viscid.grid module

Grids contain fields and coordinates

class viscid.grid.Grid(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: viscid.tree.Node

Computational grid container

Grids contain fields and coordinates. Datasets recurse to grids using __getitem__ and get_field in order to find fields. Grids can also calculate fields by defining _get_* methods.

Attributes can be overridden globally to affect all data reads of a given grid type. Subclasses of Grid document their own special attributes. For example, one can change the default vector layout with:

viscid.grid.Grid.force_vector_layout = LAYOUT_INTERLACED

force all vectors to be of a certain layout when they’re created (default: LAYOUT_DEFAULT)


If True, then when a field is cached, it must be explicitly removed from memory with “clear_cache” or using the ‘with’ statemnt. If False, “shell copies” of fields are made so that memory is freed when the returned instance is garbage collected. Default: False


Note: in XDMF reader, the grid will NOT have crds when adding fields, so any grid crd transforms won’t be set


clear the cache on all child fields

field_dict(fld_names=None, **kwargs)[source]

fields as dict of {name: field}

fields = None
force_vector_layout = 'none'
geometry_info = None
get_crd_cc(axis, shaped=False)[source]

returns a flat ndarray of coordinates along a given axis axis can be crd name as string, or index, as in x==2, y==1, z==2

get_crd_ec(axis, shaped=False)[source]

returns a flat ndarray of coordinates along a given axis axis can be crd name as string, or index, as in x==2, y==1, z==2

get_crd_fc(axis, shaped=False)[source]

returns a flat ndarray of coordinates along a given axis axis can be crd name as string, or index, as in x==2, y==1, z==2

get_crd_nc(axis, shaped=False)[source]

returns a flat ndarray of coordinates along a given axis axis can be crd name as string, or index, as in x==2, y==1, z==2

get_crds_cc(axes=None, shaped=False)[source]

returns all cell centered coords as a list of ndarrays, flat if shaped==False, or shaped if shaped==True

get_crds_ec(axes=None, shaped=False)[source]

returns all edge centered coords as a list of ndarrays, flat if shaped==False, or shaped if shaped==True

get_crds_fc(axes=None, shaped=False)[source]

returns all face centered coords as a list of ndarrays, flat if shaped==False, or shaped if shaped==True

get_crds_nc(axes=None, shaped=False)[source]

returns all node centered coords as a list of ndarrays, flat if shaped==False, or shaped if shaped==True

get_field(fldname, time=None, force_longterm_caches=False, slc=Ellipsis)[source]
get_time(*args, **kwargs)[source]
get_times(*args, **kwargs)[source]
iter_field_items(fld_names=None, **kwargs)[source]

iterate over fields in a grid, if fld_names is given, it should be a list of field names to iterate over

iter_fields(fld_names=None, **kwargs)[source]

iterate over fields in a grid, if fld_names is given, it should be a list of field names to iterate over

iter_times(*args, **kwargs)[source]
longterm_field_caches = False
nr_times(*args, **kwargs)[source]
static null_transform(something)[source]
print_tree(depth=-1, prefix='')[source]
to_dataframe(fld_names=None, selection=Ellipsis, time_sel=slice(None, None, None), time_col='time', datetime_col='datetime')[source]

Consolidate grid’s field data into pandas dataframe

  • fld_names (sequence, None) – grab specific fields by name, or None to grab all fields
  • selection (selection) – for selecting only parts of fields


topology_info = None