric (bool): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
logscale (bool): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
if isinstance(src, viscid.field.Field):
src = field2source(src, center=center)
kwargs, cmap_kwargs = _extract_cmap_kwargs(kwargs)
scp = mlab.pipeline.scalar_cut_plane(src, **kwargs)
apply_cmap(scp, **cmap_kwargs)
return scp
[docs]def vector_cut_plane(v_src, scalars=None, color_mode='vector', **kwargs):
"""Wraps `mayavi.mlab.pipeline.vector_cut_plane`
This function will automatically switch to the default
Matplotlib colormap (or the one from your viscidrc file)
If you call this multiple times with the same
`viscid.field.Field`, you should consider using field2source
yourself and passing the Mayavi source object
v_src (Mayavi Source, or VectorField): Vector to cut-plane. If
a Mayavi Source, then it must be node centered.
scalars (Mayavi Source, or ScalarField): Optional scalar data.
If a Mayavi Source, then it must be node centered. This
will enable scale_mode and color_mode by 'scalar'
color_mode (str): Color by 'vector', 'scalar', or 'none'
**kwargs: Passed to `mayavi.mlab.pipeline.vector_cut_plane`
Keyword Arguments:
cmap (str, None, False): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
alpha (number, sequence): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
clim (sequence): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
symmetric (bool): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
logscale (bool): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
v_src, scalars = _prep_vector_source(v_src, scalars)
kwargs, cmap_kwargs = _extract_cmap_kwargs(kwargs)
vcp = mlab.pipeline.vector_cut_plane(v_src, **kwargs)
apply_cmap(vcp, mode='vector', **cmap_kwargs)
apply_cmap(vcp, mode='scalar', **cmap_kwargs)
vcp.glyph.color_mode = 'color_by_{0}'.format(color_mode.strip().lower())
return vcp
[docs]def mesh_from_seeds(seeds, scalars=None, fill_holes=NOT_SPECIFIED, **kwargs):
"""Wraps `mayavi.mlab.mesh` for Viscid seed generators
This function will automatically switch to the default
Matplotlib colormap (or the one from your viscidrc file)
seeds (Viscid.SeedGen): Some seed generator with a 2D mesh
scalars (ndarray, ScalarField): data mapped onto the mesh,
i.e., the result of viscid.interp_trilin(seeds, ...)
**kwargs: Passed to `mayavi.mlab.mesh`
Keyword Arguments:
cmap (str, None, False): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
alpha (number, sequence): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
clim (sequence): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
symmetric (bool): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
logscale (bool): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
if scalars is not None:
vertices, scalars = seeds.wrap_mesh(scalars, fill_holes=fill_holes)
vertices, = seeds.wrap_mesh(fill_holes=fill_holes)
return mesh(vertices[0], vertices[1], vertices[2], scalars=scalars,
[docs]def mesh(x, y, z, scalars=None, **kwargs):
"""Wraps `mayavi.mlab.mesh`
This function will automatically switch to the default
Matplotlib colormap (or the one from your viscidrc file)
x (TYPE): 2D array of vertices' x-values
y (TYPE): 2D array of vertices' y-values
z (TYPE): 2D array of vertices' z-values
scalars (ndarray, ScalarField): optional scalar data
**kwargs: Passed to `mayavi.mlab.mesh`
Keyword Arguments:
cmap (str, None, False): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
alpha (number, sequence): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
clim (sequence): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
symmetric (bool): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
logscale (bool): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
if scalars is not None:
if isinstance(scalars, viscid.field.Field):
scalars = scalars.data
scalars = scalars.reshape(x.shape)
kwargs, cmap_kwargs = _extract_cmap_kwargs(kwargs)
m = mlab.mesh(x, y, z, scalars=scalars, **kwargs)
if scalars is not None:
apply_cmap(m, **cmap_kwargs)
return m
[docs]def quiver3d(*args, **kwargs):
"""Wraps `mayavi.mlab.quiver3d`
*args: passed to `mayavi.mlab.quiver3d`
**kwargs: Other Arguments are popped, then kwargs is passed to
Keyword Arguments:
cmap (str, None, False): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
alpha (number, sequence): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
clim (sequence): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
symmetric (bool): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
logscale (bool): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
TYPE: Description
kwargs, cmap_kwargs = _extract_cmap_kwargs(kwargs)
quivers = mlab.quiver3d(*args, **kwargs)
apply_cmap(quivers, mode='scalar', **cmap_kwargs)
apply_cmap(quivers, mode='vector', **cmap_kwargs)
return quivers
[docs]def points3d(*args, **kwargs):
"""Wraps `mayavi.mlab.points3d`
*args: passed to `mayavi.mlab.points3d`
**kwargs: Other Arguments are popped, then kwargs is passed to
Keyword Arguments:
modify_args (bool): if True (default), then check if args is a
single 2d sequence of shape 3xN or Nx3. Then split them up
appropriately. if False, then args are passed through
to mlab.points3d unchanged, nomatter what.
cmap (str, None, False): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
alpha (number, sequence): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
clim (sequence): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
symmetric (bool): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
logscale (bool): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
TYPE: Description
modify_args = kwargs.pop('modify_args', True)
kwargs, cmap_kwargs = _extract_cmap_kwargs(kwargs)
if modify_args and len(args) < 3:
a0 = np.asarray(args[0])
if len(a0.shape) > 1 and a0.shape[0] == 3:
args = [a0[0, :].reshape(-1),
a0[1, :].reshape(-1),
a0[2, :].reshape(-1)] + list(args[1:])
elif len(a0.shape) > 1 and a0.shape[1] == 3:
args = [a0[:, 0].reshape(-1),
a0[:, 1].reshape(-1),
a0[:, 2].reshape(-1)] + list(args[1:])
points = mlab.points3d(*args, **kwargs)
apply_cmap(points, **cmap_kwargs)
return points
[docs]def streamline(v_src, scalars=None, **kwargs):
"""Wraps `mayavi.mlab.pipeline.streamline`; mind the caveats
This function will automatically switch to the default
Matplotlib colormap (or the one from your viscidrc file)
Side-effect: If scalars are given, then v_src is modified to
point to the scalar data!
If v_src and scalars are Mayavi sources, they must be node
If you call this multiple times with the same v_src and
scalars, you should consider using field2source yourself and
passing the Mayavi source objects, unless you're using
different scalars with the same vector field, since this
function has side-effects on the vector sourc.
v_src (Mayavi Source, or VectorField): Vector to streamline. If
a Mayavi Source, then it must be node centered.
scalars (Mayavi Source, or ScalarField): Optional scalar data.
If a Mayavi Source, then it must be node centered.
**kwargs: Passed to `mayavi.mlab.mesh`
Keyword Arguments:
cmap (str, None, False): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
alpha (number, sequence): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
clim (sequence): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
symmetric (bool): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
logscale (bool): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
v_src, scalars = _prep_vector_source(v_src, scalars)
kwargs, cmap_kwargs = _extract_cmap_kwargs(kwargs)
sl = mlab.pipeline.streamline(v_src, **kwargs)
apply_cmap(sl, mode='vector', **cmap_kwargs)
apply_cmap(sl, mode='scalar', **cmap_kwargs)
return sl
[docs]def iso_surface(src, backface_culling=True, **kwargs):
"""Wraps `mayavi.mlab.pipeline.iso_surface`; mind the caveats
Note that backfaces are culled by default.
This function will automatically switch to the default
Matplotlib colormap (or the one from your viscidrc file)
If src is a Mayavi source, it must be node centered.
If you call this multiple times with the same
`viscid.field.Field`, you should consider using field2source
yourself and passing the Mayavi source object
src (Mayavi Source or ScalarField): If src is a ScalarField,
then the field is wrapped into a Mayavi Source and added
to the figure. If a Mayavi Source, then it must be node
backface_culling (bool): Cull backfaces by default. Useful for
translucent surfaces.
**kwargs: Passed to `mayavi.mlab.pipeline.scalar_cut_plane`
Keyword Arguments:
cmap (str, None, False): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
alpha (number, sequence): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
clim (sequence): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
symmetric (bool): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
logscale (bool): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
if isinstance(src, viscid.field.Field):
src = field2source(src, center='node')
kwargs, cmap_kwargs = _extract_cmap_kwargs(kwargs)
iso = mlab.pipeline.iso_surface(src, **kwargs)
apply_cmap(iso, **cmap_kwargs)
iso.actor.property.backface_culling = backface_culling
return iso
[docs]def plot_line(line, scalars=None, **kwargs):
"""Wrap :py:func:`plot_lines` for a single line"""
if scalars is not None:
scalars = [scalars]
return plot_lines([line], scalars=scalars, **kwargs)
[docs]def plot_lines(lines, scalars=None, style="tube", figure=None,
name="Lines", tube_radius=0.05, tube_sides=6, **kwargs):
"""Make 3D mayavi plot of lines
Scalars can be a bunch of single values, or a bunch of rgb data
to set the color of each line / vertex explicitly. This is
explained in :py:func:`lines2source`.
A common use case of setting the line color from a topology
will want to use :py:func:`viscid.topology2color`::
>>> import viscid
>>> from viscid.plot import vlab
>>> B = viscid.make_dipole()
>>> seeds = viscid.Line([-4, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0])
>>> lines, topology = viscid.calc_streamlines(B, seeds,
>>> ibound=0.05)
>>> scalars = viscid.topology2color(topology)
>>> vlab.plot_lines(lines, scalars, tube_radius=0.02)
>>> vlab.savefig("dipole.x3d")
>>> viscid.meshlab_convert("dipole.x3d", "dae")
>>> vlab.show()
lines (list): See :py:func:`lines2source`
scalars (TYPE): See :py:func:`lines2source`
style (str): 'tube' or 'none'
figure (mayavi.core.scene.Scene): specific figure, or None for
name (str): Description
tube_radius (float): Radius if style == 'tube'
tube_sides (int): Angular resolution if style == 'tube'
**kwargs: passed to :meth:`mayavi.mlab.pipeline.surface`. This
is useful for setting a colormap among other things.
Keyword Arguments:
cmap (str, None, False): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
alpha (number, sequence): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
clim (sequence): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
symmetric (bool): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
logscale (bool): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
Mayavi surface module
ValueError: if style is neither tube nor strip
style = style.lower()
if not figure:
figure = mlab.gcf()
src = lines2source(lines, scalars=scalars, name=name)
# always use the stripper since actually turns a collection of line
# segments into a line... that way capping will cap lines, not line
# segments, etc.
lines = mlab.pipeline.stripper(src, figure=figure)
if style == "tube":
lines = mlab.pipeline.tube(lines, figure=figure, tube_radius=tube_radius,
elif style == "none" or not style:
raise ValueError("Unknown style for lines: {0}".format(style))
kwargs, cmap_kwargs = _extract_cmap_kwargs(kwargs)
surface = mlab.pipeline.surface(lines, **kwargs)
apply_cmap(surface, **cmap_kwargs)
return surface
[docs]def plot_ionosphere(fld, radius=1.063, figure=None, bounding_lat=0.0,
rotate=None, crd_system="gse", **kwargs):
"""Plot an ionospheric field
fld (Field): Some spherical (phi, theta) / (lot, lat) field
radius (float): Defaults to 1Re + 400km == 1.063Re
figure (mayavi.core.scene.Scene): specific figure, or None for
bounding_lat (float): Description
rotate (None, sequence, str, datetime64): sequence of length 4
that contains (angle, ux, uy, uz) for the angle and axis of
a rotation, or a UT time as string or datetime64 to rotate
earth to a specific date/time, or a cotr object in
conjunction with crd_system
crd_system (str, other): Used if rotate is datetime-like. Can
be one of ('gse', 'mhd'), or anything that returns from
**kwargs: passed to :py:func:`mayavi.mlab.mesh`
Keyword Arguments:
cmap (str, None, False): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
alpha (number, sequence): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
clim (sequence): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
symmetric (bool): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
logscale (bool): see :py:func:`apply_cmap`
No Longer Raises:
ValueError: Description
if figure is None:
figure = mlab.gcf()
fld = viscid.as_spherefield(fld, order=('phi', 'theta'), units='deg')
phil, thetal = fld.xl
phih, thetah = fld.xh
nphi, ntheta = fld.shape
sphere = viscid.Sphere([0, 0, 0], r=radius, ntheta=ntheta, nphi=nphi,
thetalim=(thetal, thetah), philim=(phil, phih),
verts, arr = sphere.wrap_mesh(fld.data, fill_holes=True)
kwargs, cmap_kwargs = _extract_cmap_kwargs(kwargs)
if 'name' not in kwargs:
kwargs['name'] = fld.name
m = mlab.mesh(verts[0], verts[1], verts[2], scalars=arr, figure=figure,
m.parent.parent.filter.splitting = 0
if bounding_lat:
rp = 1.5 * radius
z = radius * np.cos((np.pi / 180.0) * bounding_lat)
clip = mlab.pipeline.data_set_clipper(m.module_manager.parent)
clip.widget.widget.place_widget(-rp, rp, -rp, rp, -z, z)
clip.widget.widget.enabled = False
insert_filter(clip, m.module_manager)
# m.module_manager.parent.parent.filter.auto_orient_normals = True
# m.module_manager.parent.filter.auto_orient_normals = True
m.actor.mapper.interpolate_scalars_before_mapping = True
apply_cmap(m, **cmap_kwargs)
_apply_rotation(m, 'sm', rotate, crd_system=crd_system)
return m
[docs]def plot_nulls(nulls, Acolor=(0.0, 0.263, 0.345), Bcolor=(0.686, 0.314, 0.0),
Ocolor=(0.239, 0.659, 0.557), **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault('scale_mode', 'none')
kwargs.setdefault('scale_factor', 0.3)
if not isinstance(nulls, dict):
empty = np.ones((3, 0))
nulls = dict(O=[empty, nulls], A=[empty, empty], B=[empty, empty])
Opts = nulls['O'][1]
if Ocolor is not None and Opts.shape[1]:
mlab.points3d(Opts[0], Opts[1], Opts[2], color=Ocolor, name="Onulls",
Apts = nulls['A'][1]
if Ocolor is not None and Opts.shape[1]:
mlab.points3d(Apts[0], Apts[1], Apts[2], color=Acolor, name="Anulls",
Bpts = nulls['B'][1]
if Bcolor is not None and Bpts.shape[1]:
mlab.points3d(Bpts[0], Bpts[1], Bpts[2], color=Bcolor, name="Bnulls",
[docs]def fancy_axes(figure=None, target=None, nb_labels=5, xl=None, xh=None,
tight=False, symmetric=False, padding=0.05, opacity=0.7,
face_color=None, line_width=2.0, grid_color=None,
labels=True, label_color=None, label_shadow=True,
"""Make axes with 3 shaded walls and a grid similar to matplotlib
figure (mayavi.core.scene.Scene): specific figure, or None for
target (Mayavi Element): If either xl or xh are not given, then
get that limit from a bounding box around `target`
nb_labels (int, sequence): number of labels in all, or each
(x, y, z) directions
xl (float, sequence): lower corner of axes
xh (float, sequence): upper corner of axes
tight (bool): If False, then let xl and xh expand to make nicer
labels. This uses matplotlib to determine new extrema
symmetric (bool): If True, then xl + xh = 0
padding (float): add padding as a fraction of the total length
opacity (float): opacity of faces
face_color (sequence): color (r, g, b) of faces
line_width (float): Width of grid lines
grid_color (sequence): Color of grid lines
labels (bool): Whether or not to put axis labels on
label_color (sequence): color of axis labels
label_shadow (bool): Add shadows to all labels
consolidate_labels (bool): if all nb_labels are the same, then
only make one axis for the labels
VTKDataSource: source to which 2 surfaces and 3 axes belong
if figure is None:
figure = mlab.gcf()
# setup xl and xh
if xl is None or xh is None:
_outline = mlab.outline(target, figure=figure)
if xl is None:
xl = _outline.bounds[0::2]
if xh is None:
xh = _outline.bounds[1::2]
nb_labels = np.broadcast_to(nb_labels, (3,))
xl = np.array(np.broadcast_to(xl, (3,)))
xh = np.array(np.broadcast_to(xh, (3,)))
L = xh - xl
xl -= padding * L
xh += padding * L
# now adjust xl and xh to be prettier
if symmetric:
tight = False
if not tight:
from matplotlib.ticker import AutoLocator
for i in range(len(xl)): # pylint: disable=consider-using-enumerate
l = AutoLocator()
l.set_view_interval(xl[i], xh[i])
locs = l()
xl[i] = locs[0]
xh[i] = locs[-1]
dx = (xh - xl) / (nb_labels - 1)
grid = tvtk.ImageData(dimensions=nb_labels, origin=xl, spacing=dx)
src = VTKDataSource(data=grid)
src.name = "fancy_axes"
if face_color is None:
face_color = figure.scene.background
if grid_color is None:
grid_color = figure.scene.foreground
if label_color is None:
label_color = grid_color
face = mlab.pipeline.surface(src, figure=figure, opacity=opacity,
face.actor.property.frontface_culling = True
if line_width:
grid = mlab.pipeline.surface(src, figure=figure, opacity=1.0,
color=grid_color, line_width=line_width,
grid.actor.property.frontface_culling = True
if labels:
def _make_ax_for_labels(_i, all_axes=False):
if all_axes:
_ax = Axes(name='axes-labels')
_ax = Axes(name='{0}-axis-labels'.format('xyz'[_i]))
# VTK bug... y_axis and z_axis are flipped... how is VTK still
# the de-facto 3d plotting library?
if _i == 0:
_ax.axes.x_axis_visibility = True
_ax.axes.y_axis_visibility = False
_ax.axes.z_axis_visibility = False
elif _i == 1:
_ax.axes.x_axis_visibility = False
_ax.axes.y_axis_visibility = False
_ax.axes.z_axis_visibility = True # VTK bug
elif _i == 2:
_ax.axes.x_axis_visibility = False
_ax.axes.y_axis_visibility = True # VTK bug
_ax.axes.z_axis_visibility = False
raise ValueError()
_ax.property.opacity = 0.0
_ax.axes.number_of_labels = nb_labels[_i]
# import IPython; IPython.embed()
_ax.title_text_property.color = label_color
_ax.title_text_property.shadow = label_shadow
_ax.label_text_property.color = label_color
_ax.label_text_property.shadow = label_shadow
if consolidate_labels and np.all(nb_labels[:] == nb_labels[0]):
_make_ax_for_labels(0, all_axes=True)
_make_ax_for_labels(0, all_axes=False)
_make_ax_for_labels(1, all_axes=False)
_make_ax_for_labels(2, all_axes=False)
return src
axes = mlab.axes
xlabel = mlab.xlabel
ylabel = mlab.ylabel
zlabel = mlab.zlabel
title = mlab.title
outline = mlab.outline
orientation_axes = mlab.orientation_axes
view = mlab.view
def _extract_cmap_kwargs(kwargs):
cmap_kwargs = dict()
cmap_kwargs["cmap"] = kwargs.pop("cmap", None)
cmap_kwargs["alpha"] = kwargs.pop("alpha", None)
cmap_kwargs["clim"] = kwargs.pop("clim", None)
cmap_kwargs["symmetric"] = kwargs.pop("symmetric", False)
cmap_kwargs["logscale"] = kwargs.pop("logscale", False)
return kwargs, cmap_kwargs
[docs]def colorbar(*args, **kwargs):
"""Wraps mayavi.mlab.colorbar and adjusts cmap if you so choose"""
cmap = kwargs.pop("cmap", False)
kwargs, cmap_kwargs = _extract_cmap_kwargs(kwargs)
ret = mlab.colorbar(*args, **kwargs)
apply_cmap(ret, cmap=cmap, **cmap_kwargs)
return ret
[docs]def scalarbar(*args, **kwargs):
"""Wraps mayavi.mlab.scalarbar and adjusts cmap if you so choose"""
cmap = kwargs.pop("cmap", False)
kwargs, cmap_kwargs = _extract_cmap_kwargs(kwargs)
ret = mlab.scalarbar(*args, **kwargs)
apply_cmap(ret, cmap=cmap, **cmap_kwargs)
return ret
[docs]def vectorbar(*args, **kwargs):
"""Wraps mayavi.mlab.vectorbar and adjusts cmap if you so choose"""
cmap = kwargs.pop("cmap", False)
kwargs, cmap_kwargs = _extract_cmap_kwargs(kwargs)
ret = mlab.vectorbar(*args, **kwargs)
apply_cmap(ret, cmap=cmap, **cmap_kwargs)
return ret
[docs]def get_cmap(cmap=None, lut=None, symmetric=False):
"""Get a Matplotlib colormap as an rgba ndarray
cmap (str): name of colormap, or an ndarray of rgb(a) colors
lut (int): number of entries desired in the lookup table
ndarray: Nx4 array of N rgba colors
import matplotlib
if symmetric and not cmap:
cmap = matplotlib.rcParams.get("viscid.symmetric_cmap", None)
cm = matplotlib.cm.get_cmap(name=cmap, lut=lut)
rgba = (255 * np.asarray(cm(np.linspace(0, 1, cm.N)))).astype('i')
except TypeError:
rgba = np.asarray(cmap)
if np.all(rgba >= 0.0) and np.all(rgba <= 1.0):
rgba = (255 * rgba).astype('i')
rgba = rgba.astype('i')
if np.any(rgba < 0) or np.any(rgba > 255):
raise ValueError("cmap ndarray must have color values between "
"0 and 255 or 0.0 and 1.0")
if rgba.shape[1] not in (3, 4) and rgba.shape[0] in (3, 4):
rgba = np.array(rgba.T)
if rgba.shape[1] == 3:
rgba = np.hstack([rgba, 255 * np.ones_like(rgba[:, :1])])
return rgba
[docs]def apply_cmap(target, cmap=None, lut=None, alpha=None, mode='scalar',
clim=None, symmetric=False, logscale=False):
"""Apply a Matplotlib colormap to a Mayavi object & adjust limits
target: Some Mayavi object on mode to apply the colormap
cmap (sequence, None, False): name of a Matplotlib colormap, or
a sequence of rgb(a) colors, or None to use the default,
or False to leave the colormap alone.
lut (int): number of entries desired in the lookup table
alpha (number, sequence): scalar or array that sets the alpha
(opacity) channel in the range [0..255]. This is expanded
to both ends of the colormap using linear interpolation,
i.e., [0, 255] will be a linear ramp from transparent to
opaque over the whole colormap.
mode (str): one of 'scalar', 'vector', or 'other'
clim (sequence): contains (vmin, vmax) for color scale
symmetric (bool): force the limits on the colorbar to be
symmetric around 0, and if no `cmap` is given, then also
use the default symmetric colormap
logscale (bool): Use a logarithmic color scale
AttributeError: Description
ValueError: Description
mode = mode.strip().lower()
# get the mayavi lut object
if mode == "scalar":
mvi_lut = target.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut
elif mode == "vector":
mvi_lut = target.module_manager.vector_lut_manager.lut
if mode != "other":
raise ValueError("mode should be 'scalar', 'vector', or "
"'other'; not '{0}'".format(mode))
raise AttributeError()
except AttributeError:
mvi_lut = target.lut
# set the limits on the colorbar
if isinstance(clim, (list, tuple)):
mvi_lut.range = [clim[0], clim[1]]
elif clim == 0:
symmetric = True
elif clim:
symmetric = clim
if logscale and symmetric:
viscid.logger.warning("logscale and symmetric are mutually exclusive;"
"ignoring symmetric.")
if logscale:
mvi_lut.scale = 'log10'
elif symmetric:
# float(True) -> 1
val = float(symmetric) * np.max(np.abs(mvi_lut.range))
mvi_lut.range = [-val, val]
vmin, vmax = mvi_lut.range
is_symmetric = bool(np.isclose(vmax, -1 * vmin, atol=0))
# now set the colormap
changed = False
if cmap is False:
rgba = None if alpha is None else mvi_lut.table.to_array()
rgba = get_cmap(cmap=cmap, lut=lut, symmetric=is_symmetric)
changed = True
if alpha is not None:
alpha = np.asarray(alpha).reshape(-1)
rgba[:, -1] = np.interp(np.linspace(0, 1, len(rgba)),
np.linspace(0, 1, len(alpha)), alpha)
changed = True
if changed:
mvi_lut.table = rgba
[docs]def insert_filter(filtr, module_manager):
"""Insert a filter above an existing module_manager
filter (TYPE): Description
module_manager (TYPE): Description
def _apply_rotation(obj, from_system, rotate=None, crd_system='gse'):
if hasattr(rotate, "get_rotation_wxyz"):
rotate = rotate.get_rotation_wxyz(from_system, crd_system)
cotr = viscid.as_cotr(rotate)
rotate = cotr.get_rotation_wxyz(from_system, crd_system)
if len(rotate) != 4:
raise ValueError("Rotate should be [angle, ux, uy, uz], got {0}"
[docs]def plot_blue_marble(r=1.0, figure=None, nphi=128, ntheta=64, map_style=None,
lines=False, res=2, rotate=None, crd_system='gse'):
"""Plot Earth using the Natural Earth dataset maps
r (float): radius of earth
figure (mayavi.core.scene.Scene): specific figure, or None for
nphi (int): phi resolution of Earth's mesh
ntheta (int): theta resolution of Earth's mesh
map_style (str): Nothing for standard map, or 'faded'
lines (bool): Whether or not to show equator, tropics,
arctic circles, and a couple meridians.
res (int): Resolution in thousands of pixels longitude (must
be one of 1, 2, 4, 8)
rotate (None, sequence, str, datetime64): sequence of length 4
that contains (angle, ux, uy, uz) for the angle and axis of
a rotation, or a UT time as string or datetime64 to rotate
earth to a specific date/time, or a cotr object in
conjunction with crd_system
crd_system (str, other): Used if rotate is datetime-like. Can
be one of ('gse', 'mhd'), or anything that returns from
(VTKDataSource, mayavi.modules.surface.Surface)
# make a plane, then deform it into a sphere
eps = 1e-4
ps = tvtk.PlaneSource(origin=(r, r * np.pi - eps, r * 0.0),
point1=(r, r * np.pi - eps, r * 2 * np.pi),
point2=(r, eps, 0.0),
transform = tvtk.SphericalTransform()
tpoly = tvtk.TransformPolyDataFilter(transform=transform,
src = VTKDataSource(data=tpoly.output, name="blue_marble")
surf = mlab.pipeline.surface(src)
# now load a jpg, and use it to texture the sphere
linestr = '_lines' if lines else ''
assert map_style in (None, '', 'faded')
assert res in (1, 2, 4, 8)
map_style = '_{0}'.format(map_style) if map_style else ''
img_name = "images/earth{0}{1}_{2}k.jpg".format(map_style, linestr, res)
fname = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/' + img_name)
img = tvtk.JPEGReader(file_name=fname)
texture = tvtk.Texture(input_connection=img.output_port, interpolate=1)
surf.actor.enable_texture = True
surf.actor.texture = texture
surf.actor.property.color = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
# rotate 180deg b/c i can't rotate the texture to make the prime meridian
_apply_rotation(surf, 'geo', rotate, crd_system=crd_system)
add_source(src, figure=figure)
return src, surf
plot_natural_earth = plot_blue_marble
[docs]def plot_earth_3d(figure=None, daycol=(1, 1, 1), nightcol=(0, 0, 0),
radius=1.0, res=24, crd_system="gse", night_only=False,
"""Plot a black and white sphere (Earth) showing sunward direction
figure (mayavi.core.scene.Scene): specific figure, or None for
daycol (tuple, optional): color of dayside (RGB)
nightcol (tuple, optional): color of nightside (RGB)
res (optional): rosolution of teh sphere
crd_system (str, other): One of ('mhd', 'gse'), or anything
that returns from :py:func:`viscid.as_crd_system`.
Tuple (day, night) as vtk sources
if figure is None:
figure = mlab.gcf()
crd_system = viscid.as_crd_system(crd_system)
if crd_system == "mhd":
theta_dusk, theta_dawn = 270, 90
elif crd_system == "gse":
theta_dusk, theta_dawn = 90, 270
# use GSE convention?
theta_dusk, theta_dawn = 90, 270
night = BuiltinSurface(source='sphere', name='night')
night.data_source.set(center=(0, 0, 0), radius=radius,
start_theta=theta_dusk, end_theta=theta_dawn,
theta_resolution=res, phi_resolution=res)
mod = mlab.pipeline.surface(night, color=nightcol, figure=figure, **kwargs)
mod.actor.property.backface_culling = True
if not night_only:
day = BuiltinSurface(source='sphere', name='day')
day.data_source.set(center=(0, 0, 0), radius=radius,
start_theta=theta_dawn, end_theta=theta_dusk,
theta_resolution=res, phi_resolution=res)
mod = mlab.pipeline.surface(day, color=daycol, figure=figure, **kwargs)
mod.actor.property.backface_culling = True
day = None
return day, night
[docs]def to_mpl(figure=None, ax=None, size=None, antialiased=True, hide=True,
fit=None, **kwargs):
"""Display a mayavi figure inline in an Jupyter Notebook.
This function takes a screenshot of a figure and blits it to a matplotlib
figure using matplotlib.pyplot.imshow()
figure: A mayavi figure, if not specified, uses mlab.gcf()
ax: Matplotlib axis of the destination (plt.gca() if None)
size (None, tuple): if given, resize the scene in pixels (x, y)
antialiased (bool): Antialias mayavi plot
hide (bool): if True, try to hide the render window
fit (None, bool): Resize mpl window to fit image exactly. If
None, then fit if figure does not currently exist.
**kwargs: passed to mayavi.mlab.screenshot()
if figure is None:
figure = mlab.gcf()
if size is not None:
resize(size, figure=figure)
pixmap = mlab.screenshot(figure, antialiased=antialiased, **kwargs)
# try to hide the window... Qt backend only
if hide:
if ax is None:
from viscid.plot import vpyplot as _
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# if there are no figures, and fit is None, then fit
if fit is None:
fit = not bool(plt.get_fignums)
ax = plt.gca()
if fit:
pltfig = ax.figure
dpi = pltfig.get_dpi()
pltfig.set_size_inches([s / dpi for s in figure.scene.get_size()],
pltfig.subplots_adjust(top=1, bottom=0, left=0, right=1,
hspace=0, wspace=0)
[docs]def make_fig_offscreen(figure, hide=True):
if hide:
figure.scene.off_screen_rendering = True
return figure
[docs]def show(stop=False):
"""Calls :meth:`mayavi.mlab.show(stop=stop)`"""
[docs]def clf(figure=None):
"""Clear source data, then clear figure
figure (mayavi.core.scene.Scene): specific figure, or None for
if not figure:
figure = mlab.gcf()
[docs]def remove_source(src):
"""Safely remove a specific vtk source
src (vtk_data_source): vtk data source to remove
except TraitError:
src.data.release_data_flag = 1
src.cell_scalars_name = ''
src.cell_tensors_name = ''
src.cell_vectors_name = ''
src.point_scalars_name = ''
src.point_tensors_name = ''
src.point_vectors_name = ''
except AttributeError:
[docs]def clear_data(figures=None):
"""Workaround for Mayavi / VTK memory leak
This is needed when Mayavi/VTK keeps a reference to source data
when you would expect it to be freed like on a call to `mlab.clf()`
or when removing sources from the pipeline.
This must be called when the pipeline still has the source, so
before a call to `mlab.clf()`, etc.
1. Set release_data_flag on all sources' data
2. Remove reference to the data
3. Remove the data source
figures (None, mayavi.core.scene.Scene, or 'all'): if None,
gets current scene; if Scene object, just that one; if
'all', act on all scenes in the current engine. Can also be
a list of Scene objects
if figures is None:
figures = [mlab.gcf()]
elif figures == "all":
figures = mlab.get_engine().scenes
if not isinstance(figures, (list, tuple)):
figures = [figures]
if all(fig is None for fig in figures):
for fig in figures:
# # fig stop / start kills mayavi now, not sure why
# fig.stop()
for child in list(fig.children):
# fig.start()
[docs]def resize(size, figure=None):
size (tuple): width, height in pixels
figure (mayavi.core.scene.Scene): specific figure, or None for
if figure is None:
figure = mlab.gcf()
# scene.set_size doesn't seem to work when rendering on screen, so
# go into the backend and do it by hand
if mlab.options.offscreen:
elif figure.scene.off_screen_rendering:
viscid.logger.warning("viscid.plot.vlab.resize doesn't work for\n"
"figures that are off-screened this way. I\n"
"suggest you use\n"
" mayavi.mlab.options.offscreen = True\n"
"near the beginning of __main__")
_ets_config = mayavi.ETSConfig
except AttributeError:
from traits.etsconfig.api import ETSConfig as _ets_config
toolkit = _ets_config.toolkit
if toolkit in ('qt', 'qt4'):
sc = figure.scene
widget11 = sc.control.childAt(1, 1)
if 'toolbar' in widget11.__class__.__name__.lower():
toolbar_height = widget11.size().height()
# window_size = sc.control.parent().size()
# render_size = sc.control.centralWidget().size()
# toolbar_height = window_size.height() - render_size.height()
toolbar_height = 0
sc.control.parent().resize(size[0], size[1] + toolbar_height)
elif toolkit == 'wx':
w, h = size[0], size[1]
figure.scene.control.Parent.Parent.SetClientSizeWH(w, h)
viscid.logger.warning("Unknown mayavi backend {0} (not qt4 or "
"wx); not resizing.".format(toolkit))
except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
viscid.logger.warning("Resize didn't work:: {0}".format(repr(e)))
[docs]def hide_window(figure, debug=False):
"""Try to hide the window; only does something on Qt backend"""
# fig.scene.control.parent().hide()
except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except,unused-variable
if debug:
print("Window hide didn't work::", repr(e))
[docs]def savefig(*args, **kwargs):
"""Wrap mayavi.mlab.savefig with offscreen hack"""
fig = mlab.gcf()
prev_offscreen_state = fig.scene.off_screen_rendering
if sys.platform != "darwin":
fig.scene.off_screen_rendering = True
mlab.savefig(*args, **kwargs)
if fig.scene.off_screen_rendering != prev_offscreen_state:
fig.scene.off_screen_rendering = prev_offscreen_state
[docs]def interact(stack_depth=0, **kwargs):
viscid.vutil.interact(stack_depth=stack_depth + 1, mvi_ns=True, **kwargs)
plot3d_lines = plot_lines
plot_lines3d = plot_lines
## EOF