viscid.readers.psc module

class viscid.readers.psc.PscFieldFile(fname, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: viscid.readers.xdmf.FileXDMF

class viscid.readers.psc.PscGrid(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: viscid.grid.Grid

d_i = 1.0
downscale = 0
class viscid.readers.psc.PscParticles(path, step)[source]

Bases: object

viscid.readers.psc.make_fname(path, step, pfx='p')[source]
viscid.readers.psc.open_psc_file(path, step, pfx='p')[source]

WARNING: using this goes around the file bucket, be careful not to call this twice on the same file. Nothing bad will happen, you’ll just have 2 versions in memory.