viscid.readers.ascii module

super simple reader for gnuplot-like 1d ascii data WARNING: not lazy

Fields are named “c%d” where %d is the column number. Numbers are 0 based, but the first column is interpreted as coordinates, so the first field is column 1 in the file and the grid.

class viscid.readers.ascii.FileASCII(fname, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: viscid.readers.vfile.VFile

open an ascii file with viscid format, or if not specified, assume it’s in gnuplot format, gnuplot format not yet specified

class viscid.readers.ascii.FileNDASCII(fname, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: viscid.readers.vfile.VFile

Read ascii files with the following format:

NDim: <NDimensions> Nfields: <NFields> <Axis Name> <Axis Dtype> <Crd data as space separated values> # … repeat for the remaining axes <Field Name> <Field Dtype> <Field as space separated values with last axis as fastest index> # … repeat for the remaining fields