Source code for viscid.readers.ggcm_xdmf
import os
import re
from viscid import grid
from viscid.readers import xdmf
from viscid.readers import openggcm
[docs]class GGCMFileXDMF(openggcm.GGCMFile, xdmf.FileXDMF): # pylint: disable=abstract-method
"""File type for GGCM style convenience stuff
read_log_file (bool): search for a log file to load some of the
libmrc runtime parameters. This does not read parameters
from all libmrc classes, but can be customized with
watched_classes`. Defaults to False for performance.
_detector = r"^\s*(.*)\.(p[xyz]_[0-9]+|3d|3df)" \
# you can override this in your viscidrc file with:
# "readers.ggcm_xdmf.GGCMFileXDMF.assume_mhd_crds": true
# BUT, usually XDMF files have enough meta data so this isn't necessary,
# and then one day, you'll be trying to load a non-magnetosphere file,
# and be confused when the axes are flipped
assume_mhd_crds = False
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if 'assume_mhd_crds' in kwargs:
self.assume_mhd_crds = kwargs['assume_mhd_crds']
kwargs['assume_mhd_crds'] = self.assume_mhd_crds
super(GGCMFileXDMF, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod
def group_fnames(cls, fnames):
"""Group File names
The default implementation just returns fnames, but some file
types might do something fancy here
fnames (list): names that can be logically grouped, as in
a bunch of file names that are different time steps
of a given run
A list of things that can be given to the constructor of
this class
return openggcm.group_ggcm_files_common(cls._detector, fnames)
[docs] @classmethod
def collective_name_from_group(cls, fnames):
fname0 = fnames[0]
basename = os.path.basename(fname0)
run = re.match(cls._detector, basename).group(1)
fldtype = re.match(cls._detector, basename).group(2)
new_basename = "{0}.{1}.STAR.xdmf".format(run, fldtype)
return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fname0), new_basename)
[docs] def load(self, fname):
if not isinstance(fname, list):
fname = [fname]
if len(fname) > 1:
self._collection = fname
self._collection = None
# HACKY- setting dirname is done in super().load, but we
# need it to read the log file, which needs to happen before
# parsing since it sets flags for data transformation and
# all that stuff
_fname = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(fname[0]))
basename = os.path.basename(_fname)
self.set_info('run', re.match(self._detector, basename).group(1))
self.dirname = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(_fname))
super(GGCMFileXDMF, self).load(fname[0])
def _parse(self):
if self._collection is not None:
# assume we have a collection of temporal files, because why not
data_temporal = self._make_dataset(self, dset_type="temporal",
for fname in self._collection:
self._parse_file(fname, data_temporal)
# grids = self._parse_file(fname, data_temporal)
# for _grid in grids:
# data_temporal.add(_grid)
super(GGCMFileXDMF, self)._parse()
# now this is a wicked hack :(
if self.find_info('basetime', default=None) is None:
timestr = self._child_files[0].find_item('openggcm*/time_str')
basetime, _ = self.parse_timestring(timestr.decode())
except (KeyError, ValueError):
# if no basetime found, then use the special no dip tilt time
# this is a selfish hack in that old files that I saved
# will usually use this as basetime
basetime = openggcm.GGCM_NO_DIPTILT
self.set_info("basetime", basetime)
[docs]class GGCMIonoFileXDMF(GGCMFileXDMF): # pylint: disable=abstract-method
"""Ionosphere Files"""
_detector = r"^\s*(.*)\.(iof)(?:\.([0-9]{6}))?\.(xmf|xdmf)\s*$"
_iono = True
_grid_type = grid.Grid
[docs]class GGCMAncFileXDMF(GGCMFileXDMF): # pylint: disable=abstract-method
"""Ancillary files; usually, these files have already been
converted to GSE"""
_detector = r"^\s*(.*)\.(mp_info|topo)(?:\.([0-9]{6}))?\.(xmf|xdmf)\s*$"
_grid_type = grid.Grid