viscid.readers.numpy_binary module

simple reader that tries to understand a numpy binary npz file WARNING: not lazy Current working assumption is that all fields in an npz file share the same grid

class viscid.readers.numpy_binary.FileNumpyNPZ(fname, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: viscid.readers.vfile.VFile

open an ascii file with viscid format, or if not specified, assume it’s in gnuplot format, gnuplot format not yet specified

save(fname=None, **kwargs)[source]

save an instance of VFile, fname defaults to the name of the file object as read

classmethod save_fields(fname, flds, **kwargs)[source]

save some fields using the format given by the class

class viscid.readers.numpy_binary.NPZDataWrapper(fname, loc)[source]

Bases: viscid.readers.vfile.DataWrapper


only ask for this if you really need it; can be a speed problem for large temporal datasets over sshfs

fname = None
loc = None
read_direct(*args, **kwargs)[source]

only ask for this if you really need it; can be a speed problem for large temporal datasets over sshfs

wrap_func(func_name, *args, **kwargs)[source]