Source code for viscid.readers.ggcm_logfile

"""Loads a ggcm log file

Parses the view info """

from __future__ import print_function
import itertools
import re

import numpy as np

from viscid.readers import vfile

# FIXME: This lookup table is based on an enum in ggcm_mhd.h, ie, the numerical
#        values (index in this list) could change in the future - but libmrc
#        only writes out the integer value for mhd->ggcm_mhd_fld->mhd_type
#        into the log file, so a guess is better than nothing...
             # the following have B staggered the openggcm way: [[
             # the following have B staggered the "normal" way: []
             # cell-centered fully conservative MHD
             # the multi-moment schemes are cell-centered for all quantities

[docs]class GGCMLogFile(vfile.VFile): # pylint: disable=W0223 """Libmrc log file reader This class looks at the mrc_view info before the run starts to gather info about libmrc runtime parameters. Attributes: watched_classes (list): list of libmrc classes whose parameters will be loaded """ _detector = None _grid_type = None watched_classes = ["ggcm_mhd", "mrc_domain", "mrc_crds", "ggcm_mhd_ic", "ggcm_dipole", "ggcm_mhd_step", "ggcm_mhd_fld"] info = None def _parse(self): _info = {} armed = False with open(self.fname, 'r') as f: # find end of view def is_timestep(s): return not s.strip().startswith(('cp=', 'step=')) lines_iter = itertools.takewhile(is_timestep, f) for line in lines_iter: line = line.strip() if armed: try: key, val = self._parse_param(line) _info["{0}_{1}".format(armed, key)] = val except ValueError: # this is expected for lines that look like # "-------+------ type -- ???" # as well as blank lines that mark the end of a # section clstype = re.match(r"-+\+-+ type -- (\w+)", line) if clstype: _info["{0}_type".format(armed)] = # yes, keep armed, for super's parameters elif line == "": armed = False else: try: c = re.match(r"=+ class == (.+)", line).group(1) c = c.strip() if c in self.watched_classes: armed = c # the next lines just say # "parameter | value" # "-----------|------" # ignore them next(lines_iter) next(lines_iter) except AttributeError: # not the start of a new class view, that's ok pass try: mhd_type = _info["ggcm_mhd_fld_mhd_type"] _info["ggcm_mhd_fld_mhd_type_str"] = MHD_TYPES[mhd_type] except (IndexError, KeyError): _info["ggcm_mhd_fld_mhd_type_str"] = "UNKNOWN" = _info @staticmethod def _parse_value(s): """Parse a parameter and infer its type Parameters: s (str): the value of a libmrc parameter Returns: Either an int, float, string, or list of mixed types as inferred by the data """ try: return int(s) except ValueError: pass try: return float(s) except ValueError: pass s = s.strip() if re.match(r"\-?[\d\.]+(\s*,\s*\-?[\d\.]+)+", s): l = s.split(",") for i, s in enumerate(l): try: l[i] = int(s) except ValueError: try: l[i] = float(s) except ValueError: l[i] = s.strip() return np.array(l) elif re.match(r"[A-Za-z\d\.\-]+(\s*:\s*[A-Za-z\d\.\-]+)+", s): return s.split(":") else: return s @classmethod def _parse_param(cls, s): """Parse a libmrc view output line Parameters: s (str): full line of a parameter in the view Raises ValueError: If there is > 1 '|' character in s """ key, val = [part.strip() for part in s.split("|")] val = cls._parse_value(val) return key, val
[docs] def unload(self, **kwargs): = {} super(GGCMLogFile, self).unload(**kwargs)
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